Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

Olympus launch. Cover P1.jpg

For those who just started reading up on Olympus, Olympus I/O, and XDMI, please note that all information in this thread has been summarized in a single PDF document that can be downloaded from the Taiko Website.

The document is frequently updated.

Scroll down to the 'XDMI, Olympus Music Server, Olympus I/O' section and click 'XDMI, Olympus, Olympus I/O Product Introduction & FAQ' to download the latest version.

Good morning WBF!​

We are introducing the culmination of close to 4 years of research and development. As a bona fide IT/tech nerd with a passion for music, I have always been intrigued by the potential of leveraging the most modern of technologies in order to create a better music playback experience. This, amongst others, led to the creation of our popular, perhaps even revolutionary, Extreme music server 5 years ago, which we have been steadily improving and updating with new technologies throughout its life cycle. Today I feel we can safely claim it's holding its ground against the onslaught of new server releases from other companies, and we are committed to keep improving it for years to come.

We are introducing a new server model called the Olympus. Hierarchically, it positions itself above the Extreme. It does provide quite a different music experience than the Extreme, or any other server I've heard, for that matter. Conventional audiophile descriptions such as sound staging, dynamics, color palette, etc, fall short to describe this difference. It does not sound digital or analog, I would be inclined to describe it as coming closer to the intended (or unintended) performance of the recording engineer.

Committed to keeping the Extreme as current as possible, we are introducing a second product called the Olympus I/O. This is an external upgrade to the Extreme containing a significant part of the Olympus technology, allowing it to come near, though not entirely at, Olympus performance levels. The Olympus I/O can even be added to the Olympus itself to elevate its performance even further, though not as dramatic an uplift as adding it to the Extreme. Consider it the proverbial "cherry on top".
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Will the Olympus Order Status page be closer to reality than words from Taiko in this thread?
I don't know how many times start of shipment has been promised now but the first shipment was planned for the beginning of March, in May it was said that all ordered Olympus was supposed to be delivered before the end of August and that shipping would start in two weeks? If I'm not wrong it is vacation times in europe right now, slowing down companies.
Unfortunately, when waiting for the Taiko router I learned that Taiko's and mine time reception isn't the same, not even close. Don't Taiko think that we have lives to plan?
Well, it’s like Charlie Brown, Lucy, and the football. And not much more important than that. But I’d still like to see the football fly.
Will the Olympus Order Status page be closer to reality than words from Taiko in this thread?
I don't know how many times start of shipment has been promised now but the first shipment was planned for the beginning of March, in May it was said that all ordered Olympus was supposed to be delivered before the end of August and that shipping would start in two weeks? If I'm not wrong it is vacation times in europe right now, slowing down companies.
Unfortunately, when waiting for the Taiko router I learned that Taiko's and mine time reception isn't the same, not even close. Don't Taiko think that we have lives to plan?
I understand your point.
Everyone is a little stressed of this waiting.
I was taking for example time off work in March , May and June ( 1 week each time) hoping for the Taiko Olympus to arrive.
This did not happen.
I was a little frustrated as you are ,
BUT I learned WE are getting much better Olympus than the March version .
Emile explained it many times.
He changed his design for a better sounding solution. Had a time to improve software as well.
So in the end I am very happy this delay happened as I will get a better hardwere , software and in the end much better sounding Olympus for free.
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I understand your point.
Everyone is a little stressed of this waiting.
I was taking for example time off work in March , May and June ( 1 week each time) hoping for the Taiko Olympus to arrive.
This did not happen.
I was a little frustrated as you are ,
BUT I learned WE are getting much better Olympus than the March version .
Emile explained it many times.
He changed his design for a better sounding solution. Had a time to improve software as well.
So in the end I am very happy this delay happened as I will get a better hardwere , software and in the end much better sounding Olympus for free.
Of course, I am also happy about the improvements that have been made, but even better would have been if the introduction of Olympus had been made at a more realistic date. I have also planned trips etc after said delivery date.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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