I've seen the past few days now with the Olympus and IO and I m mot sure if anyone else gas gotten the combination. I am not able to put into percentages the amount of gain that has been bantered about over these past several months nor am I able to say what the IO contributes over and above the oOlympus as I have not heard the Olympus as a standalone. Further I'll let ray Dude enlighten everyone about power consumption as frankly this doesn't interest me other than to say the BPS is like nothing I have ever heard.Previous guesstimates byEmile was the Olympus + XDMI adds 275% over that of the Extreme and then add an IO with XDMI and there is another 25% uptick .
Roon was a relearning experience for me as I have been so used to XDMS and the control app that I had to relearn Roon. For whatever reason yesterday. was initially a problem trying to have the network find my Roon core on Taiko Audio network. Fing was no help a initially the Olympus was offline, so I bypassed Taiko Audio by removing the RJ45 from my router to the Taiko router , , removed the DAC cable from the Taiko switch to the IO input and inserted the RJ45 from the router directly into the IO. Immediately things came to life and the Olympus was online. I then reattached everything so that I was back on Taiko audio networking and Roon core became quickly identified. What was interesting was the Taiko Audio XDMI driver did not show up, only the Taiko USB driver. With help from Ed and Emile and a resort of the Olympus the XDMI driver was there and my KBL XDMI cable was connected to the Horizon. BTW for those about to do the same the XDMI input on the Horizon is input number 6.
Here are some preliminary comment as things are burning inland I am still wrapping my head around this new XDMI interface. Here is what I can say...the uptick is so huge that initially I could not believe what I was hearing. It's like Extreme XDMS using USB on steroids. The sound is so big, so dynamic and so real that I can honestly say for me this was an audio epiphany. As I have said before I prefer to set the output on my Horizon to 63 which passes the full signal. My preamp gain on my Lamm is typically used way down to the 5th position (there are 24)The sound. was so big that I had to redudce the gain on my Horizon to between 52-55 and I found I was turning the gain on my Lamm preamp to 3-4 as the sound is so powerful that I had to find a level that was comfortable. I spoke to Emile about this and he smiled as he told me that the output volume on the Olympus is IDENTICAL to that of the Extreme yet the sheer power and realism of what I heard truly left me speechless. I am presently letting things burn in and settle and while I was basking in what I heard Emile suggested I have a listen via USB as he promised that although not as good as XDMI it was hugely better than what we hear on the Extreme
The instructions say to use one cable or the other but never to have both attached, so hear is another small caveat...it was easy to remove the KBL XDMI cable from the IO but it was a son of a gun to release from the Horizon. There is a small release clasp at the input of the XDMI port and try as hard as I could, it ws tough to release.I reached out to Lukasz who helped me through messing with that little clasping the cable finally was released. I reinserted my Masterbult Ultra USB cable, switched drivers on Roon and the input on the Horizon from 6 to 4 and I was easily back to 63 output on the Horizon and preamp level 5 . There is no question there is a huge jump up in USB via the Olympus. More detail, more dynamics, better bass and highly enjoyable BUT you cant unring a bell. I can tell you if you are awaiting native XDMI the wait will be worth it as the sound is so vastly superior to USB in every way. Yet, having said that, if you never hear XDMI you will be eternally happy with USB. That's all I am going to say for a while as this needs some burn in time so give me a few more days as I continue to try and put words to what I am hearing.
TBH I have not heard the analogue board as my IO is sitting under the Olympus. By all accounts presented here by other users the analogue board is making people sell their DACs. For me however Native XDMI via a tubed DAC created a sound for me that was so different that I believe XDMI will be adopted in the audio arena as the de facto interface. You're all in for a real treat whichever board you use and Im being narrow-minded as have not heard the analogue board, but I have heard the digital board with XDMI native and for me this is the path I'm betting on for me. I might never hear that analogue board until Emile makes his trip out here but honestly...........