Lamm LP2.1 Deluxe's the LP1 Sig fresh outa the box?'s the LP1 Sig fresh outa the box?
It's been hooked up for 2 hours now. I played a record first hour in. It sounds better fresh out of the box than the LP2.1 Deluxe did. I know this thing is going to make beautiful music from my records.
Congrats! I'm using an LP2 deluxe with NOS WE tubes. Ypsilon MC16 into MM input. I'm in heaven, so quiet, scary dynamics(listened to a telarc Fennell test pressing last night stunning[and i'm a rock guy]). One critical factor for me was the rectifier tube, not sure the power supply situation with the LP1( I have 6X4's), but definitely experiment with the rectifiers. The LP2 goes warm and fuzzy(euphonic but dynamic and extended) with a 50's Mullard,and fast and sharp with 60's yellow box Sylvania. I found a 50's tungsol to be the happy medium. Enjoy, for most of my carts Lyra Kleos sl, Koetsu RSP, Benz Ruby H I preferred them into a SUT(MC16/EARMC4) then into the MM input. The 1:10 jensons are good in the lp2, probably better SUT's in the lp1 sig , my point is experiment, especially with rectifiers! I find it needs a good hour to warm, then an hour of play to reach its peak, at 3-5k hours per tube I don't stress.


Hi Jeff,

I still have and enjoy my LP2 deluxe also with WE tubes, LP1 is different no 6x4 and no tube rolling needed. The LP1 is very well balanced and I don't feel the need to change anything but if one must I recommend swapping out the 12AX7s in the power supply.


Congrats! I'm using an LP2 deluxe with NOS WE tubes. Ypsilon MC16 into MM input. I'm in heaven, so quiet, scary dynamics(listened to a telarc Fennell test pressing last night stunning[and i'm a rock guy]). One critical factor for me was the rectifier tube, not sure the power supply situation with the LP1( I have 6X4's), but definitely experiment with the rectifiers. The LP2 goes warm and fuzzy(euphonic but dynamic and extended) with a 50's Mullard,and fast and sharp with 60's yellow box Sylvania. I found a 50's tungsol to be the happy medium. Enjoy, for most of my carts Lyra Kleos sl, Koetsu RSP, Benz Ruby H I preferred them into a SUT(MC16/EARMC4) then into the MM input. The 1:10 jensons are good in the lp2, probably better SUT's in the lp1 sig , my point is experiment, especially with rectifiers! I find it needs a good hour to warm, then an hour of play to reach its peak, at 3-5k hours per tube I don't stress.


Where did you guys ever find 417As????????????
Does anyone keep their LP2.1 on 24/7 or turn it on just when listening?

David leaves his on 24/7/365. I plan to keep mine on for a few weeks 24/7 for break-in. I am an anti-fire bug. I will be turning my unit off periodically and especially if I leave for a day or two.
I just turn my LP2.1 on for listening. I'm always concerned with the risk of fire and shorts with tube gear and I have 6,000 vinyl records to be converned with.
I just turn my LP2.1 on for listening. I'm always concerned with the risk of fire and shorts with tube gear and I have 6,000 vinyl records to be converned with.

The reality is that Vlad recommends leaving his products on as do many tube gurus as the point to be made is that tube failures typically occur when a component is turned on or off
The reality is that Vlad recommends leaving his products on as do many tube gurus as the point to be made is that tube failures typically occur when a component is turned on or off

I'm not saying my choices are rational! :)

Steve do you leave all your Lamm gear on 100% of the time or just the pre-amps?
I'm old school and only leave them on for an entire day only. Every time I turn them on and off I chant my little mantra and only twice in the years that I have had my Lamm gear have I had a tube fail. I have only rolled two tubes ever on my Lamm gear. I rolled the stock 12AX7 pair in my ML3 for a pair of NOS Telefunken ECC 803S and I also roll the GM-70 from the stock carbon plate to a copper plated GM-70
My original pair of ML2 on 24/7 unless I'm away for the past 18 years, the same for all my Lamm gear always left on except periods that I'm not around. According to Vladimir the parts get stressed most during turn on, his equipment is bulletproof just turn on and enjoy!

My original pair of ML2 on 24/7 unless I'm away for the past 18 years, the same for all my Lamm gear always left on except periods that I'm not around. According to Vladimir the parts get stressed most during turn on, his equipment is bulletproof just turn on and enjoy!


I have to agree with this but when I leave mine on as you do my electric bills go up enormously. Cost of electricity I guess is much higher in California.

David, I thought you leave your ML 3's off unless you are using them
I have to agree with this but when I leave mine on as you do my electric bills go up enormously. Cost of electricity I guess is much higher in California.

David, I thought you leave your ML 3's off unless you are using them

IMHO the cost of electricity for high-end audio systems compared to cost of equipment and maintenance is peanuts. What is the average cost of the kWh in the US?
I have to agree with this but when I leave mine on as you do my electric bills go up enormously. Cost of electricity I guess is much higher in California.

David, I thought you leave your ML 3's off unless you are using them

I did because of the unpredictability of the 6N30Ps not anymore with the Sovteks being in abundant supply now. Prefer the DR tubes sonically a bit more than the Sovteks but the latter seems to be more stable why I'm not worried to leave the ML3 on with them installed.


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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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