Harmonix thingies don’t get much attention in this forum, it seems.
I use a pair of TAD micro evolution 1 speakers, augmented by a vintage Velodyne dd12 sub (does the job).
Biwiring with vintage NBS monitor 1 speaker cable. Sat on their Orinal spikes and bases.
Impressive dynamics, clarity, detail.
A mechanical quality, less than fluid, a lack of emotion, fun. While the old Velo sub did it’s job up to 45Hz, the TADs seemed to lack body with voices, seeming anaemic.
I had a few Original stillpoints and stillpoints inverse risers here, so I put them between speaker stands and wooden floor.
Wow, fun was back big time, drama, excitement. Still some glare.
Following recommendations of the TAD community here I acquired Harmonix RF 999z million spike bases.
As I had not much confidence in the TAD spikes, I got some simple M6 steel spikes, too.
Initially bass suffered, flabby, lack of control. This got better.
Tonally some 24h later things got pretty pleasant, really nice.
Dynamics suffer. All is nicely nuanced, voices have expression, but …
there is a lack in macro dynamics. Lack of heft. All is too polite, too relaxed.
Seems to improve with time, though.
Folks here recommended Audio Replas rsi spikes to be the bees knees with TAD & Harmonix.
Not that cheap, neither.
Your experience with Harmonix spike bases? Wait some more time?