Meanwhile the ART88/108s have settled in, I do no longer hear any “teflon capacitor signature”, I have exchanged the supplied Gold Lions for Telefunkens in V1 and Amperex PQ in V2/V3 which do elevate performance, do sound more neutral, clear and extract more detail. I don’t notice any “golden glow” anymore. I still have KR KT88s on order to try.
Their soundstaging ability is uncanny, they throw the largest stage of any amps I ever owned before. Bass is not the tightest, nor the deepest, but very well defined, agile and dare I say natural. Plenty of slam / impact.
Speedwise they hold the middleground between the Atmaspheres and the KRs. They are clearer and more transparent then both of these. Tonally they are in between aswell, the Atmaspheres are brighter, the KRs darker.
They are just a delight to listen too, I can easily listen to them for 4-8 hours without any fatigue, very musical, very pleasant while rendering all the detail I need.
I am more then pleased with their performance and they’re staying. To be honest I did not expect too much of them prior to their arrival, was admittedly even thinking “another time waster”, but they managed to surprise me.