Lamm LP2.1 Deluxe

We're in similar stature, but for electricity...can you say, Class A and central AC?

Yeah, that's me too, along with way too many computers. I also get regular mail telling me I'm the highest consumer in my neighborhood.
I am! Probably Thursday or Friday.

Now you're talking. Glad you're going to have a listen Ian. I think you'll really like what you're going to hear. The LP1 is so much better still.
Yeah, that's me too, along with way too many computers. I also get regular mail telling me I'm the highest consumer in my neighborhood.

Hehe -- we have the same utility company.
Hi Christian, any more comments on the LP1 Sig vs 2.1? Now that you've had the LP1 Sig a few days? Or vs your Allnic? Thanks
i'd imagine rockitman is orbiting right now, discovering uncharted territories deep within, and beyond, his record collection.
i'd imagine rockitman is orbiting right now, discovering uncharted territories deep within, and beyond, his record collection.

"...and I think it's gonna be a long, long time..."
Where did he suggest that?


I was addressing the current Electro Harmonix , not the DR. As far as I know the DR is NOS, they are not currently manufactured. I never got DRs, they were expensive. A friend of mine got some and a few of them suffered from high grid current or microphonics - I tested them but did not want to risk them in my equipment.

"...and I think it's gonna be a long, long time..."

your galactic travel starts in a few days
Hi Christian, any more comments on the LP1 Sig vs 2.1? Now that you've had the LP1 Sig a few days? Or vs your Allnic? Thanks

too early to comment. It has only been plugged in since Friday and still has a ways to go before it fully opens up. I would say the LP2.1 is similar in sound to the LP1. I never got to hear the LP2.1 fully broken in...but it is the sound that got me to the LP1. In terms of allnic comparisons...I will need to wait until the LP1 is fully broken in and do more a/b comparing. They are different sounding phono stages. The Allnic has a lot of finesse and transparency. The Lamm seems to use a brute force approach to reproduction. The density, extension and overall dynamic slam of the music is closer to tape with the Lamm than the Allnic. That is really all I can say so far. I am very happy the Lamm is now in the system. More to come over the next couple of weeks.
too early to comment. It has only been plugged in since Friday and still has a ways to go before it fully opens up. I would say the LP2.1 is similar in sound to the LP1. I never got to hear the LP2.1 fully broken in...but it is the sound that got me to the LP1. In terms of allnic comparisons...I will need to wait until the LP1 is fully broken in and do more a/b comparing. They are different sounding phono stages. The Allnic has a lot of finesse and transparency. The Lamm seems to use a brute force approach to reproduction. The density, extension and overall dynamic slam of the music is closer to tape with the Lamm than the Allnic. That is really all I can say so far. I am very happy the Lamm is now in the system. More to come over the next couple of weeks.

Where did you end up placing the power supplies?
Where did you end up placing the power supplies?

I have put them on some dyi amp stands I made from 20x16x2 laminated maple cutting boards with spikes added for feet. I plan to rest the power supplies on top of stillpoints on top of the stands. These stands fit underneath a side table I use. I opted for longer power umbilical's...4 meters to have placement flexibility.
too early to comment. It has only been plugged in since Friday and still has a ways to go before it fully opens up. I would say the LP2.1 is similar in sound to the LP1. I never got to hear the LP2.1 fully broken in...but it is the sound that got me to the LP1. In terms of allnic comparisons...I will need to wait until the LP1 is fully broken in and do more a/b comparing. They are different sounding phono stages. The Allnic has a lot of finesse and transparency. The Lamm seems to use a brute force approach to reproduction. The density, extension and overall dynamic slam of the music is closer to tape with the Lamm than the Allnic. That is really all I can say so far. I am very happy the Lamm is now in the system. More to come over the next couple of weeks.

I agree 100% with your comparison to tape. Before I had the Lamm LP2.1, my tape system (Sonorus/Revox) was light years ahead of my turntable set-up with the Hovland internal phono amp. With the Ascona and Lamm set up, they are much closer in impact and fidelity.
I have put them on some dyi amp stands I made from 20x16x2 laminated maple cutting boards with spikes added for feet. I plan to rest the power supplies on top of stillpoints on top of the stands. These stands fit underneath a side table I use. I opted for longer power umbilical's...4 meters to have placement flexibility.

Get yourself a pair of inexpensive decent amp stands or a short rack Christian, the maple blocks are already bad enough please don't kill it even more with stillpoints :)! Steve had the same setup, maple blocks and stillpoints under his amps when I visited, he can chime in and tell you how much resolution and micro and macro detail we gained removing this stuff. If you want to get the best out of your Lamm gear don't tweak anything! Use the standard power cords that come with it and no footer, pucks on top, etc., etc., etc., save your money and put it towards a decent stand. There's nothing brutish about the LP1, its extremely nuanced when broken in.

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What are your prefered rack manufacturers?

It depends on one's budget Jeff, the usual suspects like CMS, SRA, HRS etc. are all excellent if you're willing to pay for it. There really are plenty of inexpensive racks out there that are very decent, you just have to do your due diligence to make sure the product is solid and of a sound design. I have cheap Target amp stands from years ago that I still use and are perfectly adequate. What I avoid are ikea furniture, glass shelves, butcher blocks, anything gimmicky with ball bearings, rolling or shifting mechanical devices and definitely no footers!

I'm a firm believer of mass loading when it comes to tt's, I have heavy lab tables like the ones from kinetic systems under all my turntables, they really do take care of business and are readily available on the used market for pennies on the dollar. If you want want you can try the air option but I'm not a fan of air under tt's but works great with electronics, so I rip out all the plumbing and spray paint it black.

The Shun Mooks beat SRA racks quite easily. In fact one guy with an SRA rack bought the mooks. I would just go with a normal wooden table, heavy, with shun mook diamond resonators.
Get yourself a pair of inexpensive decent amp stands or a short rack Christian, the maple blocks are already bad enough please don't kill it worse with stillpoints :)! Steve had the same setup, maple blocks and stillpoints under his amps when I visited, he can chime in and tell you how much resolution and micro and macro detail we gained removing this stuff. If you want to get the best out of your Lamm gear don't tweak anything! Use the standard power cords that come with it and no footer, pucks on top, etc., etc., etc., save your money and put it towards a decent stand. There's nothing brutish about the LP1, its extremely nuanced when broken in.


I totally agree

It was very enlightening for me to hear the difference without the SP's and then to add the CMS rack paid huge divi

You won't hear the full LP1 sound for at least 2 weeks. I have only listened to vinyl for the past 11 months and yes the LP1 brings you very close to tape
have a feeling Lamm would be a perfect match with Box Furniture Racks. they aren't cheap, but nowhere near the "big guys" in expense. I believe MikeL is using their amp stands and could comment.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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