In my own experience with my X260.8s, leaving them on 24/7 is completely unnecessary. It doesn’t take more than 30 minutes to maybe an hour for them to get to their warmed up sound. Turn them on when you get up in the morning if you’d rather. They are satisfyingly unfussy.
I hear you. Different strokes and all that. When I first get up is when I want to listen to them. Nothing like a quality pressing LP with that first cuppa. Life affirming.
Appropriate to possibly nothing, I just learned that part of the auto biasing logic takes into account heat fin temperature, so mono amps running at different temperatures could have different bias settings so different sound. I can’t speak to whether your nearly 3 degree difference is significant or not. Just an interesting side note.
My amps have been on 3 hours now. My Laser thermometer shows 109F on the fins. Room temperature is 70F. I play loud but the meters do not move. 20.8C room temp and 44C fin temp- 24C delta which is about the same as I saw on my previous X350 amp
My amps have been on 3 hours now. My Laser thermometer shows 109F on the fins. Room temperature is 70F. I play loud but the meters do not move. 20.8C room temp and 44C fin temp- 24C delta which is about the same as I saw on my previous X350 amp View attachment 143766
My amps have been on 3 hours now. My Laser thermometer shows 109F on the fins. Room temperature is 70F. I play loud but the meters do not move. 20.8C room temp and 44C fin temp- 24C delta which is about the same as I saw on my previous X350 amp View attachment 143766
I appreciate you noticing that. Those are the Isoacoustic Gaia footers sized for the weight of the DAW‘s. I had a set (smaller version) on my previous, Thiel CS6 speakers. The system is on a suspended wood floor. When the DAW‘s were on their spikes I could feel a lot of vibration in the floor. Knowing what the Isoacoustic Gaia‘s did for the Thiels I installed a set on the Wilson‘s to try. The Gaias do not completely isolate the speakers from the floor but they removed most of the vibration in the floor that I could feel with my feet. (Reference my posts in the vibration forum where you can see a video I did about the isolation on my amps. The floor still has vibration but mostly airborne now.) They clean up the bass and focus the imaging. The bass is still really strong and energizes my room. All pictures are secured to the walls with blue tac to keep them from buzzing. I believe the Iso footers absorb energy from the speaker cabinet, not just isolating the speakers from the floor. That was my experience with the Thiels: when I isolated them with springs, it was very effective but they still sounded better using the Iso Gaias.
I spoke to Wilson Audio about using the Gaia footers. They say their new Wilson acoustic diodes sound better. I do not doubt that but they are twice the price- and I had already purchased the Gaias.