I just got notification it will be here in the next few hours
Stay tuned as well as I have the users' manual that is a file too big to upload to this thread even if I compress it as it is 32 pages long. I am going to install the users'manual on the WBF server and I will post it as soon as I have the link
No problem Mike, I have 2 grunts coming over to help. They have helped me many times in the past in getting my gear up and down the stairs including my speakers. They will have this done in 20 minutes
So it truly took the two guys under 20 minutes to get the Pacific down and the Flight case with contents up to the sound room and the horizon on my CMS platform. I am using a brand new set of Center Stage CS2M size 1.5. I took the existing CS2M 1.5's under my Studer so other than my turn table my entire electronics are sitting on Center stage CS2M 1.5
So I will defer any immediate claims or such as this has a long way to go before Im happy with tube burn in, center stage footers settling etc. I can say that I understand why Lukas is keeping the Pacific in production as it is a totally different beast than the Horizon. The VC is truly meant for a direct DAC to amp gain control. If one opts to use a separate preamp (which I do) the manual states to get the full benefits of the DAC, the VC should be set to 63 (highest gain control) and adjust your preamp accordingly
The manual says as well that based on the topology and how these tubes work tube life can be extended to easily 10 years or more. Hence to minimize any risk of tube failure commonly occurs with power on or power off, the manual stress to leave the DAC on as there is no risk of shortening tube life
I didn't now that and was listening before reading the manual and was playing the DAC at 43 but I had ti turn my preamp way up. I now have the DAC VC at 63 and am playing music with the preamp set where I had the Pacific and that really didn't work as I had to adjust the gain down on my preamp
First impression is how 3D the sound stage is and the absolute ease of presentation. I don't want to make any more comment for a while but I will post my spec sheet and some photos