Nice! Everyone is jumping on those adapters, they must be good. I haven’t jumped on the F2a bandwagon, too iffy when it comes to sourcing quads and some of the pairs I’ve seen have a lot of road rash yet are still expected to pull top dollar.
Since owning this Dac (GA TRP3 Balanced- or is it 4?

) my favorite rectifier has been the RCA Globe 80. I’ve purchased others (Sophie Aqua 274, various 5U4’s and VT244) but still prefer the Globe. My second favorite so far is a 1944 JAN CRC 5R4GY- it’s very close to the Globe 80.
On the power tube front I have two sets of ”go to’s”. If I want a super energetic sound I run a quad of Sovtek 6L6WXT’s- of the tubes I own they have the best overall presentation when it comes to a forward sound.
For the past two weeks I’ve been using a quad of early 1960’s Sylvania 6BQ6GT’s (with adapters). This was my first “experiment“ tube and it paid off well. These tubes have a very balanced presence with a little more bottom end weight and a smooth top end.
I’m currently awaiting the arrival of other adapters so that I may try various 6AQ5A/EL90 models in which I’m hoping to realize a little more efficiency with. I have two WW2 era quads ready to go- they should be interesting.