I agree Ken's statement about digital files without supporting information does seem to be hyperbole. I happen to agree with him and with dallasjustice on his view, however. Though I have not heard a tippy top digital player in a long time, I see no need, 6 of my closest audiophile friends and I all agree that computer playback from hard drive sounds slightly but noticeably better than playback of the optical disc.
There are many plausible explanations as to why that might be so, even into an external DAC where both playback modes are treated equally and not using the player's DAC. That is how we all do it. Suffice it to say, we all greatly enjoy PC playback from our easy chairs, browsing and selecting albums or tracks on our iPads. But, we would not go there if it did not also have a sonic advantage on which we unanimously agree.
On the other hand, I do not find Ken's comments about vinyl to be anything other than accurate, i.e., non-hyperbolic. Again, my gang of 6 very senior audiophiles, all with thousands of LPs in their collections and very high quality vinyl rigs, just do not listen to vinyl anymore in favor of digital rips of SACD, BD-A, BD-V, hi rez downloads, and, yes, their CD collections. Actually, with one holdout, most of us listen primarily to hi rez Mch, and we all find DSP Room EQ absolutely essential. BTW, my gang are all classical music lovers who frequently go to live Philadelphia Orchestra concerts. Our sonic reference is very much framed by that.
We also have a reviewer friend who used to be well known here, but who subscribes to a very different audio philosophy. All of us have heard pristinely set up vinyl front ends at his place costing hundred of $thousands used in systems costing additional hundreds of $thousands. To say that we were all unimpressed, sonically, would be an understatement. We cannot believe the negative difference, not in any way in his favor. It is embarrassing, but not to him. One cannot talk to him civilly about our views. And, of course, our reviewer friend has never heard any of our systems. He lives in his own ego-world, seldom to venture out. Nor, is he a regular concert attendee. He has shifted his attention more to rock and pop, partly so as to be more "with it" for today's younger audiences.
It is almost surreal, and an insight for us into just how deeply different music lovers can latch onto and embrace totally different philosophies and beliefs. That is not to mention our total lack of esteem for our reviewer friend's sonic standards when he hyperbolically heaps praises on components we have also heard, but which none of us are the least bit desirous of. We just shrug our shoulders.