In Search of the Perfect Cup of Coffee in 28 Iterations

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
I have been a coffee snob my entire life always searching for the best cup of coffee. Many here have manual espresso machines and I envy you guys for that as I usually have only one cup of espresssoevery day, in the morning and it has to be perfect. Over the past 12-15 years I have had several iterations of Jura Capresso machines in my house, all of which have provided fabulous brews. I started initially with the J Series, then the S Series and most recently I have had a Z5 which has performed flawlessly. The Z series is now up to Z8 and I was tempted to move up in the Z series however I have been enamored over the past several years withJura's office version of their machines called the Giga X7 and Giga X9 which have dual ceramic grinders as well as the capability of doing countless different coffee types.

As luck would have it 2 weeks ago my Z5 had some problems which required me sending it back for repair. However what I love about Jura is that they have a customer loyalty trade in program where you can move up to a better machine and save a lot of money. I was told that Jura still services my Z5 but because it was an older machine it was going to cost me almost $500 to fix. I had a decision to make as my eyes have been fixated on the latest prosumer version fro Jura called The Giga6 which was just released. Much to my joy the trade in program now included an update to the Giga 6 series wherein I returned my Z5 and I received a new Giga 6 at over $600 off MSRP as well as not incurring state sales tax . for me it was a no brainer.

I received the machine yesterday and have it all programmed. It makes 28 different coffee drinks each to one's own preference and these preferences can be saved. Then by simply touching the icon of the drink on the screen my cup is instantly prepared. It also now adds heated milk as well as frothed milk all through the same spouts on the same side as the coffee dispenser. Previously my Z5 dispensed milk and froth from a separate spout on the other side of the machine. The G6 also has TWO coffee reservoirs for storing the same or different beans in each. Then the beauty is that I can prepare a cup of coffeepot my liking by choosing what percentage of each bean is dispensed from each side such as 100-0, 75-25, 50-50, 25-75, 0-100 and the grind on each side can be the same or different

The other great thing about the G6 is that it has dual heaters and dual pumps as well as now having ceramic grinders on each side rather than the typical Burr grinders

This Giga 6 is without question the best coffee maker I have ever owned and the espresso cup is particularly excellent
JURA is redefining the concept of automatic coffee machines with the GIGA 6. This professional machine for household use is brimming with the latest technology for outstanding results. Made of top-quality materials and with Swiss precision, the GIGA 6’s clear design features radiate power and expertise. The impressive quality of the iconic new automatic coffee machine is emphasized by the solid front section made of 3 mm-thick aluminum and the substantial aroma preservation cover made of chrome-plated, die-cast zinc. Operating this masterpiece of Swiss engineering is completely intuitive thanks to the touchscreen color display and the Blue Crystal Rotary Switch, and the icing on the cake is that coffee lovers can choose from 28 different specialties. 5-star handling on a whole new level is made possible by artificial intelligence and the ingenious design, which has been carefully considered right down to the last detail.
Double power and double action for 28 specialties

The secret to creating a perfect cup of coffee lies in creating ideal extraction conditions and to make trend specialties, it is vital you use the best ingredients. That’s why the new GIGA 6 has mastered the art of heating and frothing milk perfectly, as well as three different coffee brewing processes that come to life when preparing various trend specialties. The machine’s inner workings have been overhauled to provide the combined power of two heating systems and two pumps, enabling coffee and milk or coffee and milk foam to be prepared at the same time. This has opened a whole range of new possibilities for coffee lovers, including popular mixed drinks such as caffè latte, flat white or cortado. JURA’s new pride and joy can even prepare two specialties simultaneously if desired. Milk and milk foam can be tailored exactly to your individual taste and programmed in 10 temperature levels.

Two electronically adjustable ceramic disc grinders

The two electronically adjustable ceramic disc grinders are precision-made using an incredibly hard material so that they can grind the coffee to the optimum fineness. The Automatic Grinder Adjustment (A.G.A.©) delivers phenomenal results every time over the grinder’s entire service life. There are two grinders so that two different coffee varieties can be used, either individually or mixed together. The mix of coffee can be selected in increments of 25 % (100 % left, 75 % left / 25 % right, 50 / 50, etc.) to ensure you can always select the perfect blend.

Artificial intelligence

With the GIGA 6, artificial intelligence is finding its way into the operation of the machine. The 4.3" high-resolution touchscreen color display only shows the user relevant information. A self-learning algorithm identifies each user’s personal preferences and adapts the start screen accordingly, showing two, five or eight preferred specialties. Images and symbols are self-explanatory, well thought out and reduced to the absolute essentials. You can give specialties specific names which can then be shown or hidden.

5-star handling

The JURA engineers paid special attention to the redesign of the drip tray. The dishwasher-safe drip tray can easily be removed, emptied and reinserted with just one hand. The center of gravity is ideally located to prevent any spills. Simple, clean, quick, convenient – this 5-star concept is incorporated down to the very last detail.
2 x Espresso
2 x Coffee
2 x Cappuccino
Caffè latte
2 x Caffè latte
Caffè Barista
2 x Caffè Barista
2 x Americano
Espresso doppio
2 x Macchiato
2 x Cortado
Latte macchiato
2 x Latte macchiato
Flat white
2 x Flat white
Portion of milk foam
2 x Portion of milk foam
Portion of milk
2 x Portion of milk
Jug of coffee
Hot water
Hot water for green tea
I thought you drank 28 cups when I read the title. My thought was on how insanely sick I'd be if I did that!

It's an interesting machine for not being terribly expensive.
I thought you drank 28 cups when I read the title. My thought was on how insanely sick I'd be if I did that!

It's an interesting machine for not being terribly expensive.
They are expensive but in my trade up I saved over $1000
They are expensive but in my trade up I saved over $1000

You perhaps haven't seen some of the prices I have for certain Danish machines... Yes it's not cheap. And that's really nice savings!

Perhaps you should show us a few cups it can make?
2 x Espresso
2 x Coffee
2 x Cappuccino
Caffè latte
2 x Caffè latte
Caffè Barista
2 x Caffè Barista
2 x Americano
Espresso doppio
2 x Macchiato
2 x Cortado
Latte macchiato
2 x Latte macchiato
Flat white
2 x Flat white
Portion of milk foam
2 x Portion of milk foam
Portion of milk
2 x Portion of milk
Jug of coffee
Hot water
Hot water for green tea

Will it also tie my shoes? :eek:
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Wonderful machine. I'm Jura fan too. My machine is E60 and my favourite coffee is Malabar Monsooned from India.
Short expresso without sugar, and no milk please...:)

Wonderful machine. I'm Jura fan too. My machine is E60 and my favourite coffee is Malabar Monsooned from India.
Short expresso without sugar, and no milk please...:)

Unlike my Z5 where I could program an espresso drink up to 5 oz, the Giga 6 only allows a maximum of 2.5 oz. It is thick and creamy and tastes superb
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I thought you drank 28 cups when I read the title. My thought was on how insanely sick I'd be if I did that!

I had to work at an earth station installation in Italy years ago and one of our mechanical engineers was on-site to align the dish. This is one of those big parabolic dishes used for satellite control and communications. The dishes have to be aligned in the middle of the night so that the structure has reached thermal equilibrium (during the day, the sun will heat up one part of the structure causing a temperature differential across it).

So this American engineer who has never had espresso before goes to the coffee bar and asks them to fill up a large thermos full of coffee. The server looked at him oddly but went ahead and filled his thermos with espresso.

You can see where this is headed - the engineer - Jay - takes his thermos to the site as he knows he will be up all night doing the alignment. So in the course of the night he's drinking this coffee as though it was American coffee and after a while he starts to feel really sick - he breaks out in a cold sweat and his heart started racing. He's also getting very light headed and dizzy to the point where he could no longer function.

We had to eventually take him to the doctor where he was assessed. The doctor couldn't figure out what was going on with him and asks him what he was doing during the night. Jay finally mentions the thermos full of coffee (being the only thing he was ingesting that night) and the doctor almost fell over in his chair :D

Moral of the story is don't try this at home kids o_O
That's interesting. I wonder if typical bad coffee in the US has way less caffeine in it for some reason. Good coffee even made from drip is as strong or stronger than espresso.
That's interesting. I wonder if typical bad coffee in the US has way less caffeine in it for some reason. Good coffee even made from drip is as strong or stronger than espresso.

What I've read is that an espresso has about 60% of the caffeine of a standard cup of American coffee (~10oz) but of course, volumetrically speaking, an espresso is anywhere from 1-2oz. So you can fit ~5-10 of them into a standard cup which equates to 3x to 6x the amount of caffeine.
For those coffee lunatics into controlling EVERY variable on an Espresso machine there's always:

Pressure/flow profile & temp control. With a SOTA grinder its hard to beat.

"Advanced Mode on the [Decent] DE1+ is perhaps the deepest rabbit hole into which any barista can climb. I generally recommend baristas master the machine in the more familiar Pressure Mode first, and then get comfortable with Flow Mode before using Advanced Mode. Once I dove into Advanced Mode, no other mode or espresso machine could ever satisfy. The possibilities are endless.
Advanced Mode on the DE1+ allows the barista to customize a recipe in any way he or she desires. Would you like to preinfuse with a set flow rate, switch to controlling the shot based on pressure, and then switch back to flow mode? No problem. If you want to then use a different brewing temperature for each stage, that’s easy. You can set “triggers” that tell the machine to move from one phase to the next based on pressure, water volume, or time. Advanced Mode is incredibly versatile, and it’s much easier to use than I had expected when John first told me about it. Recipes can be as simple or as complex as you would like."
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