Steve Williams
Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
I heard Paul's Magico speakers in his studio a few years ago and was quite impressed (not withstanding however that he played one of the Tape Project 1" master tapes )
I don’t know your position. Are you standing, sitting or laying down?
Makes you wonder why he got rid of them. I can't seem to recall when he had them in there. Must have been only for a short time.
Here's a pic of the speakers I thought that Alon had built him before the Focals.
Actually I think Paul still has the Magicos; they're just being used in a different system if I remember correctly.
Like I said it's my opinion.
I can't think of a single recording/mastering studio that has Magico. I can name several with Wilson though.
Actually Wilson and Spectral have shown together numerous times at many shows over the years. One of Wilson's biggest dealers in the East, Overture, has always used
Spectral electronics with the big Wilsons in their store.
But a friend told me that Overture has switched from Wilson to Magico
I thought it was because they lost the Wilson line
At least Wilson has never pulled a M5/Q5 on their dealers/customers.
One Magico dealer trying to unload their demo M5s for less than half price posted this in their ad:
"Although the new Q5 is getting alot of press, IMHO the M5remains as Magico's masterpiece in dynamic reference loudspeakers - full ofsubtle nuances missing in the new covergirl Q5s. The M5s also lack the"metallic" sound intrinsic in an "all metal cabinet design."
Hmmmm. Lemme see.
I used to imagine Spectral gear was all speed and no torque. This was a result of their own marketing efforts some time back. I said "used to" because when I finally did hear a bunch of different Spectral equipment my imagined personification of a lab tech on crystal meth flew out the window, did a triple sommersault with a twist and landed on its head.
After hearing Spectral gear I can't imagine why going to show with them would be a bad thing at all. They've got the body and resolution that can and does bring out emotions in the musical content.
If anything, this pairing with Wilson which may seem odd because Spectral is usually associated with Avalon (again because of that team-up including ASC and MIT) has gotten people talking. This thread is proof of that. The reactions are also in defense of the match up. That's some positive word of mouth. If this was intentional, I give Wilson some more marketing points not less.
I can't think of a single recording/mastering studio that has Magico. I can name several with Wilson though.
This is not a relevant argument as well.
The big question is what means exactly "to be true to the recording". Duplicate the sound in the control room? Recreate the life experiment that generated the recording? Neither of the preceding?
That's a great question, Microstrip. The guys I have talked to always refer to duplicating the sound of the studio.
I highly doubt that most folks who state claims about "closer to the master tape" have ever heard said master on the recording studio's reference system. Subtle differences in audio are usually expressed as preferences, not absolutes.
Spectral as an amplifier with body and emotion? Umm, not sure what Spectral you are listening too---certainly not their house sound.
That isn't what I said. Quit twisting Keith.
That's my objection Frantz, I said the spectral amps have the body (heft) and resolution to let the emotion in the music through, whatever that may be. I didn't say the amps were a source of emotion. We all know that would be bollocks.