I’ve been using the same Discwasher SC1 stylus cleaning brush for decades now. With regular maintenance ( a good cleaning with soap and running water on the nylon bristles), I’ve never had a single problem and the diamond always looks pristine.
In place of the original fluid I use the one from Clearaudio.
Here’s a page from the instructions. I think they always used densely packed nylon bristles probably for the first time in a stylus cleaning device. This type of stylus cleaner is very common now, like the pfanstielh shown.You often find this type packed with new cartridges.
Ive been using Bluetac for years. Peter Ledermann approved. A few bucks for a lifetime supply.
I squash a dap on a quarter and use it for months.
An occasional rub renews the surface. I place the quarter on the platter and lower the stylus on it three times using only its own wt. Ledermann suggests repeating every side.
I use the old plastic magnifying lid of the Onzow to cover the quarter on my plinth which keeps the Bluetac clean. I also wipe off the platter every side.
I use a Degritter.