Lampizator Horizon360 - Broadening Our Musical Horizons

We worked on the H360 in the background without time pressure. I told my team - whenever you are ready we will make a switchover. First having internal betatesters, then external, then secret sales to people who had no idea about the change then to people who did know then the launch date etc
Thanks. Much appreciated. Sounds like bw external beta testers, then secret sales to people and then to additional folks all before the launch date, much has been known for awhile. i surely do not blame any distributor for not knowing. of course not. if i had the slightest inkling there might be a new horizon on the horizon in the next 6-12 months i would not have paid a decent amount for a new horizon w xdmi. and now i need to pay slightly more than that for a new 360. (again, i always wanted to avoid shipping back and forth to poland, the hazards involved, and the downtime). anyway, thanks again, and i can chalk it up to bad timing. sounds like steveW and a few others maybe in the same situation. as u know i have been a huge supporter since the pacific 4-5 yrs ago and always support. will leave it at that and congrats on creating a new masterpiece!
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Thanks. Much appreciated. Sounds like bw external beta testers, then secret sales to people and then to additional folks all before the launch date, much has been known for awhile. i surely do not blame any distributor for not knowing. of course not. if i had the slightest inkling there might be a new horizon on the horizon in the next 6-12 months i would not have paid $17-18k for a new horizon w xdmi. and now i need to pay slightly more than that for a new 360. (again, i always wanted to avoid shipping back and forth to poland, the hazards involved, and the downtime). anyway, thanks again, and i can chalk it up to bad timing. sounds like steveW and a few others maybe in the same situation. as u know i have been a huge supporter since the pacific 4-5 yrs ago and always support. will leave it at that and congrats on creating a new masterpiece!
I am surprised. THE ZERO LOSS is our policy and you loose NOTHING.
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Not to labor the point but a better analogy I would put forth.....I live in California and Im sure my house shakes BUT the only time I feel my house shake is during an earthquake. It doesn't upset me at all. What upsets people is the analogy of a garbage can. Im sure if you wack (not a tap as you claim you did) any of the Taiko tops in the manner in which you did you will get a resonant sound
Circuit breaker between the obstetrician and the ophthalmologist by the gastroenterologist:) :) . Let's just agree that if we take the lid off everyone will be absolutely delighted! Frankly this new dac is bloody exciting . Lets just take the lid off haha:) :)

Circuit breaker between the obstetrician and the ophthalmologist by the gastroenterologist:) :) . Let's just agree that if we take the lid off everyone will be absolutely delighted! Frankly this new dac is bloody exciting . Lets just take the lid off haha:) :)
Totally agree Ian. As we speak I am wiring my Olympus/IO with the Taiko digital board via the KBL XDMI cable and very shortly will be listening to Native XDMI via my Lampi XDMI Horizon . Its going to be a fun day and "exceptional music"
Everything is on our www
Lukasz, have you upgraded the preamp part of H360 so that it's at least as good as Poseidon's? (I recall reading that H1's preamp is not as good as Poseidon's, but I could be wrong in my memory.) Also, about the optional 3xBNC/i2s, can the BNC connectors be replaced by RCA ones upon request (because my proprietary i2s cables are all RCA terminated)?
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Congratulations on the release of this new Horizon 360 model, Lukasz and Fred! I would love to do an interview with you, Lukasz, about the new model!

Will any design elements of the new 360 trickle down to the Poseidon? To a Baltic 5?
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Congratulations on the release of this new Horizon 360 model, Lukasz and Fred!

Will any design elements of the new 360 trickle down to the Poseidon? To a Baltic 5?
And now will there be "Engine 12" upgrades?
I received my Horizon 360 yesterday and offer these early observations. To begin, aside from the graphics and the new line-up of rear panel connectors, the unit really appears indistinguishable from the previous iterations (the original and what has been called “v1” which contains the new XDMI input on the rear panel. (This was available by two pathways; either by updating one’s original or ordering a new Horizon with the XDMI input). In order to assess the new 360, I thought it was reasonable to simply install my current tube set on the new 360 since it would allow an assessment in which the only variable was the new unit itself, and not tubes. (For the record, I run a Cossar 53KU regulator, Mullard ECC2 triodes, and P17c pentodes in mullingmrs copper wire/gold pin adapters. I am connecting the 360 to my Taiko Extreme via USB and an FTA Sinope cable.) Of course, all the caveats about break-in apply (cable terminations and tube socket annealing, capacitor charging, CMS footers re-settling and stabilizing etc.). However, the good news is that the 360, even with very little break-in time, appears to be a superior unit to its predecessor in the most fundamental way. Simply put it is a higher resolution and lower distortion device than the original that it replaces. The obvious full range sonic benefits, particularly musicality, accrue from these advances. Even though bass is often the last thing that “comes in” with cable and gear changes and I am not there yet, what I have heard thus far is impressive and suggests that even better performance awaits as break-in continues. Alternately I might say, if the bass is good now, I can hardly wait to hear this thing after it’s broken in! In short, I doubt that anyone would not be impressed with a 360 no matter how configured, based on what I have heard thus far. Lukasz did his homework and new owners will be justly rewarded by his efforts regardless of the server one uses. The pairing of the 360 with the new XDMI native output-enabled Olympus is yet another highly anticipated event and is almost too much to think about, but promises to be a hell of a ride.

Unfortunately, I am obliged to provide an additional comment about the damping (or lack of) for the top plate (in my case, copper). Frankly, I was very disappointed in the lack of damping for the top plate. Although the chassis appear to be built like a brick you-know-what, if anyone believes the top plate damping is adequate and needs no further discussion, my response is noted here:

Honestly, the top plate rattles like a metal garbage can when finger-tapped. If your unit is on an open shelf or in an open cabinet and you don’t think this matters, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. However, the detrimental effects of the poor top plate damping are almost certainly the most problematic if you play your music at volume. At lower levels, it’s probably a relatively minor issue, or no issue at all. Fortunately, this is a trivial issue and is easily addressed. I certainly haven’t exhausted every damping method that is out there, but this one worked quite well for me using 1000 gm calibration weights and sorbothane discs that are both readily available from Amazon

View attachment 135607. View attachment 135608

Sorbothane discs,popular,128&sr=1-6

Calibration weights:
Thanks for the review and suggestions, Marty. I appreciate you.

Lukasz, have you upgraded the preamp part of H360 so that it's at least as good as Poseidon's? (I recall reading that H1's preamp is not as good as Poseidon's, but I could be wrong in my memory.) Also, about the optional 3xBNC/i2s, can the BNC connectors be replaced by RCA ones upon request (because my proprietary i2s cables are all RCA terminated)?
I too am interested in understanding any preamp upgrades viz a viz the Poseidon. I use my Horizon as analogue pre as well.
I'm sure the the Horizon 360 will be an upgrade over the H1. Smart people like Lukasz are never content with status quo. I'll probably consider upgrading in the future but I'm listening to my H1 and quite frankly I'm in a good place now.
Not to labor the point but a better analogy I would put forth.....I live in California and Im sure my house shakes BUT the only time I feel my house shake is during an earthquake. It doesn't upset me at all. What upsets people is the analogy of a garbage can. Im sure if you wack (not a tap as you claim you did) any of the Taiko tops in the manner in which you did you will get a resonant sound
From my experience the Extreme top is about as solid and non resonant as any audio chassis can be.

My Aries Cerat steel tops rattle a bit like the horizon. I don’t know how much impact this has on sound quality, but I’ve put steel weights on them, which dampens them very effectively.
Lukasz, have you upgraded the preamp part of H360 so that it's at least as good as Poseidon's? (I recall reading that H1's preamp is not as good as Poseidon's, but I could be wrong in my memory.) Also, about the optional 3xBNC/i2s, can the BNC connectors be replaced by RCA ones upon request (because my proprietary i2s cables are all RCA terminated)?
No change in tube section and yes 3xrca is an alternative take
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No change in tube section and yes 3xrca is an alternative take
Thanks, Lukasz. So far as I know, the 3x/i2s did and will have me in mind :D, because I am not aware of anybody else doing such i2s connection, and I was and am grateful for it. I am interested in seeing a possible 3x BNC/RCA/i2s equipped server with internal storage in the market. My DIY guy modded 2 Pioneer Elite DVD players for me with 4x RCA/i2s outputs (initially one with 3xRCA, but had to remod to add the master clock to be compatible with H1). May I assume that for H360 I simply don't use the master clock output/input and no need to have my DVD players remodded? I mentioned several times that the connection via such purist i2s (from a lowly DVD transport) surpasses connection via USB (from Extreme with Switch) in naturalness and soundstage.
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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