Many thanks to Bruce for loaning the tapes,
there were so many great comments on those tapes at the show. At times the room would be packed and a line to get in, especially when I played one of the well known and popular titles.
People would not give up a seat through the entire tape.
Great video Peter you are always easy to work with and always ask the right questions to drive the conversation, must be the writer in you. I bet people don't know that all your videos are flat out impromptu, no rehearsal no script it's just 'go for what you know' time and Peter edits out the sticky bits. If you can't make it to a show it's a pretty cool way to experience the feel of it. Plus hearing straignt from the manufacturer about his product is like being there, you get his info and very important, you also see the system setup in his room, pretty cool.
Here I am putting one of Bruce's excelent tapes on the deck.
Our system in Newport 2012
Von Schweikert VR-44 prototype speakers and inexpensive Jolida electronics.
The electronics stack:
Jolida prototype Transport DAC price TBA
Jolida Fusion Preamp $1050
Jolida prototype amp, same design as the JD-1000 = $2400
Some rooms had interconnects that cost more than the amplification.
Pretty cool, we won an Audio Oasis Award from Positive Feedback Online too!
Not bad for cheap electronics I guess.