Someone use Lyra Erodion step up with Atlas?
While the Erodion name has been around for a long time, both the contents and appearance have changed over the years.
The "red" Erodion introduced a wider-bandwidth stepup unit, along with revisions to the grounding and output loading. From this red version onwards, the Erodion shifted away from the mid-range oriented sound of a traditional stepup transformer, and became closer to a "straight wire with gain".
The more recent "black" Erodion Evo is distinguished by comparatively short (60cm) ultra-low-capacitance captive output leads, which reduce the secondary-to-primary capacitance multiplication effects that all transformer-based stepups suffer from. The sound goes in a similar direction as the red version, but with added bandwidth, resolution and impact.
As a passive stepup, the Erodion should not have any difficulty with cartridges with an internal impedance of 10 ohms or less (which covers all of our current cartridge models). However, amplifying a normal Atlas (0.56mV) by the 26dB (20x) gain of the Erodion (0.56mV x 20 = 11.2mV) may overload some phono stages, especially on LP scratches, which being physical damage applied after the LP was cut, can have far greater amplitude than any of the recorded content.
Thank you very much Jonathan. You get my bow with full respect advising me to work with what I already own and almost mentioned nothing of your SUT. I could try all options you suggested.
Kindest regards,
Tang. Jonathon is the ultimate gentleman.
Now, do what Jon said and buy his Lyra SUT - then tell us what works bestYou are after all our formula one test driver here.
One my friend has Atlas and Erodion red and prefer listen with erodion
Other friend has Atlas and bought Erodion Evo
I have Atlas sl and I use in current with my P1 and is a perfect match
But when I tried Erodion Evo with mm input of my CH,I found more stage,more body and more dynamic,was a fantastic sound,only very little less transparent on high,but this is normal
Also in my friend system with Atlas ,P1 and Erodion Evo listen same difference like in my home
Erodion Evo is perfect both with Atlas and Atlas sl like compatibility
In my system I prefer little more with erodion because I also have the speaker 3 mt from rear wall and I find Atlas little light than opus 1
With Erodion I have more body and stage
I lost a little transparency in midhigh with Erodion
So with 10 song I prefer 7 with Erodion and 3 without
If you have speaker with body and room with good bass and midbass is better without
But if you can try I suggest to try
what would be the load on my Atlas when connected to the red Erodion (approx 3yr vintage) + Ypsilon VPS-100 phono stage which has an input of 47K ohm?
Would I be right in assuming the loading would be the same for any cartridge when using the Erodion.
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