Steve williams
Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
I was a long time Soundex customer with David Santerian helping me with three Wilson installations. Who can forget Frank the head man there. He died many years ago
Hi Troy,Glad to see you here Greg, I tried recently to start a thread about the GT Audio 2.5s over at the Planer Asylum with not much effect. Though I did read some postive posts over at the Audio Circle about the 2.0 version, that model had 8" woofers I believe. I had a question about the 2.5's midrange which is 8.5" wide, being so wide doesn't that cause some beaming in the higher midrange? I am interested in your speaker as I am hardcore planer fan and own Magnepan 3.6s. How do the 2.5's do against Magnepan 20.7's I know different price point but thought I would ask anyway. Thanks,
Greg, thanks for the fast reply. Any chance you might demo at AXPONA 2016 in Chicago, IL? That or i'll have to make the trip to NJ, have you heard Graz's refurbished Apogee speakers, I have not and have heard various reports vs Maggie's. I liked the bass from Sanders ESL speakers but that asymetrical room layout he likes, thru off the imaging for me? The imaging was much better in the Kingsound ESL room but the dynamics and bass were limited IMHO, tough get it all in the planer world.
Greg, I believe where the 10" sealed woofers take over is at 80hz. That is pretty low in frequency in comparison with other hybrid speakers. Which I think is a good thing, keeping as much of the planer sound as you can. Until you reach the range where they start lack impact and can make a smooth transition. Any thoughts on this and any thing else you can elaborate on that you did to make a seamless handoff to the dynamic woofers? What are the woofers made out of any way, aluminum?
Greg, do you have any pics of the various drivers you could post, while not giving away any trade secrets? What type of amps go well with the 2.5s and how much power? Also what is your set up routine once you get the speakers in a customers home?
Say Greg, do you have any frequency response charts of the 2.5's?
Must be Soundex. Long out of business. They had a store in Berwyn as well which was run by Terry Menacker now of Overture.
Wow, talk about memory lane. Soundex in Willow Grove was a Philadelphia institution and a veritable mecca of high end gear for decades. What I loved about Soundex, other than their competitive pricing (they blew more stuff out the back door than the front door) was how it was a magnet for local audiophiles who would just hang out there on Saturdays talking about audio, aspiring out loud about stuff most of us couldn't afford, and learning a lot from each other. It was a true "happening" in the decade of the 80's and management loved it because it just brought in a lot of traffic. in return we got to listen and play with the great products of that era. Most of us might eventually leave with a few LPs as a way of saying thanks for letting us hang out. We watched the Santerian kids grow up and learn the business and they were always good to us in return as customers. The only down side was that Frank Betz, their long time manager who always looked like he was recovering from a hangover the night before, was a cigar smoker and there wasn't a single product I ever bought from that place that didn't reek of cigars for months. But what a glorious place it was in their heyday, and what a glorious time as well. You had to be there to truly experience the comaraderie that the "regulars" had for each other, even though most of us couldn't really afford the "good stuff". It was when the "high end" was REALLY the "high end". But sadly, time has passed it by. However it was as important to my audio education as college and medical school was to my professional education. Except that it was a lot more fun! Seriously.