KeithR's "Dream Speaker" Search

Wolf Van Langa/New Audio Frontiers- finally got to meet forum compadre Collin King! Really nice dealer and this room was exceptional sounding in the small room environment. The phono stage caught my eye as its a current loading one similar to the much more expensive CH but only costs $6995. Collin played my kind of non-audiophile music including Nicholas Jaar, Cinematic Orchestra, etc. The Sons had great tone and very spacious sound. I struggled to hear the ribbon tweeter integration - which on most of these types isn't difficult. I think WVL allows ribbon placement adjustment that dials this in much better. The NAF 211s were beautiful as always, but I didn't hear the SET colorations, girl dripping in distortion factor like others. It possibly is more objective. This is a super speaker alternative to DeVore and others in its price range. Well done.

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Cube Audio/FirstWatt-

This is a new <10k Cube on the 10 watt SIT-4. Being totally honest, I didn't get the sound at all. It was really thin and beamy with a lack of bass. I left pretty quickly although candidly, was one seat off the center. Perhaps the Cube magic is only in the sweet spot.

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Cessaro Opus/TW Acustic-

I've been wanting to hear the latest Cessaros for the past 5 years and they didn't disappoint. Both Ron and I were stunned at how 'at the performance' it sounded, but with a realism that you don't get from most horns. Jeff Catalano always has great tunes, and we played jazz, big classical, and some vocals that all just sounded great. The subs were crossed fairly low and seemed to get out of the way. What I enjoyed was how with the Cessaros you could just envision the entire orchestra across the soundstage. This was a level or realism and transparency that most horns don't deliver. I didn't hear any cupped hands or normal horn colorations either. Interestingly enough, my Fynes are approximately the same sensitivity to the Opus but not nearly as dynamic. We also didn't hear brightness- which with a Be compression driver is impressive. I'd be curious with what other amps the Opus like- think PP 2a3 or something. All in all, great sound and we stayed for a good 30-45 minutes hogging the best seats. Thanks, Jeff!

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Stenheim w/ Nagra-

So I know Nagra very well (have had the entire Classic system basically in house and own the Preamp). As opposed to the big Stenheims on VTL, this system just sounded polite. This version of the Alumine 3 was a LE upgraded parts one for a pretty high $43k. There was loads of tone on the standard audiophile fare being played (ugh.) but just didn't hear PRAT or bass that would excite the audience. So it was a girl with guitar system, but not really one for bigger music. I've said numerous times on this thread that Stenheim is one to watch - and if this show was any indication, they are headed in an up and to the right direction. I do think their smaller speakers are somewhat overdamped in the bass for small rooms so fit accordingly. In the Stereophile review HR noted that not much below 50hz is available on the 3s and that seems confirmed the few times I've heard them.

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Blumenhofer w/ Takatsuki-

Another random Axpona experience! I've seen the brand advertised in Munich, but never heard them in the states. This was a $25k model so more diminutive than others on a very expensive new 300b integrated. I can't say the sound was my cup of tea- they played Norah Jones and i got the overly done second harmonic dripping in front of me view with some horn coloration. After a couple songs, had to wrap things up with drinks with friends.

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Wolf Van Langa/New Audio Frontiers- finally got to meet forum compadre Collin King! Really nice dealer and this room was exceptional sounding in the small room environment. The phono stage caught my eye as its a current loading one similar to the much more expensive CH but only costs $6995. Collin played my kind of non-audiophile music including Nicholas Jaar, Cinematic Orchestra, etc. The Sons had great tone and very spacious sound. I struggled to hear the ribbon tweeter integration - which on most of these types isn't difficult. I think WVL allows ribbon placement adjustment that dials this in much better. The NAF 211s were beautiful as always, but I didn't hear the SET colorations, girl dripping in distortion factor like others. It possibly is more objective. This is a super speaker alternative to DeVore and others in its price range. Well done.

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Keith, the Sons are one of the few spkrs I have a genuine interest in as alternative to my Zus. I've yet to read a bad report about them.
The $1M "dream system" as advertised with a paltry $330k of cables (lol). Speakers are absolutely gorgeous in person, fit and finish looks better than the Wilson honestly. The Vitus MP amps are ginormous, more representative of the Krells of the past. As far as the sound? Well, I found it soft. In fact, on a record that I know extremely well there was just no get up and boogie factor. I know that this setup was popular among the audiophile press, but under the covers talking to many people at the show the disappointment was clear. Tonality was decent, but the sound was inside the speakers. I have my suspicions of why it was this way, but I'll just caveat that it's just a system in a large ballroom so who knows what it would sound like under better circumstances. As far as the large systems, the Stenheim/VTL was my favorite despite the room.

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It’s hard to tell whether it’s due to the source, room or the speakers itself that they sound soft.
It’s hard to tell whether it’s due to the source, room or the speakers itself that they sound soft.

The hosts running the room were kind enough to play my Thelma Houston (which I know very well, and partially due to me my friends know very well (sorry friends!)). "I've Got the Music in Me" sounded oddly soft and sluggish.

I think Keith characterized the reporting accurately -- the polarization between the official reviewer rave reports and the quiet puzzlement among attendees.

We had a similar sonic experience of puzzling softness and sluggishness when Keith auditioned at home a Vitus amp in Class A.
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Reviewer rave reports, you don't say, what a suprise.
Cue the likes of Elliott telling us off that there are too many internet warriors, that loose words have real consequences.
I think Keith characterized the reporting accurately -- the polarization between the official reviewer rave reports and the quiet puzzlement among attendees.

Such a disconnect does not appear to be rare, as I have noticed it several times. I can add a personal experience as well. There was at least one utterly rave report, without any reservations, on the large Von Schweikert speakers at AXPONA 2017. To my ears, the actual sound was mediocre *at best* (I am being charitable here). Of course, as I have said before, you cannot draw conclusions from bad and disappointing sound at shows, so I made no judgment about what those speakers can do under much better circumstances.

But can reviewers not simply be honest about what they actually hear and not mislead their readers?
Thanks, Keith, for great reports!
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So to sum up the Axpona speaker journey, I was really impressed at the uber high end with Stenheim Ultime, the Cessaro Opus and subs at the more regular high end, and the WVL Son at the moderate level. For panels, the Clarisys sounded awesome and its understandable how popular they've come in their infancy.

Going back to my favorite speakers, I'd replace AG Duo XD with Cessaro based on what I heard. I felt it was a more realistic experience with the caveat I didn't have my demo tracks to play with. I'm still not sure I'd replace YG with Stenheim in the pecking order yet, but Sonja 2.3s vs Ultime 2s would be an interesting experiment.

As far as compared to my Fyne F1-12s, I'd be inclined to say the Cessaros could be an upgrade - although at a pretty significant cost ($65k) and depending on how well one can get the matching sub to integrate. I am not a sub person, as I've stated before.

The last time I commented on my favorite brands was here:
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So to sum up the Axpona speaker journey, I was really impressed at the uber high end with Stenheim Ultime, the Cessaro Opus and subs at the more regular high end, and the WVL Son at the moderate level. For panels, the Clarisys sounded awesome and its understandable how popular they've come in their infancy.

Going back to my favorite speakers, I'd replace AG Duo XD with Cessaro based on what I heard. I felt it was a more realistic experience with the caveat I didn't have my demo tracks to play with. I'm still not sure I'd replace YG with Stenheim in the pecking order yet, but Sonja 2.3s vs Ultime 2s would be an interesting experiment.

As far as compared to my Fyne F1-12s, I'd be inclined to say the Cessaros could be an upgrade - although at a pretty significant cost ($65k) and depending on how well one can get the matching sub to integrate. I am not a sub person, as I've stated before.

The last time I commented on my favorite brands was here:
I'm there with you on the Wof Von Langa SON speakers. I was taken by them at CAF, Capitol Audio Fest, and then even more so at AXPONA. At the end of next week, I shall be hearing and seeing them again at T.H.E Show. It will be great to meet up with Collin King again in person in Costa Mesa. "Third time the charm" :)
So to sum up the Axpona speaker journey, I was really impressed at the uber high end with Stenheim Ultime, the Cessaro Opus and subs at the more regular high end, and the WVL Son at the moderate level. For panels, the Clarisys sounded awesome and its understandable how popular they've come in their infancy.

Going back to my favorite speakers, I'd replace AG Duo XD with Cessaro based on what I heard. I felt it was a more realistic experience with the caveat I didn't have my demo tracks to play with. I'm still not sure I'd replace YG with Stenheim in the pecking order yet, but Sonja 2.3s vs Ultime 2s would be an interesting experiment.

As far as compared to my Fyne F1-12s, I'd be inclined to say the Cessaros could be an upgrade - although at a pretty significant cost ($65k) and depending on how well one can get the matching sub to integrate. I am not a sub person, as I've stated before.

The last time I commented on my favorite brands was here:
I am struggling with the WVL Son as it is a speaker, on paper, that I should like. However, hearing four times and the bigger brother Chicago a couple of times I am not getting the right vibe from their speakers. They always sound too thin to me…and I am
Not a bass head. I also feel something is up with the radiation pattern differences I hear between the fieldcoil woofer and the AMT tweeter. It’s a speaker I WANT to like but so far don’t. The Cessaro Opus 1 has impressed me now two years in a row in Munich…great sounding two-way.
I'm there with you on the Wof Von Langa SON speakers. I was taken by them at CAF, Capitol Audio Fest, and then even more so at AXPONA. At the end of next week, I shall be hearing and seeing them again at T.H.E Show. It will be great to meet up with Collin King again in person in Costa Mesa. "Third time the charm" :)
I am very much looking forward to hearing the WVLs at THE Show myself.
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Keith, thanks for the reasonable sized write ups. I do more scrolling without reading on WBF than anything lately, so it helps a lot when there is something concise. I just can't read novels all the time...
During my trip to Southern California I also had the pleasure to visit KeithR and hear his system. Meeting Keith was a delight, and I was immediately impressed with his system.

We mostly listened with the LTA power amp, an OTL design and, as it would turn out soundwise, a steal for the money, as has also been emphasized in the past in several posts on WBF. Preamp was Keith's recently acquired Nagra which, if I understand correctly, has filled in some richness.

We started with digital streaming. Keith first played some modern classical tracks, partially film music, that I found very interesting and enjoyable. An open sound and great dynamics were readily evident. Following these tracks, I requested streaming of some tracks that I was familiar with. Joni Mitchell's voice on her album "Blue" was remarkably open, transparent and pure, while also sounding with appropriate and inviting warmth. The presence of voice was excellent, as was expressiveness, aided by wonderful micro-dynamics -- subtle volume changes within or between sung phrases. Micro-dynamics on the piano in the song "The River" were fantastic as well. Guitars and dulcimer also sounded great, with fine detail. Other voices sounded great too, for example, a track with Sting singing in a much lower register than he usually does. Even though the crossover of the Fyne speakers is at 750 Hz, I could hear no discontinuity in the midrange, none.

Midrange magic extended to one of my crucial test tracks for orchestral strings that I use because it is so well recorded. It is Stravinsky's Apollo, with Robert Craft conducting the London Symphony Orchestra (label Naxos, Redbook 16/44 file). The violin and viola sections were just gorgeous, with exquisite, believable silk on them, and incredibly pure. Possibly this was the best I have heard them so far. The low strings sounded very good as well, and with weight.

"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath sounded effortless, and there was very good weight and control on drums and bass. At the same time, guitars had appropriate menace. Ozzy's voice sounded open and present.

At some point our friend Jeff also joined and we all had a wonderful time, including at the closing dinner. Jeff brought some LPs as well. The LP of Billy Harper's "The Believer" (a favorite of Jeff and now of mine) sounded very nice on Keith's system, with engaging musical flow along those extended journeys of musical improvisation. The sound of Billy Harper's saxophone was great, and so was the sound of the other players (drums, bass, trumpet, piano).

An LP of Curtis Mayfield, Live, from Keith's collection showed off the funk and great rhythm & timing capabilities of the system, in an earthy rendition. The LP of Mozart string quartets that Jeff brought, with Quartetto Italiano on Philips, sounded very enjoyable as well. While the sound of that LP is just a bit on the bright side it was still immensely captivating. Timbral micro-detail was reproduced at a high level, and micro-dynamics were simply stunning, allowing the great expressiveness of the Quartetto Italiano's playing to shine through, in wonderful service of the music.

The solo violin of Rachel Barton Pine playing Bach (digital streaming) sounded excellent as well, with tons of timbral detail and solid tone. A vast amount of effortlessly presented detail was also evident on Pink Floyd's Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1).

Overall, the sound of Keith's system was the kind of sound that I love, great detail, great micro- and macro-dynamics, liveliness and presence, and convincing tone. Everything also sounded very clean and effortless without ever falling into the trap of being too polite or even sterile.

The system doesn't have the spatial depth that I am used to, but that is a function of the speakers being quite close to the front wall. My only slight criticism might be a bit of lack of weight in the low midrange, which affected the left hand of piano and perhaps the low register of violin as well. Keith said that's fair, and he would play with the Presence knob on the speakers. I love adjustable speakers; you also can adjust treble output on the Fynes. We listened with treble at neutral, which sounded fine to me and which is also Keith's favored setting, but other visitors prefer treble to either be slightly down or up.

Congratulations, Keith, on arriving at this very musical, enjoyable and impressive sound!
Thanks for the summary, Al! It was great having another music fan in the house. Some of the lower mid impact very well could be the Berning as previously I had noted that it wasn’t as strong on massed strings as some other amps. Of course, room interaction is also a clue. I appreciate the constructive criticism - unlike some, I welcome it.
Thanks for the summary, Al! It was great having another music fan in the house.

You're welcome, Keith, and yes, I enjoyed it very much too!

Some of the lower mid impact very well could be the Berning as previously I had noted that it wasn’t as strong on massed strings as some other amps. Of course, room interaction is also a clue. I appreciate the constructive criticism - unlike some, I welcome it.

That makes sense. OTL amps have a reputation of sounding a bit lean, but I have to say, on a lot of material I did not notice that. There are other amps of course ;). Yet that OTL amp has so many strengths, no wonder you enjoy it.

I welcome criticism as well -- has helped me a lot in my audio journey.
So big changes are coming, as we are moving from LA to Dallas next month - and along comes an entirely different room. Similar size (22x13'), but will be on the short wall this time around with well defined corners. We are aiming to add 1,000SF in the next few years, where a larger audio space will be part of the plans. The 1955 house is basically ungrounded except for the bathrooms, so I will be running 2 dedicated lines first thing. GIK tri traps are likely to be put in the corners as the Fynes have a lot of 360 degree bass. Also, I am ordering a Stressless Consul Power chair for the listening room due to the new configuration - my first time with a "throne" so will see how it goes. Guests will sit in chairs. I really like the Stressless Emily wood sofas, but its awkward to use a love seat in a narrow space as one seat is naturally off center (they are also quite large).

Finally, I am moving to WestminsterLab REIs for amplification ;) I flirted with some horny ideas, but ultimately decided to stick with the big, coherent Fynes and prefer them to be on SS amps in the Texas heat. I do think if I really want to level up some day, the Stenheim Ultime 2 would be right up there and match my electronics very well.

More to come with photos, etc.

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