I have come to regard these award shows as glorified advertising, but I think Bob did pretty well in his predictions overall.
It would have been nice to see Alan Arkin get something for 'Kominsky Method', but I haven't seen the competition.
Thanks Carl, that's generous. I sure tried from a mix of what I've seen and what I did not see.
And the main one I did not see yet ...
I'm not big on TV shows except for Chernobyl here.
Comes the Academy Oscars Steve is usually pretty good.
The Golden Globe Awards is a game I'm less familiar with and could be a little confusing in not only the gauge for future results but also in the overall behavior of its gladiators.
I'm learning by observing ...
I was curious so I Googled only once and that was my first entry (link ^ above) that came up within a second's fragmentation (high speed Ethernet), and exactly what I was looking for.
Now pretty much the only thing that remains for me is to see
I also want to see
A Hidden Life but more on a personal meditation level.
Because good films matter, important films, documentaries, wildlife documentaries, well researched TV series based on actual events (Chernobyl), ...all that good stuff for the brain, eyes, ears, food for the soul in the heavens. The music scores in Joker and in Chernobyl are no coincidence. Joker was on medication and the side effects are similar to be in the contaminated zone...way of film speech.
Who knows how those would fare @ the Oscars, only god knows (the collective voting).