Gizmodo Visit With Mikey


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
New York City
I've never seen that many photos of his room. It's pretty interesting.

Reviewing a $350,000 system in that room is like having the opportunity is kiss a super model on the lips and opt for a hug and peck on the cheek instead. What a mess!

Might as well do the review in a hotel room. It wouldn't sound any worse.

These are the first photos I've seen of Mikey's room. I did not know it was that small. Certainly not the most ideal environment to review large speakers in.

Hard to believe he didn't tidy up before he had someone over. Especially if they are going to take pictures.
Many people say it sounds good... (his room)

His room looks like trash though Myles. His wife and/or guests probably don't set foot in there :)

Don't you think a dedicated reviewing space is (or can be) a little different from a showcase/dealer or lower turnover consumer listening room?

After all, It's his work space. I suspect with as much equipment that comes in and out (for any reviewer with High flow/turnaround) it can get hectic, and possibly stay that way, at times.

Given the turnover some of these reviewers (in general) go through, it's not always pretty. Personally, I'd take a less than beautified room with excellent sound than one that's easy on the eyes but mediocre.

It would be good to have both but I'm just saying...

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I've never seen that many photos of his room. It's pretty interesting.

Reviewing a $350,000 system in that room is like having the opportunity is kiss a super model on the lips and opt for a hug and peck on the cheek instead. What a mess!

Might as well do the review in a hotel room. It wouldn't sound any worse.


Have you heard this room? Suddenly you can now tell how anybody's room sounds based on how it looks?

Don't you think a dedicated reviewing space is (or can be) a little different from a showcase/dealer or lower turnover consumer listening room?

After all, It's his work space. I suspect with as much equipment that comes in and out (for any reviewer with High flow/turnaround) it can get hectic, and possibly stay that way, at times.

Given the turnover some of these reviewers (in general) go through it's not always pretty. Personally, Id take a less than beautified room with excellent sound than one that's easy on the eyes but mediocre.

It would be good to have both but I'm just saying...


I don't disagree with you. I'm sure most of us have had pretty messy rooms BUT when someone comes to do a write up of you and your room, I was simply nonplussed at how it was shown to the readers.
I don't disagree with you. I'm sure most of us have had pretty messy rooms BUT when someone comes to do a write up of you and your room, I was simply nonplussed at how it was shown to the readers.

Understood. Somehow, I get the sense that he's pretty content with his "work space" and letting the folks see it in the natural environment isn't a big deal. I don't think there are many reviewers with that high of a workflow (especially if it's not photo- or video-centric) that would be content with such a thing.

Full disclosure. My room gets messy, about this messy...

room 2.jpg

room 1.jpg
Yes, I can. It's simple physics. He will have not have good bass in that room, no matter how expensive his turntables get.

Really? Well maybe you could do a workup of your simple physics and let us know what we should expect in that room since a single set of incomplete pictures is all you need to make an incredible statement such as that. This should be interesting...

I believe it's called "pride of ownership"

Agreed. But somehow I'm content to give these guys a break since they are turning equipment fairly rapidly and in this case it's not your typical listening room as we would use. I get it's messy but I guess I was looking past all that.

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