Lamm LP2.1 Deluxe

I did because of the unpredictability of the 6N30Ps not anymore with the Sovteks being in abundant supply now. Prefer the DR tubes sonically a bit more than the Sovteks but the latter seems to be more stable why I'm not worried to leave the ML3 on with them installed.


What is the difference between the Sovtek and the ELectro-Harmonix 6N30? Are they manufactured in the same factory?
There are also 6N30P tubes in the LL1 and that is why I leave mine off as well

It was you who made me aware of the paucity of the DR 6N30P tubes

I only had one tube go in the past 8 years in the LL1 but as you know there were multiple fails with the 6N30P in my ML3, not so with the Sovteks.

What is the difference between the Sovtek and the ELectro-Harmonix 6N30? Are they manufactured in the same factory?
I think they're the same tube, from what I understand Sovtek ended up with all the tooling.
But Francisco suggests there should be no difference. My experience is when another company buys a tube factory and manufactures the same tubes there is in fact an audible difference

I was addressing the current Electro Harmonix , not the DR. As far as I know the DR is NOS, they are not currently manufactured. I never got DRs, they were expensive. A friend of mine got some and a few of them suffered from high grid current or microphonics - I tested them but did not want to risk them in my equipment.
Where did he suggest that?


I was addressing the current Electro Harmonix , not the DR. As far as I know the DR is NOS, they are not currently manufactured. I never got DRs, they were expensive. A friend of mine got some and a few of them suffered from high grid current or microphonics - I tested them but did not want to risk them in my equipment.

My mistake

I mis read and thought you said they were made in the same factory
I bought a bunch when the LP2 came out first, still have quite a few if you need any.

Should I push my LP2 back into duty, I will surely let you know David. That is some rare _________. Thank you for the offer. Seriously.
Should I push my LP2 back into duty, I will surely let you know David. That is some rare _________. Thank you for the offer. Seriously.

I could bring the tubes with me
IMHO the cost of electricity for high-end audio systems compared to cost of equipment and maintenance is peanuts. What is the average cost of the kWh in the US?

all I know is that I get monthly notices from the Utility...National Grid and they say on average I use 100% more electricity than my neighbors of similar size on a monthly basis. They probably think I must be using metal halide lights for an indoor pot
all I know is that I get monthly notices from the Utility...National Grid and they say on average I use 100% more electricity than my neighbors of similar size on a monthly basis. They probably think I must be using metal halide lights for an indoor pot

Now imagine you get a notice from the Audiophile Grid comparing what you spend on audio to what your neighbors do. Can you imagine what will be the percentage? ;)
Should I push my LP2 back into duty, I will surely let you know David. That is some rare _________. Thank you for the offer. Seriously.

Anytime Jack! They were always difficult to get in quantity but now they've become unobtanium like the DR 6N30P tubes.

all I know is that I get monthly notices from the Utility...National Grid and they say on average I use 100% more electricity than my neighbors of similar size on a monthly basis. They probably think I must be using metal halide lights for an indoor pot

That's what I get from Rocky Mountain every month, and get punished for every summer when they double their standard rates. Its another hated Buffet company, maybe time for a class action suit!

That's what I get from Rocky Mountain every month, and get punished for every summer when they double their standard rates. Its another hated Buffet company, maybe time for a class action suit!


they raise your rate when you hit a certain usage level ?
At least I don't have that.

Can't stand the hypocrite Buffet.:mad:
they raise your rate when you hit a certain usage level ?
At least I don't have that.

Can't stand the hypocrite Buffet.:mad:

Yes, every summer. They have different rates for daytime and night time use, all bullshit. Hate it when corporations want to force behavior on you, unfortunately they're a monopoly here. When I first got the bill and talked to their customer care dept. my reaction was FU and wanted to go off the grid but found out that's illegal! Talk about government hypocrisy :mad:!


I get a monthly score card from my water company. I am 175% of neighbors. More and more people are putting in artificial turf here. Water here is more than gas at the pump

We're in similar stature, but for electricity...can you say, Class A and central AC?

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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