Is Tom Cruise an audiophile


New Member
Jun 6, 2012
He was on the tonight show with Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday night. He told Tom Cruise that he wanted to put together a vinyl listening room last time he was on the show. Tom e-mailed him a list of what to buy. He didn't mention everything he had advised but he did drop the names Mc intosh and Magico.
The world premier of the new Mission Impossible movie was shown a couple of weeks ago at the Viener Staatsoper. Apparently there are a few opera scenes and an escape from the roof of that famous building. The orchestra is also on the soundtrack. Perhaps Cruise enjoys opera.
Perhaps he enjoys listening to vintage Ron Hubbard on vinyl :).
--or Chick Corea /Three Dog Night--also under the Org


Safe to say you will never see Al with them (RTF) again, he has been very vocal about it. They got about a million out of Stanley before he figured it out.
Safe to say you will never see Al with them (RTF) again, he has been very vocal about it. They got about a million out of Stanley before he figured it out.

Yes I forgot Stanley Clarke--great Album in the early 80's--only a Mill?--he got off lightly-ha!

The world premier of the new Mission Impossible movie was shown a couple of weeks ago at the Viener Staatsoper. Apparently there are a few opera scenes and an escape from the roof of that famous building. The orchestra is also on the soundtrack. Perhaps Cruise enjoys opera.

In one short scene in the movie, Cruise searches for a John Coltrane lp, perhaps he like jazz better.
..not sure if the little fella is an audiophile but pretty certain he's an idiot
Northstar- thanks for posting the Whiter Shade of Pale video. I have never seen it before. It is surely one of the most hauntingly beautiful, iconic songs of that era. What absolutely amazes me is that, to this day, I have no f**n idea what the hell that song is about. I used to think perhaps I needed to listen to it in an altered state. Nope. No help there at all. Yet, I still love that song! An absolute classic.

BTW, on the subject of Cruise and audiophilia- why do folks like bashing this guy so much? Here he is on Jimmy Fallon mentioning Magico, McIntosh, Synergistic Research and vinyl and yet audiophiles mock him? Our hobby is dying and you can't pay for PR like that. Yet we turn our noses up as if he isn't good enough to deserve what is surely a very nice analog system. We should support comments such as his rather than belittle them.
Northstar- thanks for posting the Whiter Shade of Pale video. I have never seen it before. It is surely one of the most hauntingly beautiful, iconic songs of that era. What absolutely amazes me is that, to this day, I have no f**n idea what the hell that song is about. I used to think perhaps I needed to listen to it in an altered state. Nope. No help there at all. Yet, I still love that song! An absolute classic.

Fond memories...second girlfriend...@ her parent's the basement...dancing and kissing. ...When we were only young teenagers.

It was from the album spinning on the turntable of course...CD was not yet invented, ...came only twelve years later, in 1982-83.

* Tom Cruise, like all the rest of us...the older we get the more distant we get from our best memories of our youth.
It's not easy to grow old...not what we expected when we were young and beautiful and free spirit with our innocence.
We are's just the growing world around us that lost its precious touch.
We became what we lovers, audiophiles, movie lovers, cinemaphiles, carpenters, gardeners, doctors, lawyers, etc. because that's our job and hobby. ...And we come from all classes and variations. ...The best is to be aware of who we truly are, not what we have but what we do with what we don't have. ;-)

Looking forward to MI:5 :b
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Northstar- thanks for posting the Whiter Shade of Pale video. I have never seen it before. It is surely one of the most hauntingly beautiful, iconic songs of that era. What absolutely amazes me is that, to this day, I have no f**n idea what the hell that song is about. I used to think perhaps I needed to listen to it in an altered state. Nope. No help there at all. Yet, I still love that song! An absolute classic.

BTW, on the subject of Cruise and audiophilia- why do folks like bashing this guy so much? Here he is on Jimmy Fallon mentioning Magico, McIntosh, Synergistic Research and vinyl and yet audiophiles mock him? Our hobby is dying and you can't pay for PR like that. Yet we turn our noses up as if he isn't good enough to deserve what is surely a very nice analog system. We should support comments such as his rather than belittle them.

I was thinking the same thing. You have one of the biggest stars in Hollywood giving free plugs to audio companies and people want to bash it. Meanwhile Jimmy Fallon has a huge audience and tweets out subjects that he talks about on the show each week. How about if he decided to ask people what kind of audio system they have. That would reach millions of people that never heard of Magico or Synergistic research.
People are jealous of others who look good, rich, and successful. ...Tom has all of that, plus more...the scientology stuff...and that they have rougher time to ingest and digest.
So, whatever Tom do and say; it's the negative aspect that is always the most prominent and that people online love to hate with a deep passion.
It makes him a bad person in their views because of what scientology stands for and all we saw and heard about. ...Methinks that it is what's generally happens in our society.
Is Tom an audiophile? Let's ask him...he has a Facebook page.

This audiophile business seems to bring more harm than good. ...And that, is the sad part of this reality.
The true audiophiles they don't talk, they the music. ...And they read too. So whoever is doing the talking and the it well. :b
People are jealous of others who look good, rich, and successful. ...Tom has all of that, plus more...the scientology stuff...and that they have rougher time to ingest and digest.
So, whatever Tom do and say; it's the negative aspect that is always the most prominent and that people online love to hate with a deep passion.
It makes him a bad person in their views because of what scientology stands for and all we saw and heard about. ...Methinks that it is what's generally happens in our society.
Is Tom an audiophile? Let's ask him...he has a Facebook page.

This audiophile business seems to bring more harm than good. ...And that, is the sad part of this reality.
The true audiophiles they don't talk, they the music. ...And they read too. So whoever is doing the talking and the it well. :b

I guess I have a different take on it. I like seeing good looking, rich, successful people. I like the fact knowing that everyone isn't a fat slob eating at Mickee D's and listening to their mp-3 player.
As long as he's into Prog I can forgive him for the error of his beliefs. :p
BTW, on the subject of Cruise and audiophilia- why do folks like bashing this guy so much? Here he is on Jimmy Fallon mentioning Magico, McIntosh, Synergistic Research and vinyl and yet audiophiles mock him? Our hobby is dying and you can't pay for PR like that. Yet we turn our noses up as if he isn't good enough to deserve what is surely a very nice analog system. We should support comments such as his rather than belittle them.


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