Intona USB 2.0/3.0 Isolators 2019versions

So, in a SGC/Sonore world, we're poss talking
SGC i5 or 7 w LPS
opticalRendu w LPS
opticalModule w LPS
Intona Isolator w LPS
Switch (maybe upcoming Uptone EtherRegen) w LPS, or Paul Pang quad switch w additional LPS
Gigafoil filter (w LPS?)
Dac w LPS
Router w LPS.

I make that 16 boxes, 8 pwr cords, 8 dc leads, 12-16 isolation platforms.

Just looking at my one-box cdp and tt, and remarking how simple it seems in comparison.

So if you are happy spinning CD's you are all set! If you want immediate access to more music than you can listen to in a lifetime at your fingertips, with incredibly good sound quality, then go the streaming route.

Your streaming/Sonore example takes it to the max # of boxes. You can also buy a one box streamer/dac from Aurender or Lumin that really sound VG. Your example scenario is not indicitve for what you need for VG streaming.
The PLiXiR website talks balanced pwr. Is this correct, and across all their products?

Can I use them if I'm already using balanced pwr into my system

Balanced toroids are used only in the Elite Series but not Elementa Series of PLiXiR.
Do you guys at all rate those LPS w multiple outputs?

HDPlex can power four components at a time.

If indeed it is possible to go to 12 separate pieces each benefitting from LPS, surely it makes cost and ergonomic sense to go 3 HDPlex?
Do you guys at all rate those LPS w multiple outputs?

HDPlex can power four components at a time.

If indeed it is possible to go to 12 separate pieces each benefitting from LPS, surely it makes cost and ergonomic sense to go 3 HDPlex?
I got 3 LPS. Two are dual outputs for switches and player. One is single output for Isolator.
So if you are happy spinning CD's you are all set! If you want immediate access to more music than you can listen to in a lifetime at the fingertips, with incredibly good sound quality, then go the streaming route.

Your streaming/Sonore example takes it to the max # of boxes. You can also buy a one box streamer/dac from Aurender or Lumin that really sound VG. Your example scenario is not indicitve for what you need for VG streaming.
Sage words... streaming’s value extends way past the minutiae of the sonics. Near boundless music and real musicality are all at our fingertips. Just do it Marc, you’ll love the musical freedom. Let go of the shackles of audiophile notions about what’s good enough and jump into an infinite ocean of music.
Graham, it will happen. Horns may happen first, but I certainly have no other intention to concentrate on anything else other than streaming.
So horns then streaming, or just streaming.

I fully get the universe of music thing. The potential joy of that is not lost on me for one second.

For me right now, the dilemma is whether to go for a simple setup of Zenith and, w the possibility of later upgrade in adding fibre optic/switch like Uptone EtherRegen w LPS, and maybe this Intona Isolator LPS.

Or go deeper into a multi box SGC i5/opticalRendu/opticalModule w LPSs, switch and USB isolator w LPS at later date.

With the usual caveat that in 2 years time, the playing field may be v different again.
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What’s the MSRP of these devices, and can you describe what general improvements are derived from better USB isolation?
What’s the MSRP of these devices, and can you describe what general improvements are derived from better USB isolation?

I only have the US prices as I am a dealer for the Intona products in the US. It's so system/person dependent I couldn't venture a guess at to what it would sound like in your system(s). Basically the isolator and the Intona usb cables reduce noise in the signal.

I also have no idea what the Intona usb isolator sounds like with other than Intona usb cables as I have not experimented as such

For those using a Taiko Audio Extrem, the Intona usb cables have a VERY specific 90ohm impedence which works the best when using the Extreme USB 3.1 Gen2 port

The port labelled “USB DAC” on the Extreme is USB 3.1gen2

The other are USB 3.1gen1

USB 2.0 is 0.48gbps

USB 3.0 is 2.5gbps

USB 3.1gen1 is 5gbps

USB 3.1gen2 is 10gbps

The Extreme does not use those speeds, but the faster ones do sound better

The Intona usb3.0 isolator lists with shipping is around $400. The Intona usb cables have three levels, premium, reference and ultimate. They start at $400ish for a .2M reference and go to $3800usd for a 2M Ultimate.

With the Intona usb isolator you would need two each usb cables. One connecting your server to the usb isolator and the other usb cable connecting the isolator to your dac.
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Graham, it will happen. Horns may happen first, but I certainly have no other intention to concentrate on anything else other than streaming.
So horns then streaming, or just streaming.

I fully get the universe of music thing. The potential joy of that is not lost on me for one second.

For me right now, the dilemma is whether to go for a simple setup of Zenith and, w the possibility of later upgrade in adding fibre optic/switch like Uptone EtherRegen w LPS, and maybe this Intona Isolator LPS.

Or go deeper into a multi box SGC i5/opticalRendu/opticalModule w LPSs, switch and USB isolator w LPS at later date.

With the usual caveat that in 2 years time, the playing field may be v different again.
You are clearly focussed on getting a good digital front end set up Marc but I’d maybe suggest that the dac that you choose will be considerably more critical in final sound quality and character of any digital setup. It could possibly be good instead to choose the dac first then find out what servers others have then successfully paired to that dac. Certainly along the way auditioning and choosing the dac you may come across a few server setups anyway.

Still given your computer nervosa (and also just because) there would be some wisdom in going for a more elegant less box solution rather than going more box so maybe the Zenith makes a lot of sense in this regard.

I do figure that because you are going for your very first computer audio setup you are focussing a lot on the least familiar part (the computer bit) but I’d suggest you swing over to the more familiar part (the dac bit) and lock that down first. It may help give you the context or experience to let you work out which server player you then want to live with. After that there will be lots of opportunity to fine tune with switches, footers, cables etc so the continuous improvement bug will have plenty of opportunity to keep the fine tune of the tweak in play. Just get that great dac choice in first and the rest will follow.
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Sure Graham. However, the hifi market in the UK is pretty atomised, bricks and mortar stores are not what they were, and I don't have a relationship w one main provider.

Certainly if I was looking at a reasonable outlay of £10k/$15k, the choice of streamer/dac in the handful of mid level dealerships within 50 miles radius of where I live, would be Innuos Zenith Mk3 and Chord TT2/MScaler or Dave. The Linn Selekt DSM has some coverage at half this budget. Then there are those stores that sell some interesting alternatives, but not necessarily together like Roon Nucleus and Melco servers, and Lab12 and Aqua dacs. Mhdt dacs from Taiwan look interesting, but a punt on Ebay.

I have made contact with a local guy who is a Lumin and Lindemann man, and stocks the Kitsune Edition Level Three Holo Springs dac. Indeed, Lumin is big here in the UK alongside Innuos and to some extent Roon Nucleus.
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BTW I compared Intona Isolators 2.0 5kv vs 3.0.
Both are given the PLiXiR Elite 5V/2A LPS.
A short Intona Ref usb cable from Extreme to Isolator and an Ultimate usb cable from Isolator to Totaldac Reclocker.

I like the USB2.0 5kv Isolator more.
IMHO it's more natural.
BTW I compared Intona Isolators 2.0 5kv vs 3.0.
Both are given the PLiXiR Elite 5V/2A LPS.
A short Intona Ref usb cable from Extreme to Isolator and an Ultimate usb cable from Isolator to Totaldac Reclocker.

I like the USB2.0 5kv Isolator more.
IMHO it's more natural.

Very interesting....thx
The PLiXiR website talks balanced pwr. Is this correct, and across all their products?

Can I use them if I'm already using balanced pwr into my system

I have informed James, Plixir founder about the question. Will wait for his answer here.

I agree with Peter that the Elite BDC is among the best LPS in the market. I am using one and I am keeping another one for sotm audiophile switch
BTW I compared Intona Isolators 2.0 5kv vs 3.0.
Both are given the PLiXiR Elite 5V/2A LPS.
A short Intona Ref usb cable from Extreme to Isolator and an Ultimate usb cable from Isolator to Totaldac Reclocker.

I like the USB2.0 5kv Isolator more.
IMHO it's more natural.

Oh, brother... I feel some Audio Nervosa coming on. I just ordered the 3.0...
I have ordered a 2.0, scheduled to arrive today. I'm also running some experiments with adding additional powerlines between the Extreme and the Intona Isolator, sourcing from another USB connector. It rather significantly influences the sound. It will be interesting how this method compares to an external powersource. And how both methods affect the 2.0 and 3.0 versions.
The Intona USB 2 isolator arrived today. I ordered both a 2.0 and 3.0 version to avoid having to compare a "burned in" versus "not burned in" unit. Therefor this is no evaluation of burned in models.

The USB 2.0 isolator requires and additional 5V connection to its micro usb input. The USB 3.0 does not. I do not use an external LPS. I use an additional USB A to micro USB cable with only the power lines connected. I was doing that for sound quality reasons, but it also negates the need for a LPS for the USB 2.0 version. I am not claiming this to be the best way to go.

As for the difference between the USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 isolators - drumrolls - I prefer the USB 3.0 version! But I had to do a lot of A/B switching to arrive at my preference. Both have their merits, I could live with either.

My ranking, some changes highlighted:
1) Intona Ultimate USB cable + additional USB power lead > USB 3.0 Isolator > Intona Ultimate USB cable > DAC
2) Server > Intona Ultimate USB cable + additional USB power lead > USB 2.0 Isolator > Intona Ultimate USB cable > DAC
3) Server > Intona Ultimate USB cable > DAC (NO Isolator)
4) Server > Intona Reference USB cable + additional USB power lead > USB 3.0 Isolator > Intona Ultimate USB cable > DAC

For me the largest difference is moving from the Intona Reference to the Ultimate USB cable, in fact I prefer the Ultimate on its own over the USB Isolator with a Reference. I totally agree with CK on the LPS (or additional USB power lead), it seems almost mandatory with the USB Isolator, it is a bit weak and constrained sounding in the bass/lower midrange without.

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We audiophiles are restlessly itchy and many of us got OCD in tweaking our hifi components, even the very top/hi-end ones.

For example, the Taiko Audio SGM Extreme server is IMHO the best CAS server in the market, yet we have been talking about ways to further improve the overall sonic performance.
There is recently a lot of discussion about that on the last several pages of this WBF thread :ème-de-la-crème.27433/page-33

Very few tweaks/accessories can get approval from Emile, designer/boss of the Extreme server but the Intona USB Isolators 2019 versions are some of the rare exceptions.

Intona launched similar isolators several years ago. They were for industrial but not audio use. The chassis was made of plastic and although sonically they worked, there were often incompatibility issues.
View attachment 54473

The new 2019 models are much much nicer and aim at audiophiles.
Here are the USB2.0 5kv model (left) and the USB3.0 model (right) :
View attachment 54474

They now got a metallic chassis.
I had a glimpse of the interior. There are some EMF absorption pads sticked onto the inner surfaces of the metallic chassis.
The circuit boards are totally diff from the old models. There are now actually 2 circuit boards, the smaller one sitting on the bigger board.

Also, please note that there is a mini-USB socket situated next to the usb output on the new 2019 models.
It is for users to give the Isolator an external 5V dc supply. The occasional incompatibility issue of the old models is partly due to the 5V current becoming smaller after going through the Isolator. The new 2019 models solve the problem this way.
View attachment 54475

In Hong Kong, both Intona and Taiko Audio are carried by the same dealer Volent Audio.
I tried the new Intona Isolators on the Extreme server.
They worked and gave sonic improvement!

However there is a small compromise in dynamics.
Can this be solved?
Yes of course!
It was then given an external 5V dc via the blue colour dc cable.
View attachment 54476

A PLiXiR Elite Series 5V/2A LPS was used.
View attachment 54477

It was like Popeye being fed spinach, all the micro- & macro-dynamics returned.
Does Plixir also offer 5.0 VDC option? It's not listed in their website!
Does Plixir also offer 5.0 VDC option? It's not listed in their website!
Yes, there is a PliXiR Elite BDC 5V/2A model.
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I have informed James, Plixir founder about the question. Will wait for his answer here.

I agree with Peter that the Elite BDC is among the best LPS in the market. I am using one and I am keeping another one for sotm audiophile switch

Out of curiosity, any idea if anyone has compared any of the Plixir LPS to the consensus top dogs - Paul Hynes SR7/4 or Sean Jacobs PS 3 (may be DC3, can't remember)? I'm interested in a one solution multiple rail LPS for a switch and router. I'd love to go with a ready-made, great sounding solution that doesn't require long wait times and purchasing of queue spots.

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