Innuos has been selling the Pulse the line for a year now. I would imagine, Pulse series owners are now hooking up a NAS to their Innuos to recapture their ripped music libraries, which is what I’m trying to complete.
The USB drive that I used to copy my files from to my new NAS was created by my Zenith as a back up. My new Music server that is really, not so much a NAS, as it is a server, is manufactured by Small Green Computer, the model is the SonicTransporter i5. I connected it to my Pulsar, and it was working fine for a few days, while I was completing my copying/ transferring of my music files to it.
My original intention was to simply copy exactly what was on my (Zenith created) USB backup drive to my new SonicTransporter, now connected to my Pulsar, There were folders aside from Music folders that I didn’t think were necessary that are on the Zenith USB drive. The Zenith also created a separate Hi-Res folder on the backup. I decided not to copy this separate High Res folder from the Zenith USB backup drive to my new NAS, instead I hand imported/dragged each Hi-Rez files for each artist onto their specific folders within the newly created music folder now on the SonicTransporter.
I knew this was different than what the Zenith originally set up, so to confirm everything was working OK, I tested the first 10 artists I copied/transferred to the new SonicTransporter by syncing them to Pulsar, then I listened to each file switching between them. They all played fine from the library, so I dropped and dragged the last 70GB of music files in the same manner I did earlier, but without continuing to test /playback the files or syncing them as I had. I completed the file transfers and a power interruption occurred while the system was idling, no files were being copied at the time. This was one of my common (instant off instant back on) power interruptions that regularly occurred during my years of Zenith ownership, so I didn’t think much about it.
I was ready to sync the last 70GB of files that I transferred, and realized that the Pulsar was no longer able to connect to my server/NAS. When I selected reconnect on the Shared Folder in settings, the Pulsar tried to reconnect and the little wheel spun for a neatly a minute before reverted to “off line“ and the pop-up window “Error, connecting to shared folder” appeared. I’m looking for potential solution.
Could the Unsynced 80gb be the issue?
Would selecting “clear music library” be the place to start, then select remove folder from the shared NAS folder screen then completely re-install the NAS folder be the best approach?
Would removing the shared NAS folder and reinstalling it, uncorrupt the files or create other issues?
Could “clear Queue Cache” function unblock a log jam of data?
I have to wonder if power interruptions that disconnects the NAS from the Pulse libraries are regularly occurring ?
Perhaps, my lost connection from my NAS to the Pulsar was caused from the unsynced 80 BG being just too much data copy at one time.
My Zenith experienced many power interruptions. Could the Zenith internal ss drives, hardware, and software together, be more robust than a outboard SS NAS, against drive file coruption from power interruptions? Hopefully is this not going to be a regular issue with future power interruptions?
What is the “download system log” function, and could my issue be found there?
I could restart the entire copy/transfer 1.5 TB process, but that would require several days of time and the same conflict may occur. Anyone experienced similar issues, trying to connect a NAS to a Pulse series and found a solution?