FYI: Lessloss Blackground Power Base - a filter for atmospheric radiation noise

Have you received your Speaker Base yet? My ComDevs should arrive Friday.
Hi MacF, our Speaker Base arrived on Friday, but the cables were shipped separately and arrived yesterday. Hopefully we will be to set it up today and will report back. We've already moved the ComDevs' to the speaker crossover input in anticipation :)
Good morning AudioBear...Looking forward to hearing from you add the Speaker Bade. I will let you know my impressions of the ComDevs this weekend. Perhaps it may be helpful to try the Speaker Base without the ComDevs first, so you have a better feel for what the the SB is doing? MacF
Match Made In Heaven!

Hello AudioBear...I installed the ComDevs last night & have been listening to various tracks this morning. To use a photographic illustration as a simple analogy, the image on the left looks nice, right? Exposure is correct, image is clean & detailed. However, when we add a polarizing filter, the same image on the right simply pops! Colors are richer, there's greater width, height & depth. The image feels more immersive. Combined with the LessLoss gear, the ComDevs are highly effective at snapping into focus a more cohesive & revealing soundstage. Extremely pleased with the improvements to the sound quality!

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Good morning AudioBear...Looking forward to hearing from you add the Speaker Base. I will let you know my impressions of the ComDevs this weekend. Perhaps it may be helpful to try the Speaker Base without the ComDevs first, so you have a better feel for what the the SB is doing? MacF
MacF I have not forgotten, but life intervened and I've not had much chance to listen. I certainly agree with your comments on a brief listen... but hopefully I will have some more to say in a few days when I've had a chance to listen properly.
Hi MacF, maybe better late than never? ... again I am no writer, but here goes:

As mentioned in a previous post we really liked the LessLoss x 10 Power base even though it took some time to burn-in in our system, perhaps because it was not near the source equipment. Adding the LessLoss x8 Speaker base (again not near source equipment) was much more of the same, more details, better separation and less grain and grit. On old Bix Biederbecke & Frankie Trumbauer (Bix & Tram) recordings, we hear more of the little details we had not really heard before and a fuller tone to the instruments. So much so it sounded like a much more modern recording than these ‘historic’ restorations usually sound.

However, it also felt like we were listening to these details and missing something of the music flow… enter the LessLoss C-MARC Classic Entropic Process power cable for the Power Base replacing the supplied LessLoss C-MARC Classic Prime power cable. We felt this ‘Entropic’ power cable, after some more burn in (maybe 50 hrs), brought the whole sound back together, where we had both the rich detail and the musical flow. Needless to say we would strongly recommend, as others have, this power cable upgrade.

So then we add in the Boenicke ComDev: As before over a few days it brings a sort of 3D pop to the sound which we like. So what do you end up with? Less grain, less grit, less glare, a richer sound with more unforced details, to us at least a more musical and enjoyable experience. As ever YMMV…
Hi MacF, I don't really have any more info over my previous email. We like the sound, how about you?
I ordered a 2nd CMARC jumper to run parallel from Speaker Base to Power Base. Louis says I may hear further improvement but not as dramatic obviously, as 2 Single Channel Speaker Bases. When I try to describe my listening impressions, I always refer back to the photographic analogy comparing the same image with & without a polarizing filter on the lens. The image on the left is a nice well executed photograph however, the image on the right with a polarizing filter simply pops & draws you in at the same time.1688383836400.jpeg
Match Made In Heaven!

Hello AudioBear...I installed the ComDevs last night & have been listening to various tracks this morning. To use a photographic illustration as a simple analogy, the image on the left looks nice, right? Exposure is correct, image is clean & detailed. However, when we add a polarizing filter, the same image on the right simply pops! Colors are richer, there's greater width, height & depth. The image feels more immersive. Combined with the LessLoss gear, the ComDevs are highly effective at snapping into focus a more cohesive & revealing soundstage. Extremely pleased with the improvements to the sound quality!

View attachment 111515

The photo analogy is interesting. I am not sure which image I prefer. Which looks more like what one sees when out on that road with his unfiltered senses? They are surely quite different. I use sunglasses when out sailing to protect my eyes. The polarized lenses create higher contrast just like in these photos. They cut reduce glare and make colors more vibrant. Things do indeed pop out more because contrasts are enhanced, also details are enhanced beyond what the natural conditions would suggest to unfiltered eyes.

I experimented with power filters and acoustic treatments, and they altered the sound in a way similar to what is happening in these two photographs. Contrast was enhanced, but nuance was lost. The sound certainly changed, but I ultimately found it to sound less natural or lifelike. The question is which seems more pleasant and/or realistic to the individual listener. The image on the right seems artificial to me. The traffic sign and white pick up truck pop out too much. Are clouds really that white and is the sky really that blue? I actually see more detail on that fence by the truck and in the shadows. In terms of music, I prefer the nuance and unenhanced sound where certain details drawn attention to themselves. I prefer more balance. I played around a lot with "Light Room" when editing sports images. It was very easy to go too far toward the unnatural.
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It's all so subjective isn't it. In the end, I rely on my ears. I'll chime in again if I feel the 2nd jumper between the 2 boxes adds anything. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Happy 4th!
The image on the left is a nice well executed photograph however, the image on the right with a polarizing filter simply pops & draws you in at the same time.View attachment 112674

I prefer the unpolarized image on the left. It looks more natural to me. (I used to develop and print Plus-X and Tri-X and Cibachrome at school and in a darkroom at home).

I agree with Peter that this is an interesting analogy to our audio discussions.
I prefer the unpolarized image on the left. It looks more natural to me. (I used to develop and print Plus-X and Tri-X and Cibachrome at school and in a darkroom at home).

I agree with Peter that this is an interesting analogy to our audio discussions.
Interesting! I totally get how 2 individuals may have a completely different reaction, or attraction, to the same thing. For me, I feel more compelled to go to the location of the image on the right. It's more inviting. I am a visual person first, which may explain why the photographic analogy resonated with me. So, as I struggle to find words that haven't been overused, I will simply settle for, "To my ears, this change is for the better!" And I'm referring to my previous posts about LessLoss, Boenicke, as well as copper > fiber conversion.
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Indeed interesting, it is always so difficult when dealing with terms as naming or describing things is very hard and very subjective. Certainly, we don't think the sound was artificial or etched in any way, perhaps the exact opposite (MacF may agree?). In our experience, many of the LessLoss products seem to have a knack of offering more detail, but not at the expense of sounding brighter or etched in any way. This LessLoss trait is regularly commented upon online. It seems maybe it is lowering the noise floor and thus allowing more details to emerge, rather than say an emphasis on leading edge transients? We think it more natural and musical to our ears, in our room and in our system. Whether it suits you, your room or your system is of course a completely different matter :)

MacF I don't know about the copper->fiber->copper system you are mention. We use a GigaFOILv4-INLINE Ethernet Filter with a decent power supply (MRCU) between a Roon server and our Streamer/Reclocker.
I have had plenty of experience with EtherRegen, ext. clock as well as Network Acoustics ENO & MUON passive ethernet filters. All of which proved to be very effective when inserted between Synergistic switch & ROON endpoint. More so than in between Nucleus+ & SR switch. Eventually, I settled on the excellent MUON filter. Despite being passive, it sounded best of all to me. That is until I converted copper ethernet from Fios router to Synergistic switch. Remarkable difference & in no way thin or grainy sounding like some report. However, it wasn't until I actually removed the MUON in favor of fiber that I realized it was no longer adding anything appreciable to the fiber tweak. Now there is a MUON Pro that may be worth trying. Always a good feeling to get rid of another power supply. Network Acoustics is a great little company with excellent products & customer service. My fiber conversion consists of 2 Sonore opticalModules Deluxe (can substitute an inexpensive FMC on the untreated or dirt side), Each OMD is on a decent Teddy Pardo power supply, several different recommended pairs of Finisar SFP transceivers (based on user feedback), Corning multi-mode & single mode fiber patch cables & an excellent SR ethernet cable into Gold Note Integrated. Easy to try this inexpensively before you upgrade FMC's to opticalModules, power supplies & more expensive transceivers. I'm still evaluating the best combination for my system, but the results are a revelation.

My early impressions of the Blackground 10x Power Base...
Yes I am enjoying the LLBG10x very much. Most notably it's much easier to imagine the room in which the recording was made. This may be attributed to more precise layering of instruments & vocals and that lends itself to a deepening of the soundstage. Enhanced reverb adds to decay lingering longer. PB also creates a more revealing stereo presentation. I'm now able to hear details in my favorite tracks that I never heard before. Finally, and perhaps the first thing I noticed, bass from the REL became dominant and had to be backed down, however, the subwoofer sounded more nuanced and musical. In short, these changes were not subtle at all and improved SQ beyond my expectations. I'm not exaggerating when I say I'm gobsmacked!
My early impressions of the LessLoss Blackground 8x Dual Cannel Speaker Base
We'll, I must admit I wasn't prepared for how much the Blackground 8x Dual Channel Speaker Base would contribute to the already spectacular 10x Power Base. From the moment I heard the first track, I knew I was in for treat. It's as if you're able to reach out and hold each note & vocal in your hands. Never has the listening experience felt so tactile. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to pick up my jaw from off the floor!
I just purchased and i'm awaiting shipping of the Blackground 10x Power Base and the Blackground 8x Speaker Base and appreciate your comments and impressions and i'm looking forward to having my own ear opening experiences soon. Those guys at LessLoss are really on to something. All the products I have put in my system so far have consistently raised the bar on musical enjoyment and made me wish I had been introduced to their products years ago. I could have saved myself a lot of frustration and $.
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I just purchased and i'm awaiting shipping of the Blackground 10x Power Base and the Blackground 8x Speaker Base and appreciate your comments and impressions and i'm looking forward to having my own ear opening experiences soon. Those guys at LessLoss are really on to something. All the products I have put in my system so far have consistently raised the bar on musical enjoyment and made me wish I had been introduced to their products years ago. I could have saved myself a lot of frustration and $.
That's great! I'm a big fan of LL myself.

In fact, I'm contemplating trading some pricey, but very nice sounding, Synergistic Research speaker cables for LessLoss Entropic speaker cables & jumpers. I have not heard them in my system before, but nothing I've purchased from LL has disappointed me.

Today may be last day of an early bird discount on the brand new LessLoss Stellar power cable. I jumped on it & traded the complimentary LL Prime power cable that came with the Power Base along with a Classic Entropic PC for 2 newly released Stellar cables. I think the Firewalls for Loudspeakers & 640x Entropic power modules are very effective as well.

The LL speaker cables are likely to compliment the other LessLoss gear. Just emailed them asking if, like the new flagship power cable, there is a new speaker cable coming out that I should wait for.

Back to the Power & Speaker Bases, the enhanced spatial presentation will blow your mind! Reverb & long lingering decays are hallmarks giving you a more realistic sense of the studio, hall or venue where the recording took place.

Yet, the center image remains well preserved along with more precise locations on stage for the musicians, resulting in a noticeably deeper soundstage. Someone else said it's like "you can see the other side of the note."

That resonated because for me the effect is like going from great seats in the house to a prime spot on stage with the band awaiting your next solo. Very tactile! It's as if I‘m able to reach out & hold each note in my hand.

I suppose that's what people mean when they say they experience a more emotional connection to the music.

I'd be interested in hearing your impressions of those wooden boxes after they settle in.

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Funny you should mention contemplating a trade of your pricey Synergistic Research speaker cable for an Entropic pair.
Thats exactly what I did! ... I changed out a pair of $17k Galileo SX for the Entropic and have not regretted my decision for one second.
I had a full loom of the top Synergistic Research interconnects too and am in the process of replacing them all with LessLoss Entropic.
I"ll take a break and then do the PC's...and replace them with Stellars.
Thanks for the additional comments.. I'm sure I'll have more to say about those wooden boxes soon enough.
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Funny you should mention contemplating a trade of your pricey Synergistic Research speaker cable for an Entropic pair.
Thats exactly what I did! ... I changed out a pair of $17k Galileo SX for the Entropic and have not regretted my decision for one second.
I had a full loom of the top Synergistic Research interconnects too and am in the process and replacing them all with LessLoss Entropic
I"ll take a break and then do the PC's...and replace them with Stellars.
Thanks for the additional comments.. I'm sure I'll have more to say about those wooden boxes soon enough.
Yes, my system is SR centric also. Cables are one level below yours. I like their products because most deliver on the promise. However, I'm very pleased with Louis Motek's LesLoss designs.

He goes about solving real world problems in a different way, risking ridicule from the naysayers (who in all likelihood, have never tried his products) proclaiming him a peddler of VooDoo Snakeoil!

Looking forward to the Stellars & very likely the LL Entropic speaker cables. Have to wait & see what The Cable Co can do with the trade-in of SR Euphoria SX gear + frequent flyer miles.
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