How do you clean your stylus?

I tried the DS Audio ST-50, Lyra, Mr Clean and Onzow. I haven’t had a problem with any of them but at the moment I use the DS Audio and the Mr Clean the most. I also use a 20x and a 30x light scope.

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I've tried them all and have done comparisons (checking with a 20x magnifier) and the only thing that was able to fully clean my stylus is the AT637 ultrasonic cleaner. I used just a brush, then just a brush with Audio Intelligent Stylus Fluid. Not much help. Then the Magic Eraser. Some more particles gone. Then the DS audio ST-50, still more but not "clean" by any measure. The AT637 got pretty much every trace of dirt/dust/gunk off my stylus. I've repeated this test many times and it's always the same. I assume the AT637 is safe but it does make me nervous but no issues in the 18 months I've used it.
My preferred approach is to keep my records clean, and then only use a brush on my stylus. Under magnification, the stylus looks good to me. And more importantly, it sounds like new.
I've tried them all and have done comparisons (checking with a 20x magnifier) and the only thing that was able to fully clean my stylus is the AT637 ultrasonic cleaner. I used just a brush, then just a brush with Audio Intelligent Stylus Fluid. Not much help. Then the Magic Eraser. Some more particles gone. Then the DS audio ST-50, still more but not "clean" by any measure. The AT637 got pretty much every trace of dirt/dust/gunk off my stylus. I've repeated this test many times and it's always the same. I assume the AT637 is safe but it does make me nervous but no issues in the 18 months I've used it.
I'd echo this, but using the Flux "ultrasonic" cleaner. I currently use a brush each side, and once per week the Flux. Previously I used Onzow in place of the brush. Checking under a microscope, only the Flux consistently removes everything. The Onzow would leave little "lumps" of stuff over time and the brush often leaves/adds(!) little bits of crud. The Flux always leaves it sparkly clean. Like you, I am also a little paranoid about long-term issues with the machine, but so far no issues. I would say that I don't really hear any change in sound quality between brush and Flux, but I definitely did with Onzow and Flux - the Onzow cleaned stylus would start to sound dull after a while and the Flux restored the sound. With the brush I feel it's "good enough" and the Flux is just for certainty.
My preferred approach is to keep my records clean, and then only use a brush on my stylus. Under magnification, the stylus looks good to me. And more importantly, it sounds like new.
That is very true. You can't overestimate how important it is to keep your records clean. When I had better access to ultrasonic vinyl cleaner my stylus required almost zero cleaning.
That is very true. You can't overestimate how important it is to keep your records clean. When I had better access to ultrasonic vinyl cleaner my stylus required almost zero cleaning.
I wish this were the case with me. Even with a Degritter in regular use, there is dirt on the stylus. I live near the ocean and it's windy and there's just no way to keep everything that spotless on a micro level.
I wish this were the case with me. Even with a Degritter in regular use, there is dirt on the stylus. I live near the ocean and it's windy and there's just no way to keep everything that spotless on a micro level.
For some time I lived near a highway. It was the same. Impossible to keep anything clean, but I would take the ocean over it any day :) Another thing that makes it harder is smoking/vaping in proximity. Greasy residue from them really sticks the dust to the stylus.
I wish this were the case with me. Even with a Degritter in regular use, there is dirt on the stylus. I live near the ocean and it's windy and there's just no way to keep everything that spotless on a micro level.
I also use a Degritter. My stylus looks pristine. I did start using Tergitol as recommended by @Neil.Antin recently, and I don't know if it'll make a difference. But the Degritter detergent followed by a rinse only clean-water cycle does. I doubt the ocean is depositing micro contaminants, but likely dust that you can see.
I also use a Degritter. My stylus looks pristine. I did start using Tergitol as recommended by @Neil.Antin recently, and I don't know if it'll make a difference. But the Degritter detergent followed by a rinse only clean-water cycle does. I doubt the ocean is depositing micro contaminants, but likely dust that you can see.
Degritter here too. Dirt still accumulates on the stylus over time, but yes, at a very much slower pace.
@bazelio @rDin Degritter looks like a great tool. I've been using friends' Audio Desk Pro before. Do you have any idea how they compare?

There is a Record Cleaning Forum. Read about Degritter and alternatives there.

Just bought a FluxHifi ultrasonic stylus cleaner, this thing works like a dream!

Not a bad price for 2 in 1 unit, cheaper than the HiFi Flux I use.

Not sure I would want my stylus sitting in all that liquid for that length of time. Even though the HiFi Flux does use liquid, it’s a very tiny amount of liquid and the stylus is sitting in it for a shorter time.
Having your stylus in all that liquid for that length of time sounds like a recipe for your tip falling off, but I am sure they have done plenty of testing before they put anything like that on the market. So, I guess it may be fine.
It seems like you'd both be putting the delicate cantilever on a surface to support the thing, and also plunging the likely-glued stylus into a water-and/or-solvent bath for a while under ultrasonics... I dunno. Seems incredibly unwise. (Certainly it'd be crazy to do with something that has the coils up at the stylus, like the AT-ART1000...)
Ive been using Bluetac for years. Peter Ledermann approved. A few bucks for a lifetime supply.
I squash a dap on a quarter and use it for months.
An occasional rub renews the surface. I place the quarter on the platter and lower the stylus on it three times using only its own wt. Ledermann suggests repeating every side.
I use the old plastic magnifying lid of the Onzow to cover the quarter on my plinth which keeps the Bluetac clean. I also wipe off the platter every side.
I use a Degritter.
I’ve been using the same Discwasher SC1 stylus cleaning brush for decades now. With regular maintenance ( a good cleaning with soap and running water on the nylon bristles), I’ve never had a single problem and the diamond always looks pristine.
In place of the original fluid I use the one from Clearaudio.

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