update on my Supex SD900 mkIV I got from
@audiobomber :
got same job done as with my Kiseki Blue longbody; retipped with boron cant and Namiki Microridge needle by Aidas....fantastic result and intact tone as original, but much better resolution
after some time in Ikeda IT407 I moved it over in my Dynavector DV-505 on the DD MicroSeiki DDX-1500.....the arm cart match was obviously better from the start
however I missed the middle cw for the subarm and used the heaviest one and felt it was not optimal
yesterday I got a new middle 22g cw from Dynavector and the improvement in clarity and bass was very substantial
the Supex compliance seems to better match with the lighter DV-505
I´m not sure people are aware of how well some of theese vintage mc´s from the golden era holds up against today's overpriced carts.....