Spent the Saturday morning sanding and then using isopropyl alcohol on old tube pins, and then tried out the tubes in the afternoon and today. I'll mention some that I don't think have been mentioned earlier in the thread:
- Telefunken EL11. Super detailed and clear tube. I can see why people really like Telefunken, but in this DAC (which is already super detailed and clear) I think I prefer the slightly warmer RFT EL11. Need EL11/EL12 to EL34 adapters.
- Fivre 6L6G (early spade getter). Another great tube. Great dynamics. I have a load of old Fivre tubes to try out that I purchased from a guy in Italy. They were super cheap. but also super dirty and it takes me quite a long time to clean up the pins - but they do clean up nicely eventually. Will try more later when I have more time and report if I hear any differences between all the constructions.
- Philips EL34 XF2. I guess this tube has been mentioned before, and I can also see why these are so popular. Very full bodied - great for rock music. One of my favourites. Will compare to the metal base at a later date.
- Spanish Marconi 6F6G. Oooh what have I found here. Less gain than some of the other tubes (especially compared to say the EL11), but this appears to be a very nice tube. Hint of warmth. I just ordered a couple more from radio-antigua on eBay - a guy who I've purchased many tubes from before. I also have GEC KT63 which are meant to be be similar, but haven't tried these yet. These are an early tube that preceded the 6V6 and are meant to have more distortion than the 6V6, but it sure sounds sweet in this DAC.
- GEC VT75 clear glass. Super airy and detailed. An amazing tube to have if you feel the music needs a little more "space", although similar to the Telefunken from above - might be a "bit much" for some music with this DAC. I really like this tube with some of my heavier electronic music.
- Neotron 6L6: Very dynamic and "alive" tube. Really grabbed my attention.
- Cossor 6V6G. Solid all around tube. Nothing really stood out. Clear glass matches well with the Cossor 53KU
- Fivre 6V6G. This one felt a bit subdued and more relaxed.
Truly amazing the amount of tubes you can run in this DAC. Originally I didn't think it would be a "problem" for me as I told myself "it's just a tube buffer - you're not going to be able to tell much difference between the various tubes". Well, I can hear a few differences, and now my pocket is much lighter... I guess the saving grace with being a tube collecting addict, is that a lot of these tubes will hold their prices.
I can post pictures if anyone is interested. I have quite a few more tubes to go, but this will do for now. EL3, EL12 spez, EL38/E3375, EL39 and EL51 adapters should arrive in the next week or two.