LDMS Server

My server is back with me now, following a bunch of upgrades. As well as the OS architecture, I took the opportunity to have all my music locally stored rather than on my NAS, which is getting a bit old now. Internal USB cabling was also upgraded, as was the power supply cable. All in all, a substantial upgrade in terms of cost.

I'm only a few evenings into listening, but the collective changes are pretty substantial. Most noticeable so far is instrument / voice separation, and a wider soundstage, but there also seems to be an improvement in dynamics as the music has more tension and excitement to it. So far, so good.

I have reached the drinking phase of my decision making process on an important topic. The specifications have been ironed out (mostly), the proposal is in place. Nothing left but the final gut check, and now for additional consideration, a solicitation of outside counsel, prior to hitting the submit payment button.

In the fan section for LDMS, I don’t expect to hear any disparaging words, but am somewhat undecided on the final specification. I’m looking for insight, if not experience.

Anyone here familiar with the differences between the Maximus and a Hybrid version, which isn’t on the website? Sort of a momma bear version between the Maximus and mini?

It boils down to this one, which is a medium power processor in a Maximus case with external LPS AND an external 3R MT reclocker. Or I could hold on a little longer for a full Maximus without the reclocker to start with. With more time and of course money, this could be added.

Since I don’t do any heavy processing, just running native, Lucas suggested this version.

I appreciate any feedback, especially from those who lead me here in the first place ;)

I have reached the drinking phase of my decision making process on an important topic. The specifications have been ironed out (mostly), the proposal is in place. Nothing left but the final gut check, and now for additional consideration, a solicitation of outside counsel, prior to hitting the submit payment button.

In the fan section for LDMS, I don’t expect to hear any disparaging words, but am somewhat undecided on the final specification. I’m looking for insight, if not experience.

Anyone here familiar with the differences between the Maximus and a Hybrid version, which isn’t on the website? Sort of a momma bear version between the Maximus and mini?

It boils down to this one, which is a medium power processor in a Maximus case with external LPS AND an external 3R MT reclocker. Or I could hold on a little longer for a full Maximus without the reclocker to start with. With more time and of course money, this could be added.

Since I don’t do any heavy processing, just running native, Lucas suggested this version.

I appreciate any feedback, especially from those who lead me here in the first place ;)
Two friends have exactly what you said is in the plan for you and their smile is from ear to ear so i would easily say - go with it...
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Golum, thanks for the inspiration and confirmation. Sometime early in the New Year....
Now I’ll need another usb cable ;)
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Golum, thanks for the inspiration and confirmation. Sometime early in the New Year....
Now I’ll need another usb cable ;)
Glad to hear you jumped on it...for the cable no worries ;)
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Hi, am new to this forum. I have ordered an LDMS pico. I have already the new Antipodes S40 ( wich sounds really Good). My files and Roon core att S40 and Pico as endpoint. Has any of you heard the Pico?
Regards Magnus
Hi, am new to this forum. I have ordered an LDMS pico. I have already the new Antipodes S40 ( wich sounds really Good). My files and Roon core att S40 and Pico as endpoint. Has any of you heard the Pico?
Regards Magnus
Hello Magnus,

Welcome to WBF! As a current Antipodes owner moving to LDMS, I find this combination interesting. Your path crosses some of my lines of thought. Please explain how you decided to go with these pieces. No, I have not heard the Pico.

Also, which power supply are you using with the S40?
Thank you Tuckia,

I used to have Antipodes ex as roon player. My current server is now Innuos zen mini mk3. I used this combo in line with Antipodes filosofy sharing core and player between different computers. This sounded alright as it was even If I imagine your CX-EX combo is superior to what I had. My initial plan was to replace the player section with the Aqua linq, but due to Aqua descided to discontinue and not support roon module anymore I had this replaced with the Anipodes S40. So I have used this as a player and Innuous as the core for some time. The S40 with its only basic SMPS sounds better than both Aqua linq and the EX it replaced. I could of course sell the S40 and go for a LDMS mini or something just becuase I would then need fewer boxes but I think the S40 appeals to me with its musicality and prat. So why not combine it whith another musical performer and this thread made me think of contacting Lucas to discuss options. My plan is to use a Sean Jacobs DC-3 for the 12v DC input for S40. Now I try to figure out how to import my flac files to the S40 SSD.

Regards Magnus
You’ve been doing some experimenting. I’d like to do some of this too but the time and expense adds up.

Many servers are running dual CPU’s these days. Separation of tasks seems to make sense. LDMS does not and I suspect Lucas has his reasons. It could just be cost or something to do with internal communication between the various sections. I didn’t ask and I really wouldn’t expect a complete answer. Secret sauce is, well, a secret. But there isn’t a practical reason why an LDMS couldn’t be used as a discrete core or renderer. But you do run the risk of losing some magic. It leaks out of the cables and connectors and is confused by multiple power supplies and ground planes. Please report your results once known.

The Pico cost about the same as the Antipodes S30, which is the player section shared with the K30 and K50. No slouch. Did you consider or try this?

My reasons for moving from Antipodes involve issues not really related to performance, although I’m certain the CX +EX isn’t top of class, if it ever had been. Two issues. They offered little for trade in value and they won’t release upgrades for these units for about a year per my dealer. Because they want to maximize their profits selling new units. I suppose the new K/S units are pretty good. The cost of going there was too high. Then the cycle repeats next year. I don’t want to be a cash cow for the Antipodes milking parlor. Enter LDMS. Lucas provides updates for free or reasonable cost. There is a good chance LDMS beats Antipodes straight up today as well.

Power supplies. LDMS uses super capacitor based linear power supplies (think Farad). How this really compares to the Sean Jacobs or Antipodes proprietary power supply is unknown to me, but I think I like what Lucas is doing here.

Im also thinking the LDMS sound will be a better match for my Lampizator/Allnic all tube based system. The Antipodes is smooth and sonorous, almost to a fault. This might be the ticket for high res SS gear. I’ll know more once I have the new unit settled in.

Keep us posted with your results.

Hi Greg,

thanks for your points.

As for the S30, I was thinking about that very careful too. And adding a S60 dual rail 12 powersupply for these to get the most of the antipodes sound. But as I already have the fine SJ jacobs DC-3, I can just reuse that and cut cost. The Pico includes both LPSU and a reclocker from Ideon audio. I am certain both brands have done wonders in reducing noice involved in the hole chain, Antipodes S40 USB output card sounds very good,
I also like the fact that Lucas takes care of his customers in a personal way and offers upgrades and software updates. Should be good long term business for us customers,

Regads Magnus
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10 days in and I have to say the upgrades continue to impress. Dynamics are improved, particularly the jump factor in classical music, and DSD files are a revelation.
Does anyone know anything about the Pico one-box streamer/dac plus LPS.
10 days in and I have to say the upgrades continue to impress. Dynamics are improved, particularly the jump factor in classical music, and DSD files are a revelation.

I agree: the dynamics are clearly improved after the update. Inter Alia large classical pieces like the symphonies of eg Bruckner, Mahler, Shostakovich, etc clearly benefit from this improvement. But I consider the additional smoothness and purity even more important.

Initially I lost some soundstage depth but after some changes Lucas managed to do remotely the soundstage depth is back. The left back and right back corners of my conservatory behind my listening room are filled with music like never before if the recording allows this.
Yes smoothness and purity are better. Interesting re: soundstage - I felt mine had improved, but there were other changes that I'd made too, so it's hard to determine what was driving the improvements.
What are these changes? Software/programming updates? Or physical retrofits/mods to the server itself?
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Typically additional transparency - one of the benefits of this update - creates the illusion of a larger soundstage. However, initially this was not the case in my situation although I immediately experienced a better 3D presentation within this somewhat shrunken soundstage (only the soundstage depth though, the soundstage remained as wide as it was before). However, I repositioned my NAS and Lucas added a switch box. These two units are currently linked with a rather flimsy cable. Possibly this cable is responsible for the diminishing soundstage effect. Lucas shipped a high quality lan-cable to me last week in order to replace this flimsy cable. Likely this will bring additional benefits.
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There is a new operating system Lucas is now using, so this was the original reason for the upgrade. I took the opportunity to have a 4TB hard drive installed at the same time, to move away from a rather old NAS drive and take any network issues out of the equation. There were also some internal cabling updates done (mine has an internal reclocker), as well as a new cable from the power supply.
Two friends have exactly what you said is in the plan for you and their smile is from ear to ear so i would easily say - go with it...
@Tuckia: I'm one of these two guys... Lucas will assemble the server for you as you discussed it. The probability that you'll be fully satisfied is very close to 100%... btw: I like the cables, which Goran's distributing a lot. Don't miss to try the Metis ethernet.
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@Phonatix, thank you that is good to know. So far most here aren’t clarifying which units they own, which introduces some uncertainty for those of us engaged in a buying decision. Probably many more out there than just me. I’m in the US and don’t believe there are many units around here yet to demo or to even travel for quick listen. So it’s a bit of a puzzle. Bits and pieces from everywhere.

Everything I own I’ve had a chance to demo or hear prior to purchase - except servers. Any of them going back 6 years. It’s an act of faith based on the good folks here and elsewhere providing feedback. Is this smart? I’d call it a calculated risk, mitigated by trying to know and understand the people making the comments here. If you camp on your server too long, you are missing out as the rate of improvement has been steep recently. Lucas’ announcement that he had a SW breakthough put me over the top with LDMS. He is mining the same vein as Mark Jenkins and certainly others in this arena. As I understand it, Lucas may be the most capable programmer of them. At least that is the myth being spun ;)

Yes, I’m up on Goran’s FTA cables, so far just owning one Callisto. But will look into the others further. If anyone has more to share on LDMS LPS power cord matching, please chime in. Seems to be important. My Antipodes are quite sensitive to this as well.
@Phonatix, thank you that is good to know. So far most here aren’t clarifying which units they own, which introduces some uncertainty for those of us engaged in a buying decision. Probably many more out there than just me. I’m in the US and don’t believe there are many units around here yet to demo or to even travel for quick listen. So it’s a bit of a puzzle. Bits and pieces from everywhere.

Everything I own I’ve had a chance to demo or hear prior to purchase - except servers. Any of them going back 6 years. It’s an act of faith based on the good folks here and elsewhere providing feedback. Is this smart? I’d call it a calculated risk, mitigated by trying to know and understand the people making the comments here. If you camp on your server too long, you are missing out as the rate of improvement has been steep recently. Lucas’ announcement that he had a SW breakthough put me over the top with LDMS. He is mining the same vein as Mark Jenkins and certainly others in this arena. As I understand it, Lucas may be the most capable programmer of them. At least that is the myth being spun ;)

Yes, I’m up on Goran’s FTA cables, so far just owning one Callisto. But will look into the others further. If anyone has more to share on LDMS LPS power cord matching, please chime in. Seems to be important. My Antipodes are quite sensitive to this as well.
Hi Tuckia, as for cables. I saw you have Audio Sensibility cables, In fact I have a full loom of his cables. Really good. Actually I have recently bought Phasure Lush 3 USB cable and this one must be a real killer for the price. Very analog sounding with good details and bottom. What LDMS server did you descide for eventually. Was it the hybrid? I think its good to listen to Lucas advice. If one not upsample and only play easy files then go for the low power CPU. Did he suggest the wider case for eventual future upgrades? As for the reclocker I have not heard the difference between the stage 1 and 2. I used to have the Ideon stage 1 blackstar but sold it when I got the Aqua Linq. But this made may Antipodes EX better with USB no doubt. The Ideon products should get more attention in the hifiworld IMHO
Regards Magnus
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