Yet still the Lampi DSD CRUSHED the DirectStream when ALrainbow and I spent a daty evaluating them in Summer 2014. AL owns an MSB Platinum stack with upgraded clocks (retail $35K), a Big7 dac, a Big7 HeadDac recently upgraded to the new R2R PCM, a Chord Hugo, a DirectStream, ad Audio GD Master 7 and a Mytek Stereo 192.
The Big7 and the MSB trounced the Hugo and the DStream in both PCM and DSD. DSD was a HUGE difference. Reportedly, the DS got 1 or 2 firmware upgrades since then that has improved performance, but AL tells me it STILL trails badly in DSD. Ted made a blunder, IMHO by keeping a common input and so PCM and DSD travels the same pathway. NOT good for the delicate DSD signal to go thru the FPGA. That is where I think jitter sensitivity matters. DSD hates "processing".
So yeah, upgraded clocks cant hurt, may help, but IMHO is NOT the obvious weak link in the DSD plkayback chain. In other words, there are lower hanging fruit in the good DSD playback chain and my ears confirm that.
In summary, I would love to hear what the clock mod would do, but I dont consider it the must have that you do and it certainly is not the panacea that will magically CURE DSD. Its not like Lampi DSD is broken...have you ever heard it?