Magico A5s arrive at Rhapsody....color me confused;)

Not so sure about it. I have a pair of A3's trade ins on M2s that sold for $9900 originally and now they are selling for $8K, just because how good they sound for $8K and that is with the A5 being available for demo and delivery.
How about a pair of S5MK#?

Would you expect any company to produce products with a concern for resale value of their previously produced products?
Yes. After driving off the lot, don't want buyers to suffer huge depreciation. Just ask Raidho owners. Also resale value will help when time to upgrade

Make their new products poorer performers so that their older products resale value is better?
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great Magico can produce better products at lower cost. Just need better performance distinctions between the lines.
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How about a pair of S5MK#?

Yes. After driving off the lot, don't want buyers to suffer huge depreciation. Just ask Raidho owners. Also resale value will help when time to upgrade

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great Magico can produce better products at lower cost. Just need better performance distinctions between the lines.

Somehow I think even the S3Ii and the S5II are still great sounding speakers if you like the Magico sound. I don't think their value will change all that much. I find that the S series many times has to do with aesthetics vs the A series.

When you set up a pair of nice looking S5II's they are still going to sound VG and you get choices of colors/finishes etc.

BUT I totally get your point. Although Raidho is the worst case scenario in the world. I don't see Magico being similar in any way to Raidho with regard to resale value.

At this point I feel that Alon has worked and worked and worked for all these years, I believe his true design genius and glory is just about to unfold. Even to the naysayers. Time will tell.

Happy Sunday!
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Somehow I think even the S3Ii and the S5II are still great sounding speakers if you like the Magico sound. I don't think their value will change all that much. I find that the S series many times has to do with aesthetics vs the A series.

When you set up a pair of nice looking S5II's they are still going to sound VG and you get choices of colors/finishes etc.

BUT I totally get your point. Although Raidho is the worst case scenario in the world. I don't see Magico being similar in any way to Raidho with regard to resale value.

At this point I feel that Alon has worked and worked and worked for all these years, I believe his true design genius and glory is just about to unfold. Even to the naysayers. Time will tell.

Happy Sunday!

Slightly off topic, but have you compared a Magico speaker with a similarly priced Piega one?

I heard both in different showrooms and a few weeks apart but the Piega knocked out the Magico in an early round. The Piega model was Coax 711 with its dual concentric ribbon tweeter and mid range unit and more bass drivers. Both in heavy aluminium cabinets of similar size. The Piega was less costly too. Magico built in US with sky-high hype and Piega in Switzerland with little razzmatazz, so I guess the Piega is already at a big disadvantage over there, even if it is a better product. Peter
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Hi Bob,

What you are saying doesn’t surprise me. I had a feeling that the first Magico speakers (A5) that had the trickle down benefit of the M9’s technology would have a major advantage over higher models. Replacing the Rohacell, which has been around forever, with the aluminum honeycomb core, has resulted in huge sonic benefits. Alon does have a problem. He needs to get the new drivers in the M2, M3 and M6 pronto.

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I wonder if as the M Pro speaker launched the M line whether or not this new M9 speaker will mark the beginning of a brand new line of speakers replacing the S line just as the M line replaced the Q line.

The M2 and the M6 cabinets are quite a departure from the aluminum frame and skin of the Q and S. The M9 seems to have yet a further advanced type of enclosure beyond even those. And then the drivers.
Lot's of good questions:) That's for sure!!!
Slightly off topic, but have you compared a Magico speaker with a similarly priced Piega one?

I heard both in different showrooms and a few weeks apart but the Piega knocked out the Magico in an early round. The Piega model was Coax 711 with its dual concentric ribbon tweeter and mid range unit and more bass drivers. Both in heavy aluminium cabinets of similar size. The Piega was less costly too. Magico built in US with sky-high hype and Piega in Switzerland with little razzmatazz, so I guess the Piega is already at a big disadvantage over there, even if it is a better product. Peter

Well you may or may not be off topic, are you talking about A5s that you heard? If not then it's off topic, this thread is about A5s.

Then if you heard different speakers in different rooms, then imho it means nothing at least to me. That means you heard them in a different room, with different equipment etc. Speakers usually just tell you about the room and what you are feeding into them.

And lastly what you might prefer may or may not have anything to do with what someone else might prefer.

You bought the Avantgarde, right? Wonderful speakers!!! Enjoy:)
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Well you may or may not be off topic, are you talking about A5s that you heard? If not then it's off topic, this thread is about A5s.

Then if you heard different speakers in different rooms, then imho it means nothing at least to me. That means you heard them in a different room, with different equipment etc. Speakers usually just tell you about the room and what you are feeding into them.

And lastly what you might prefer may or may not have anything to do with what someone else might prefer.

You bought the Avantgarde, right? Wonderful speakers!!! Enjoy:)

Rhapsody - I agree with all you say. As a forum intended (presumably) to help audiophiles learn more about their hobby, then what I'm suggesting is that there are other speakers with some features in common with Magico that readers may not have heard of or considered.

There are obviously vested interests in some forum users in that they are dealers or manufacturers offering a limited range of brands - as is inevitably the case - and they add lots of expert information about those products in particular. Audiophiles have no such limits to their range of brands to look at when considering a purchase. It could be that for some readers, the information I offered, however scant, may be of interest..

Before settling on Avantgardes, I took the trouble to ask here whether there were alternatives that I should look at before taking the plunge. I found there were several brands that I'd never heard of or knew nothing about. All this was very welcome and rewarding - that's the real value of audio forums. I certainly don't want to tread on anyone's toes, but surely this forum is not primarily an advertising platform but an information one - at least that's what I hope. If I had not heard of hORNS speakers from contributors here, I would not have researched them and made an informed decision with regard to my own purchase. I'm looking forward to the arrival of my Duo XDs. Peter
Rhapsody - I agree with all you say. As a forum intended (presumably) to help audiophiles learn more about their hobby, then what I'm suggesting is that there are other speakers with some features in common with Magico that readers may not have heard of or considered.

There are obviously vested interests in some forum users in that they are dealers or manufacturers offering a limited range of brands - as is inevitably the case - and they add lots of expert information about those products in particular. Audiophiles have no such limits to their range of brands to look at when considering a purchase. It could be that for some readers, the information I offered, however scant, may be of interest..

Before settling on Avantgardes, I took the trouble to ask here whether there were alternatives that I should look at before taking the plunge. I found there were several brands that I'd never heard of or knew nothing about. All this was very welcome and rewarding - that's the real value of audio forums. I certainly don't want to tread on anyone's toes, but surely this forum is not primarily an advertising platform but an information one - at least that's what I hope. If I had not heard of hORNS speakers from contributors here, I would not have researched them and made an informed decision with regard to my own purchase. I'm looking forward to the arrival of my Duo XDs. Peter

Hi Peter,

First there is no hiding of vested interest, please see my signature.

You came into a thread discussing a specific Magico new speaker A5's and told people that Piega knocked out Magico. You made your point. All members now know that Piega kills Magico:rolleyes:
The Piega sounds interesting. Why don’t you start a thread dedicated to the brand? I’d like to read more about it.

Hear Here, I think you should start your thread and spread whatever information you want to share with people. I agree with Bob. The topic of this thread is the new Magico A5 loudspeaker. If you want to recommend other speakers or discuss anything else there are lots of other threads in which to do that.

If you want to directly compare some speaker to this new A5 this would be one place to do it. Just my opinion.
The funniest part to me is that when I initially was SHOCKED was yesterday. I connected the Extreme server, with my "optimized network"#394 feeding the Extreme, into an Aqua Formula xHD DAC and then I was feeding a Devialet Ex Pro 1000, because I am able to run the Devialet 24/7 for a few weeks to break in the A5's.

All electronics are sitting on CMS Center Stage 1.5's. The CS 1.5's are sitting on Taiko Audio Diaza platforms. The Extreme Server and AF DAC are sitting on double stacked Diaza platforms.

All network gear (Waversa W Router, two JCAT M12 Switches and two JCAT Optimo 3 Duo LPSs) are sitting on CMS CS .8s, which are sitting on Diaza platforms.

There is also a dedicated Verizon Fios line with nothing connected to it but the network and one wifi device for Roon control.

I wasn't even going to listen to the A5's for a week.

Then even at moderate volume levels I kept hearing details popping in out on the soundstage and rather than working on my computer or other things I was drawn in to the music.

Then last night I started to listen, against my better judgement, as the A5's only had about 8 hours of playing time. That is when I was SHOCKED. I went through 20 different tracks that I know. I heard words in songs that I never could exactly make out and they were crystal clear.

The splash of the highs on certain cymbal hits, made my jaw drop. The bass goes way down, very full bodied, but retains that sealed cabinet clarity in the bass as well. I know the bass will improve drastically over a few hundred hours, but there was not a hint to me of not being broken in.

Then this morning I switched over to the Constellation pre/Centaur II. It was instantly a big difference, clarity, more transparency, more weight, BUT I know that I could live with the A5's and the Devialet and enjoy the heck out of music without thinking about the system.

All that being said my reference electronics are the Pilium gear from Greece. Unfortunately every time I get a piece in I sell it. I recently sold the $40K Leonidas integrated and the Alexander dual chassis preamp/Achilles 275lb stereo amp.

I have a new Leonidas, Alexander and Hercules mono amps on order now, all in black. I also have the new Pilium DAC coming in within the next two weeks.
I have the same feeling of Bob, after auditioning the A5 at the HK dealer of Magico :
#28 & #29

The new technology of aluminum honeycomb driver structure & that 5" midrange of A5 are really really something!
Magico may have to consider revamping/revising many of their current models.
Not a simple straightforward task definitely as the crossover and the overall sonic signature/performance have to be considered.

I have full confidence that Alon can accomplish the task and Magico must have a bright future!
My ears are wonderful and I have exceptional skill in using video recordings screening out uninteresting product :eek:. I even listen the videos from my Samsung mobile phone. I heard these A5 video in two different systems one with Boulder and one with Naim both played very expensive digital. Both systems sound uninteresting.
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My ears are wonderful and I have exceptional skill in using video recordings screening out uninteresting product :eek:. I even listen the videos from my Samsung mobile phone. I heard these A5 video in two different systems one with Boulder and one with Naim both played very expensive digital. Both systems sound uninteresting.
...self report is the best kind :)

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My ears are wonderful and I have exceptional skill in using video recordings screening out uninteresting product :eek:. I even listen the videos from my Samsung mobile phone. I heard these A5 video in two different systems one with Boulder and one with Naim both played very expensive digital. Both systems sound uninteresting.

Thx Tang for pointing out the YT videos on the A5's, I didn't realize they were there. It's funny I just listened to them, not on my phone, but on my MacBook and they sounded really good to me. Anyone that is interested should jump over to YT and take a listen, see/hear for themself.

I've probably been drinking too much of the cool-aid, but then on the other hand I have been listening to the same speakers for 12 hours a day, for the last three days, so maybe I am just under their spell.

What I am hearing now is great transparency and crystal clear sound, along with full bodied, but very articulated, fast transparent bass, which btw you don't pick up the bass on phones. Resolution doesn't come to my mind when I listen today, more the word transparency. Like nothing but the instruments. Drum whacks are vibrant and seem the same as if a real drum was whacked in the room. There is a splash of energy that you can feel and holographically coming off percussion instruments. Very layered, soundstage wall to wall and deep out the back wall with drums that might seem 5 feet beyond the back wall, way back in the soundstage having crystal clear dynamics and authority.

Sure, many won't prefer it, BUT if you like what the A5s are doing then you will REALLY like them, because what they do, they do very well, imho, not to be inferred that others will like it or not, it's just my experience.
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I find it quite interesting that Alon is working at both ends of the price spectrum with his new $750k M9. He seems to have the pulse of cutting edge material science along with his Herculean resonance deadening enclosures.

Probably a bit off topic, but some have expressed concerned of Magico S series resale being further devalued by the A5 price point. I wonder if speaker manufacturers and/or audio manufacturers in general are even concerned with resale values? Does it “significantly” affect their sales and/or bottom line?
Hey Guys,

New to the forum, just had my A5's delivered today by my dealer in Edmonton. I was able to get everything unpacked and in place and get them singing with my little burmester.

For perspective, these are replacing a set of TAD Evo 1's for the time being. The TAD's replaced a set of A3's and a set of S1 Mkii's.

Immediately noticeable is that the TAD's produce an effortless and soundstage that seems to simply sail from its concentric driver. The TAD's also produce more bass in my room... but this is only when the volume is turned up to non-casual listening levels.

With the big caveat that these have just been hooked up, The A5's immediately stand out as having lower sensitivity and feel somewhat congested compared to the TAD's. The beautiful silky tweeter brings me back to the a3's and i just love it. The only comparable tweeter i have heard is in the older Revel Studio 2 and Salon 2.

The bass response is much smoother throughout the dynamic range than my EVO's but doesn't dig as deep.

It should be noted, there are no losers in this comparison. They are both exquisite pieces of engineering. Having owned the a3's however i would recommend them as a perfectly suitable alternative to shelling out the extra dough for the a5's. I loved them and if you can get a set for 8k used; run, don't walk and get them.

I'll chime back in as the a5's break in. Chilling this sunday enjoying my new babies!
It is lovely this forum always has check and balance. I appreciate people who reviews a product and give out both strengths and weaknesses. Or at least tell us what kind of things they play great at or what kind of things another brand plays better. And let us use those info productively.

My close friend is a dealer of Magico in Thailand. I get to hear as many models as I wish. I don't hate Magico. I regret I sold Mini II long time ago. Those damn heavy little speakers are work of art. I agree with Bob about Magico playing drum so captivating exciting. I will go so far as to say I have never heard a drum play from any speakers sound more intriguing than from Magico..with or without subs. You don't even need new A5 to sound great on older model of Magico is capable too. But overall Magico is not the type of sound I want to hear every day.
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Hey Guys,

New to the forum, just had my A5's delivered today by my dealer in Edmonton. I was able to get everything unpacked and in place and get them singing with my little burmester.

For perspective, these are replacing a set of TAD Evo 1's for the time being. The TAD's replaced a set of A3's and a set of S1 Mkii's.

Immediately noticeable is that the TAD's produce an effortless and soundstage that seems to simply sail from its concentric driver. The TAD's also produce more bass in my room... but this is only when the volume is turned up to non-casual listening levels.

With the big caveat that these have just been hooked up, The A5's immediately stand out as having lower sensitivity and feel somewhat congested compared to the TAD's. The beautiful silky tweeter brings me back to the a3's and i just love it. The only comparable tweeter i have heard is in the older Revel Studio 2 and Salon 2.

The bass response is much smoother throughout the dynamic range than my EVO's but doesn't dig as deep.

It should be noted, there are no losers in this comparison. They are both exquisite pieces of engineering. Having owned the a3's however i would recommend them as a perfectly suitable alternative to shelling out the extra dough for the a5's. I loved them and if you can get a set for 8k used; run, don't walk and get them.

I'll chime back in as the a5's break in. Chilling this sunday enjoying my new babies!

Let them play for like 400-600h. The transprency will greatly improve. This is much experience from owning S5, S5II and M3.

In fact, when I got my S5II and rolled out the S5 mk 1, I thought the mk2 sounded ... worse ! They were congested in the midrange - exactly as you describe. That went away with break in and S5II were able to shine as a much better speaker. More transparent, better microdynamics, better soundstage depth.
warm welcome to WBF Brett..I hope you enjoy your stay here..

I hope you enjoy your A5, I was about to send you an email to ask for your initial impression, and then saw your post here :cool:

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