FYI: Lessloss Blackground Power Base - a filter for atmospheric radiation noise

I just purchased and i'm awaiting shipping of the Blackground 10x Power Base and the Blackground 8x Speaker Base and appreciate your comments and impressions and i'm looking forward to having my own ear opening experiences soon. Those guys at LessLoss are really on to something. All the products I have put in my system so far have consistently raised the bar on musical enjoyment and made me wish I had been introduced to their products years ago. I could have saved myself a lot of frustration and $.
Hi DeYoung, we think you are going to like them quite a lot! We also wish we'd discovered LessLoss many years ago, we've yet to buy one of their products that did not make our system sound better. In addition to the Blackground 10x Power Base & the Blackground 8x Speaker Base, we have their mains cables, mains Firewall 640X's, Speaker Firewalls, interconnects and speaker cables, all very good ;-) Plus they have a great upgrade policy!
... The LL speaker cables are likely to compliment the other LessLoss gear. Just emailed them asking if, like the new flagship power cable, there is a new speaker cable coming out that I should wait for...
MacF, we have just upgraded one of our LessLoss mains cables to the new LessLoss C-MARC Stellar Entropic mains cable in their 'Early Bird' offer. Can't wait to try it out!
Hi DeYoung, we think you are going to like them quite a lot! We also wish we'd discovered LessLoss many years ago, we've yet to buy one of their products that did not make our system sound better. In addition to the Blackground 10x Power Base & the Blackground 8x Speaker Base, we have their mains cables, mains Firewall 640X's, Speaker Firewalls, interconnects and speaker cables, all very good ;-) Plus they have a great upgrade policy!
AudioBear...Thanks for the comments. Its always good to hear from other LessLoss users as its the best way to make sound purchasing decisions and get real live info on the experiences they have had. I've been so impressed with one thing about LessLoss products...There ability to make me forget about the "sound" and the "system"... and relax and let go as the tension that always seemed to dog my system has vanished, and I can just sit back and enjoy the music without any effort.
I'm all in... and hope to have a full loom(Interconnects & PC's) to add to the mix soon. ( the sooner.. the better)
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Yes, my system is SR centric also. Cables are one level below yours. I like their products because most deliver on the promise. However, I'm very pleased with Louis Motek's LesLoss designs.

He goes about solving real world problems in a different way, risking ridicule from the naysayers (who in all likelihood, have never tried his products) proclaiming him a peddler of VooDoo Snakeoil!

Looking forward to the Stellars & very likely the LL Entropic speaker cables. Have to wait & see what The Cable Co can do with the trade-in of SR Euphoria SX gear + frequent flyer miles.
I went ahead an ordered a 2m pair of LessLoss. C-marc Entropic speaker cables from The Cable Co because they honored the trade in of the Synergistic Euphoria SX speaker cable plus frequent flyer miles. And, since the SR cable was internally bi-wired, I ordered 2 pairs of custom Entropic jumpers directly from LessLoss along with 2 of their newly released Stellar power cables.

In a previous post I inadvertently failed to accurately describe Louis' experience with bi-wiring speakers. He recommends a very interesting & potentially exciting method of connecting 2 Firewalls (4 total per speaker) in series per channel to the low end speaker posts and the jumpers to the high end. His professional opinion on bi-wiring is that it does not provide an appreciable improvement to the SQ.

This allows for the full benefit of 2 Firewalls in series per channel for each speaker. He feels this configuration will produce more notable improvements than actual bi-wiring.

As for your French boutique cables, isn't it gratifying on a number of levels to discover a superior product at real world prices, relatively speaking of course. Nothing like supporting the little guy in my opinion!

They feel that every enthusiast, no matter their financial resources, should have an opportunity to enjoy the very best!

Several small, innovative companies I've come to trust, enjoy & with superior customer service include LessLoss, Townshend (Seismic Podiums), Network Acoustics (ENO & Muon ethernet filters), Boenicke for ComDevs, Small Green Computer & Sonore (optical conversion), Verifi Audio (Puron mains conditioning plug-ins & Swiss Digital Fuse Box).

You learn something new everyday with this hobby!


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I went ahead an ordered a 2m pair of LessLoss. C-marc Entropic speaker cables from The Cable Co because they honored the trade in of the Synergistic Euphoria SX speaker cable plus frequent flyer miles. And, since the SR cable was internally bi-wired, I ordered 2 pairs of custom Entropic jumpers directly from LessLoss along with 2 of their newly released Stellar power cables.

In a previous post I inadvertently failed to accurately describe Louis' experience with bi-wiring speakers. He recommends a very interesting & potentially exciting method of connecting 2 Firewalls (4 total per speaker) in series per channel to the low end speaker posts and the jumpers to the high end. His professional opinion on bi-wiring is that it does not provide an appreciable improvement to the SQ.

This allows for the full benefit of 2 Firewalls in series per channel for each speaker. He feels this configuration will produce more notable improvements than actual bi-wiring.

As for your French boutique cables, isn't it gratifying on a number of levels to discover a superior product at real world prices, relatively speaking of course. Nothing like supporting the little guy in my opinion!

They feel that every enthusiast, no matter their financial resources, should have an opportunity to enjoy the very best!

Several small, innovative companies I've come to trust, enjoy & with superior customer service include LessLoss, Townshend (Seismic Podiums), Network Acoustics (ENO & Muon ethernet filters), Boenicke for ComDevs, Small Green Computer & Sonore (optical conversion), VerafiAudio (Puron mains conditioning plug-ins & Swiss Digital Fuse Box).

You learn something new everyday with this hobby!


Mac F...If your experiences are anything like mine when I went from SR Galileo SX to LL Entropic speaker cables you are in for a real treat.
IMO, the LL entropic cables are just better at convening more of the important sonic information that gives reproduced music the realism that makes for a far more enjoyable and emotional listening experience. Even with the dubious gimmicks,techno babble and marketing hype, the SR cables fail the test in comparison. I could not be happier knowing I wont have to spend exorbitant amounts for good sounds anymore.
Mac F...If your experiences are anything like mine when I went from SR Galileo SX to LL Entropic speaker cables you are in for a real treat.
IMO, the LL entropic cables are just better at convening more of the important sonic information that gives reproduced music the realism that makes for a far more enjoyable and emotional listening experience. Even with the dubious gimmicks,techno babble and marketing hype, the SR cables fail the test in comparison. I could not be happier knowing I wont have to spend exorbitant amounts for good sounds anymore.
Can‘t wait! Placed the order this morning for the speaker cables. Installed two 640x’s in series just behind my Gold Note integrated & will spend time with this configuration. So I no longer have a 640x behind the LPS for the Nucleus+. It’s with mixed feelings I trade the SR Euphoria SX’s in. I think they may have been smack in the middle of SR’s sweet spot as far as price/performance ratio goes. No doubt whatsoever I will be ecstatic over the C-Marc Entropics. I am currently bi-wiring the Totems so I’m Interested in trying the method for connecting each pair (2 pair/speaker) of the Loudspeaker Firewalls in series to the low end speaker binding posts and running matching custom jumpers to the high end posts.
I wanted to share with you an email I received from Louis at LessLoss...In a previous message I sent to him, I expressed to him how thankful i was that I had found his company and his products.
I received the following reply...

"We, likewise, are happy to have made the connection with you.
There’s a saying: "when the student is ready the teacher appears." I believe LessLoss draws to itself those audiophiles who are on the cusp of great truths, who’ve suffered too long with a vision that simply never gets remotely satisfied by the usual offerings. And as such, our 20+ years of serious, tireless research and efforts come crashing down to those special few who, suddenly, realize upon first hearing, that we’re finally getting ‘there,’ and that the ‘there’ is for the first time mutually comprehended, that it’s TRUE the world was in err, that all those adolescent attempts were in fact mere coloration's and side tracks, and only now, finally, we join forces, buyer and seller, to go further than ever into true depth and resolve, to dig up the soul buried in those great tracks, laid down with such genuine sincerity and effort."

This reinforces my already high opinion of him and has only increased my respect for the insights that have come from his inspiration and philosophy and the profound musical impression they have had on those who have discovered his products.
I wanted to share with you an email I received from Louis at LessLoss...In a previous message I sent to him, I expressed to him how thankful i was that I had found his company and his products.
I received the following reply...

"We, likewise, are happy to have made the connection with you.
There’s a saying: "when the student is ready the teacher appears." I believe LessLoss draws to itself those audiophiles who are on the cusp of great truths, who’ve suffered too long with a vision that simply never gets remotely satisfied by the usual offerings. And as such, our 20+ years of serious, tireless research and efforts come crashing down to those special few who, suddenly, realize upon first hearing, that we’re finally getting ‘there,’ and that the ‘there’ is for the first time mutually comprehended, that it’s TRUE the world was in err, that all those adolescent attempts were in fact mere coloration's and side tracks, and only now, finally, we join forces, buyer and seller, to go further than ever into true depth and resolve, to dig up the soul buried in those great tracks, laid down with such genuine sincerity and effort."

This reinforces my already high opinion of him and has only increased my respect for the insights that have come from his inspiration and philosophy and the profound musical impression they have had on those who have discovered his products.

Thanks for that! I’m not at all surprised by the thoughts Louis conveyed to you. Reading those words, it’s no wonder our emotional connection to the music runs deeper than before. That’s what LessLoss products do for me. I become transformed from that of an observer to a willing participant each time I listen to music that is rendered the LessLoss way.

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Receiving my BlackGround PowerBase 10x and SpeakerBase 8x with cables, today! :)
Really looking forward to having these pieces in the system. If my experience with other LL products is any indicator of what to expect, it
should be another ear opening experience. Glad to share my thoughts and impressions after extended listening.

Hopefully you have the ability to display the beautiful wooden boxes so they can be seen! Give the 10x Power base a good power cord, it makes a difference.

If you like what you hear, and I’m sure you will, Boenicke Audio makes something called ComDev that plays well with LessLoss and adds even more to the spatial presentation without sacrificing a precisely focused center image. They are similar sonically, but different tech.

Look under accessories on the Boenicke website. They cost around $1100/pair.

I will be intrigued to hear your impressions of the LessLoss gear.


Hopefully you have the ability to display the beautiful wooden boxes so they can be seen! Give the 10x Power base a good power cord, it makes a difference.

If you like what you hear, and I’m sure you will, Boenicke Audio makes something called ComDev that plays well with LessLoss and adds even more to the spatial presentation without sacrificing a precisely focused center image. They are similar sonically, but different tech.

Look under accessories on the Boenicke website. They cost around $1100/pair.

I will be intrigued to hear your impressions of the LessLoss gear.

Thanks, MacF, for the info on the Boenicke devices and the link to the review... I'll look in to those.

Yes... I've read the wood working on the panzerholtz enclosures used is very nice.
As far as placement of the LessLoss Power Base 10X ,which will make ground using a C-MARC Classic Entropic pc, it will be tucked away on the second shelve of my rack placed on top of my phono you'll just get a view of the front and sides. The Speaker Base 8x will, however, get to be seen in all its glory as it will sit on the top shelve of my other rack placed on top of my pre-amp , in full view.

Thanks, MacF, for the info on the Boenicke devices and the link to the review... I'll look in to those.

Yes... I've read the wood working on the panzerholtz enclosures used is very nice.
As far as placement of the LessLoss Power Base 10X ,which will make ground using a C-MARC Classic Entropic pc, it will be tucked away on the second shelve of my rack placed on top of my phono you'll just get a view of the front and sides. The Speaker Base 8x will, however, get to be seen in all its glory as it will sit on the top shelve of my other rack placed on top of my pre-amp , in full view.

You will be gobsmacked Dave!

Wish I could find a more suitable place visually for my 2 wooden boxes! Instead, I have them stacked on top of each other with LL Bindbreakers underneath on a lower shelf.

If you can resist the temptation to connect both boxes at the same time, it may be prudent to connect the Power Base first and let it settle in so you'll become familiar with what it adds before connecting the Speaker Base.

Takes a little while for the 10x to ramp up, however, the 8x will be apparent from the get-go as will the ComDevs. In reading about them, you notice the close relationship LL has with Boenicke. It's one of mutual admiration. Sven Boenicke incorporates some of Louis' technology in his speaker designs.

Here's another review of the ComDevs.

You will be gobsmacked Dave!

Wish I could find a more suitable place visually for my 2 wooden boxes! Instead, I have them stacked on top of each other with LL Bindbreakers underneath on a lower shelf.

If you can resist the temptation to connect both boxes at the same time, it may be prudent to connect the Power Base first and let it settle in so you'll become familiar with what it adds before connecting the Speaker Base.

Takes a little while for the 10x to ramp up, however, the 8x will be apparent from the get-go as will the ComDevs. In reading about them, you notice the close relationship LL has with Boenicke. It's one of mutual admiration. Sven Boenicke incorporates some of Louis' technology in his speaker designs.

Here's another review of the ComDevs.

Thanks for making an excellent point about adding each one at a time and pausing to get a full idea of whats happening before moving on.

Only been gobsmaked one other time... after i was married a few years did it fully and finally dawn on me what i had gotten myself into!
I'm currently waiting on a pair of LessLoss Entropic speaker cables, Entropic jumpers & 2 Stellar PC's.

My wife & I are going on 45yrs of bliss. She's the best thing that ever happened to me!
I'm currently waiting on a pair of LessLoss Entropic speaker cables, Entropic jumpers & 2 Stellar PC's.

My wife & I are going on 45yrs of bliss. She's the best thing that ever happened to me!
Congrats!... I'm working on 25 next year and I would'nt have had it any other way. Honestly?... One of the few really good decisions I've made in my 63 years.
Congrats!... I'm working on 25 next year and I would'nt have had it any other way. Honestly?... One of the few really good decisions I've made in my 63 years.
Well Dave, now you can add LessLoss to your list of really good decisions!
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Mac F...If your experiences are anything like mine when I went from SR Galileo SX to LL Entropic speaker cables you are in for a real treat.
IMO, the LL entropic cables are just better at convening more of the important sonic information that gives reproduced music the realism that makes for a far more enjoyable and emotional listening experience. Even with the dubious gimmicks,techno babble and marketing hype, the SR cables fail the test in comparison. I could not be happier knowing I wont have to spend exorbitant amounts for good sounds anymore.
Hello DeYoung,

The LessLoss entropic speaker cables arrived and I hooked them up 2 nights ago. Haven't had an opportunity to listen critically, but right out of the box I noticed the center image is mostly gone. I can distinctly hear both right & left speakers from their respective positions in the room, but focus in between speakers disappeared. I fully expected some break-in, however, I've never experienced this particular phenomenon in the past. Do you remember how the break-in went for you?


Hello DeYoung,

The LessLoss entropic speaker cables arrived and I hooked them up 2 nights ago. Haven't had an opportunity to listen critically, but right out of the box I noticed the center image is mostly gone. I can distinctly hear both right & left speakers from their respective positions in the room, but focus in between speakers disappeared. I fully expected some break-in, however, I've never experienced this particular phenomenon in the past. Do you remember how the break-in went for you?


Maybe out of phase? I've had no such problems with LessLoss speaker cable, even straight out of the box. True they go from OK to muddy, to bright etc but after about 48 hrs they are fine.

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