Todays Test- The TRP with 6AQ5 Miniature 7 pin
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I’ve been wondering for some time how these smaller 7 pin pentodes would sound so I did some reading, spoke with a couple of tube rollers and made the decision that I would start out with the 6AQ5. This seemed to be a good start as the pin out is shared with many other 7 pin base pentodes (I hadn’t done the triode test when planning for this) and hopefully I’ll come across a couple of indirectly heated triodes that work with the adapters I ordered for these. Due to the holidays and customs it took 5 weeks to get the adapters so this test was way overdue.
As I didn’t want to burn a bunch of $$$ on a test I looked for an old set of 6AQ5’s on EBay. My search netted 5 Sylvania JAN tubes from 1953. The seller said they had not seen any use as they were spares and they looked great once unboxed.
I popped these into their adapters and installed them into the dac for a 4 hour warm up this morning. As these are much older than I am I know they deserve a proper burn in as they will loosen up after a few days of use but I’m growing impatient and have music to listen to so off it went!
I started out with some heavy rock music from Alice In Chains before moving onto more instrumental plays as I’m familiar with it. At first I was surprised by the sound, it was complimentary with the dac and system but wasn’t providing a lot of drive. I believe the plate dissipation with these is almost half of that when compared to the larger octal pentodes. I continued listening at a low volume for about 20 minutes before increasing the volume to “normal” listening levels and beyond. That’s when the truth came out.
Although these little guys seemed to hold their own at first pushing them harder brought out the weaknesses fairly quickly. While distortion definitely came into play I think most of the harshness I experienced had to do with the lack of use (no burn in time). I listened to various artists for a period of just over an hour- below are the notes I typed while listening.
1) These are low output- need to increase volume to get the same drive.
Needs to be driven harder to produce results of 6L6- needs at least an increase of 4-6 on preamp to equal 6L6.
2) Stage is set back compared to others. Stage is good though- wide, good separation / placement of instruments but busy passages or high amplitude peaks things get congested and blurry.
3) Treble- The highs are more crisp than the 6J5. Highs get a little crispy, sharp and ringy in what seems an un-natural way (may have been the recording) also more sibilant than I’ve noticed before. Not really fatigued though.
4) Mids punch on vocals. Mids are good but can be a little challenging on really busy parts. A little blurry in upper mid/treble regions in busy passages but higher frequencies ring through. Excels in midrange overall but can sound a little harsh.
5) Bass is definitely not as big or impactful as with the 6j5 or 6L6 but obviously seems better with more highly compressed recordings (brick wall). Bass most impactful in upper to low midrange. Lacks the usual punch and doesn’t dig as deep.
I will definitely have to let these sit in the dac and cook a little longer before expecting much more from these. The last pair of new adapters/tubes I worked into did take a good 4-5 days before they performed their best. My only issue is that I’m so impressed with the 6J5‘s I don’t really want to have to wait. I may do off listening burn in while doing other things just to get the time on them.
That’s all for now!