Lampizator Valve / Tube Rolling Review Thread

I've got a question about rotating paired tube "sets" in a quad/balanced output. For reference, I have a Lampi Atlantic 3 TRP balanced DAC. I am running 2 different matched pairs of F2A tubes in front row vs back row. So row 1 is a matched pair, and row 2 is a different matched pair, but they are not a matched quad (which isn't necessary per Lampi). I've tried swapping them front to rear and back, but there really aren't any sound differences.

I also own another matched pair of older F2A tubes that I keep in reserve. I'd like to possible swap them in to prolong the life of all the F2As, but I want to do it correctly. Is there guidance for rolling in a potentially different pair in the balanced configuration? I also want to spread the older/newer tubes across the sound versus just having the older tube pair affect (positively or negatively) a single channel. Ideally, replacing the positive or negative leg for each channel would be the goal, but not sure which tube positions will accomplish that.

Or should I just replace one of the rows and rotate the others back in after 6 months, with the newer pair that wasn't replaced coming out and the previously replace newer pair going back in? Does that make sense? I'm basically asking if there is a methodology to rotating spare tubes in a Lampi balanced configuration, similar to rotating your spare tire through the other 4 wheels on a car.
Isn't it the balanced set up still left-right?
Isn't it the balanced set up still left-right?
Not sure, that’s why I’m asking. If the 2 left banks are for only the left balanced, and right banks for right unbalanced, then I should rearrange my matched pairs anyway since I’ve currently got them matched by front and back rows.

Maybe it doesn’t make a difference which tube goes where from the Lampi perspective, but I would prefer to do it the right way.
Not sure, that’s why I’m asking. If the 2 left banks are for only the left balanced, and right banks for right unbalanced, then I should rearrange my matched pairs anyway since I’ve currently got them matched by front and back rows.

Maybe it doesn’t make a difference which tube goes where from the Lampi perspective, but I would prefer to do it the right way.

If you had an SE unit, the front two tubes would be alongside each other, left and right channels. Adding another pair for a balanced configuration doesn’t change that. My first thought, not having had balanced versions, is that it might not matter which tube was forward or back, as long as the two sides are similar overall in total. That said, I’d likely match side to side for optimal set up. But if you can’t do that, experiment.

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