I don't think I'm completely off the hook here as I've also been guilty of saying that Brand X is equal to Brand Y costing twice the price. I think when Ive said that it wasn't so much a statement on component quality, but rather on one of musical enjoyment and taste.
I have been guilty too...let's see...the new Opus cables from trans. Having spent way too much on cabling myself...ie Odin, while happy with them, I do think I could be happy with a cable half it's price or even a third. I had a very poor Nordost buying experience that I will not share on line. These uber expensive cable guys are ruthless and cut throat, IMO. I think components and speakers are area's where high prices can be more justified. Über Cables ? Absolutely not. They are a rip off speaking from a hypocritical POV. there is no way in hell they can justify their price based on materials, R&D, ect. My approach to my system has been all out assault to best best of my financial means..that meant using the top tier well known and proven cables. I think Mike L did a similar thing only to sell the uber cable for a less well known but synergistic match for his system that saved a lot of money.