Excellent choice. Many would argue, including me, that the Etna SL smokes the competition.The qualities you describe in the Etna are more important to me than slam. Thanks for your reply, very helpful.
Excellent choice. Many would argue, including me, that the Etna SL smokes the competition.The qualities you describe in the Etna are more important to me than slam. Thanks for your reply, very helpful.
Excellent choice. Many would argue, including me, that the Etna SL smokes the competition.
My dealer installed my new Lyra Etna a couple of days ago to replace the Skala. For the first day I missed the Skala as the tonal balance of the Etna seemed on the bright side. Next day it was much better, very positive and am eager to hear it when it is broken in. How long is the process of break in for this cartridge?
Can i ask the Madake users, is it just a bit out of it's lane with percussion and large scale complex, bass driven music?
Yes. Though not a madake user and will never be.
Miya zero, will probably get it some day
Then how do you know it can’t handle complex music or did I misunderstand your answer?
The madake I have heard many times and compared to other carts. Never liked it. The Miya monos I always liked
My opinion is that until you live with a cartridge in your own system for 3-4 months, playing a wide variety of music, it is really hard to assess it.
I have had a Madake for about that period of time and although it isn't my end-game cartridge, there is no music that I found it be unable to handle. There are definitely better cartridges out there, including the Clearaudio GFS that I am now using, but I preferred the Madake to the Etna SL, for starters.
And my opinion is except in rare cases of expertise, people who live with their own gear just get used to it and don't know any better. Best way to evaluate stuff is to listen to it in different systems set up by people who have expertise with that particular component. If it sounds good, great, you have found a combination it works with, like I have found in the case of red sparrow. Sometimes you find consistency either good or bad. For me madake has always disappointed especially on complex music, like IB mentioned. If you like it you probably do not have enough exposure to alternatives like Stradivarius, red sparrow, Decca London reference, etc with the right recordings. No offence
I respectfully disagree. When you listen to something in a unfamiliar system how do you know what is driving the sound you either like or don't like?
If I can change one item in my system I can assess what the change is, ie. a controlled experiment.
If you're up for trying out something new, and if you have a higher mass *arm still (like the Ikeda in your system list, 3012, FR64S, correctly optioned Schroeder CB etc):I thought it worth asking since my other choice for Alt-J and acoustic, a Van den Hul Colibri, turns out to cope quite well with dance music and lacks nothing in the lower frequencies
Anytime you are in the mood! Comparison with a *Fuuga should be fun.Thank you for your kind offer.
I would suggest we speak again once i have my intended macro dynamic solution in place, namely a Miyabi Fuuga.
Then it will be a useful comparison ?
Thank you again
Hi! I’m using a CAR-30 for a couple of years now. I got it back from refurbish service, new coils, damper, cantaliver (boron) and MR diamond by a 3part.Very nice! How do the Etna SL and Anna compare?
I ended up buying the Etna SL. It is still running in and it is not yet dialled in. It sounds good, but has not yet knocked my socks off. At this point I still prefer my Kuzma CAR 40.
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