I was using an A95 cartridge which has only 0.20v output. So I had to go up to 0.0db or higher to achieve over 80db. That is unnerving for me. I could see myself accidentally switching to my digital input and forgetting to adjust the volume.
But the real reason was the sound. I started playing some classical LP I was familiar with and noted that the quality of sound was very good, but then I got to a passage with strings in the upper octaves and couldn't hear it. Puzzled, I played a few other test LPs and noticed other elements of the arrangements very subdued. I then played LPs with vocals and found female voices slightly muffled. At this point I checked for loading options on the LP2.1 and found none, so switched back to my Pass phono to make sure my ears weren't blocked. Nope, ears were fine, lots of extension and clarity with the Pass. Then I got my wife to listen and she confirmed what I was hearing.
So... the question is why was this happening? I have no idea. I'm pretty sure nobody would design it to sound this way. Cartridge choice? I doubt that since I've heard Vladimir likes Ortofon. Maybe my RCA interconnect between the Lamm and my preamp (I normally use XLRs everywhere so had to settle for what I had on hand...).
I remain puzzled.
I will say that this unit is built like a tank and is extremely heavy (in a good way) and super silent. I had to put my ear practically ON my tweeter to hear anything, even with the volume turn high. Very impressive. As was the midrange texture and overall quality of the sound. It just didn't work out for me.