The Q5s is still a great speaker by all means. But the M Project is just better, on all areas. The first thing who struck me was the resolution, it almost felt like there was too much going on in the top. But after 4 hour listening at avrage 95 dbs, we still were clear in our minds and had no feeling of listening fatique. The new tweeter is electrostat/planer like in its performance and is probably the best I have heard!
Yes, I took the trip. Back and fort on the same day. My dealer here in Norway gave me a ticket, the christmas came early this year.
Agree, a great shop and a charismatic, funny and down to earth owner. Great guy!
I really hope to hear them once. Unfortunately, Magico is not imported in the UAE, where I currently live.
Nice gesture of your dealer. But then, I guess he made a healthy profit on this sale ;-)