I finally remembered the TLs: it was TDL, an English company. I had a pair of their speakers promising f3 17Hz!! Not that I had much content so low 
QUOTE="christoph, post: 658707, member: 7611"]What amps did you try?
I had excellent results with Lamm M1.1 hybrids
I used Krell ksa 100 (An old, discontinued class A amp). I wanted to listen at concert levels
, regardless of the fact that the poor Scintillas couldn't do 120dB anyway! I ended up blowing fuses on the Krell and having to replace components on the speakers
-- but, what fun!
Plus I was the cool kid
QUOTE="christoph, post: 658707, member: 7611"]What amps did you try?
I had excellent results with Lamm M1.1 hybrids
I used Krell ksa 100 (An old, discontinued class A amp). I wanted to listen at concert levels
Plus I was the cool kid