Magico M9 >>>>Fulfillment

Thx Ked, for this old mind:) Makes sense. I thought about it for 2 minutes and could not figure it out, but I didn't have coffee yet:) Even after coffee I don't think it would have come to me.
Hahaha guys. No, it was not my jaw. I am a big Magico fan. The best sound I have heard in my entire life was during a show with Zanden amps combined with the mk.1 of the Magico Q 7. The gravity is a about the design of the M9. It looks heavy because of the lower part... not easthetically appealing. Soundwise, I know it will be excellent.
Hahaha guys. No, it was not my jaw. I am a big Magico fan. The best sound I have heard in my entire life was during a show with Zanden amps combined with the mk.1 of the Magico Q 7. The gravity is a about the design of the M9. It looks heavy because of the lower part... not easthetically appealing. Soundwise, I know it will be excellent.

Nirodha, haha and thank you! You made me feel good, that is exactly what I thought you meant, but thought nah, that's not it:) Thx for confirming your impressions.
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...Maybe not as bottom heavy as it appears...I believe the footprint is 20” x 40”.

How did they hide the typical four tower statement speaker into two :)?

Bob, congratulations on your decision to bring these speakers into NYC and the hunt for a much larger space, along with the wonderful business you’ve had during the last 5 months!

Congrats, when I go back to visit family in NY I'd love to come by. Also, wouldn't the M3 and M project have more DNA than the A5? Or maybe equivalent DNA?

BTW, I heard the S5s and felt they were quite good, then I heard the M3s and they're in another league. The M series is something special IMO.
Congrats, when I go back to visit family in NY I'd love to come by. Also, wouldn't the M3 and M project have more DNA than the A5? Or maybe equivalent DNA?

BTW, I heard the S5s and felt they were quite good, then I heard the M3s and they're in another league. The M series is something special IMO.

Thank you and of course you are always welcome to visit. One my personal favorite things to do with audio is to have someone visit that I know from a forum and see them turn into real life. It's FUN!

All of the Magico S series and M series are VG speakers. There are hundreds and hundreds of people around the world that own and listen to Magico speakers every day. Of course, they are not for everyone, the same way with other top speakers.

The M series are special, no doubt about it. I happen to love the M2s. The M series cabinets, drivers, TWEETERs are all special. Although I own the M2s and think they are wonderful speakers it was my recent month long experience with the A5s that made me order M9s.

So, WHY was it the A5s that "showed me the way"?

In the natural technology development, explained in the "Why we do the things we do" explained in detail here it just so happened that there were a few technology advancements that were realized in a few of the speaker design areas, specifically in the driver, driver surrounds and crossovers areas that came about during the M9 development.

The A5 just happened to be the next speaker in line after the latest trickle down tech was available. A few of these trickle down items give the A5 a small glimpse into what might be in the M9s. In certain ways even more so than the M series products. NOT SAYING that the A5s are better speakers than the M series. The M series would certainly be preferred by most in comparisons with the A5s.

For me though I hear a midrange transparency and presence of notes, instruments and voices 5' or 10' beyond the back wall in the soundstage that are as clear and present as the main center image of a track.

Knowing that there is something very special in certain areas of the A5 performance was enough for me to guesstimate that the sonic presentation of the M9s is going to be something very special.

Sure it will have great bass and crazy good soundstage and layering, but a lot of other speakers do as well. I believe that the latest developments described clearly in the above mentioned link and fully realized in the M9s will bring the performers into the room with clarity and presence as never before. That happens to excite me and the excitement came from my recent experience with the A5s. It comes down to transparency, clarity, presence of every note heard on the soundstage. Each tiny or large note or instrument heard on the A5s is as clear and has the presence that I have not experienced prior.

Instead of a tiny sound way back in the soundstage, there is the presence of the full instrument and the harmonics coming off of that instrument. Of course you get that on the main instruments, but illusive percussion instrument specifically that often times just provide a "sound", now make it easy to discern what type of percussion instrument is being played in the recording.

That's the best I can give as an answer, it's actually difficult to articulate for me, but if you read the provided link about how Magico develops their drivers it makes sense that they didn't just "find a new driver" or new this or that. They have been working on the same areas for years, they've just recently "crossed the chasm" after years of work. imho Bravo to Alon and Company.
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I really don't subscribe to better or best, especially at this level. Even at much less expensive levels once you get to a certain point, if a system is well set up, the room is good, then it's all just different to me vs. better or best.

I would bet everything in my human possession that the M9s will not have competition that will be "better", just different.

Why do all the rules go out the window when you achieve a certain level of expenditure? This logic that is propagated on this and other online forums makes absolutely zero sense to me. Explain to me the logic behind reaching a certain “level” where it becomes about “personal” preferences. Isn’t it always about personal preferences or do you have to spend a certain amount before you are allowed to use the “personal preferences” tag? This logic is absolutely ridiculous. It is either ALWAYS about personal preferences or it is NEVER about personal preferences. Subjective or objective impressions should be consistent.
Why do all the rules go out the window when you achieve a certain level of expenditure? This logic that is propagated on this and other online forums makes absolutely zero sense to me. Explain to me the logic behind reaching a certain “level” where it becomes about “personal” preferences. Isn’t it always about personal preferences or do you have to spend a certain amount before you are allowed to use the “personal preferences” tag? This logic is absolutely ridiculous. It is either ALWAYS about personal preferences or it is NEVER about personal preferences. Subjective or objective impressions should be consistent.

YES, it's all personal preference.
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Thank you and of course you are always welcome to visit. One my personal favorite things to do with audio is to have someone visit that I know from a forum and see them turn into real life. It's FUN!

All of the Magico S series and M series are VG speakers. There are hundreds and hundreds of people around the world that own and listen to Magico speakers every day. Of course, they are not for everyone, the same way with other top speakers.

The M series are special, no doubt about it. I happen to love the M2s. The M series cabinets, drivers, TWEETERs are all special. Although I own the M2s and think they are wonderful speakers it was my recent month long experience with the A5s that made me order M9s.

So, WHY was it the A5s that "showed me the way"?

In the natural technology development, explained in the "Why we do the things we do" explained in detail here it just so happened that there were a few technology advancements that were realized in a few of the speaker design areas, specifically in the driver, driver surrounds and crossovers areas that came about during the M9 development.

The A5 just happened to be the next speaker in line after the latest trickle down tech was available. A few of these trickle down items give the A5 a small glimpse into what might be in the M9s. In certain ways even more so than the M series products. NOT SAYING that the A5s are better speakers than the M series. The M series would certainly be preferred by most in comparisons with the A5s.

For me though I hear a midrange transparency and presence of notes, instruments and voices 5' or 10' beyond the back wall in the soundstage that are as clear and present as the main center image of a track.

Knowing that there is something very special in certain areas of the A5 performance was enough for me to guesstimate that the sonic presentation of the M9s is going to be something very special.

Sure it will have great bass and crazy good soundstage and layering, but a lot of other speakers do as well. I believe that the latest developments described clearly in the above mentioned link and fully realized in the M9s will bring the performers into the room with clarity and presence as never before. That happens to excite me and the excitement came from my recent experience with the A5s. It comes down to transparency, clarity, presence of every note heard on the soundstage. Each tiny or large note or instrument heard on the A5s is as clear and has the presence that I have not experienced prior.

Instead of a tiny sound way back in the soundstage, there is the presence of the full instrument and the harmonics coming off of that instrument. Of course you get that on the main instruments, but illusive percussion instrument specifically that often times just provide a "sound", now make it easy to discern what type of percussion instrument is being played in the recording.

That's the best I can give as an answer, it's actually difficult to articulate for me, but if you read the provided link about how Magico develops their drivers it makes sense that they didn't just "find a new driver" or new this or that. They have been working on the same areas for years, they've just recently "crossed the chasm" after years of work. imho Bravo to Alon and Company.

Thanks, the detail is much appreciated and I agree. I also appreciate speaker companies pushing the envelope spending years developing and manufacturing their own drivers after years of development like Magico, MBL, Vivid and Vandersteen; it's clearly evident in the resulting sonics IMO.
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YES, it's all personal preference.
So Alon Wolf is building a 750k pair of speakers to be different?to just have a different personal preference than a 200k pair of speakers? I highly doubt that was his goal and to me its no designers goal. When you spend your money you have the choice to buy whatever you like. When you do that however it does not mean that the product you purchased is the best.. it just means you bought it.
I personally respect all the companies that seek to push the envelope and foster the cutting edge of science and art to produce something that is closer to the real thing. So personal preference? some because we aren't there yet but we are getting closer every time someone produces something better.
Audio is not all the same
Audio is not just one category or group
High End audio should start where the regular and ordinary end.
High End Audio has Good, Great, Excellent and Extraordinary.
There are very few of the last and one does need to spend some time and effort to gain the experience to tell the difference.
When you get to the point that you can't hear that, or don't know what to listen too, or don't want better than that a personal preference.
Please don't say it is all personal preference because it is not.
By the way just buying "gear: does not mean that you have extraordinary sound. The devil is always in the details at every price and quality range. Audio ONLY works as a system. Its only as good as its weakest part. If that part is the room? the set up? the speaker positioning? the acoustics, the power source or the gear these all must come together to make the system make music.

I find its all personal preference an insult to Mr. Wolf and everyone else that works hard and invests time and al ot of money to produce something better not just to suit someone rich guys personal preference.
Just one old man thoughts after almost 50 years in the Audio Industry. Having worked with so many talented designers and engineers they would fight you tooth and nail over that statement.
I praise Magico for making the effort to plant there audio flag on the Moon and look forward to see if they make it!
So Alon Wolf is building a 750k pair of speakers to be different?to just have a different personal preference than a 200k pair of speakers? I highly doubt that was his goal and to me its no designers goal. When you spend your money you have the choice to buy whatever you like. When you do that however it does not mean that the product you purchased is the best.. it just means you bought it.
I personally respect all the companies that seek to push the envelope and foster the cutting edge of science and art to produce something that is closer to the real thing. So personal preference? some because we aren't there yet but we are getting closer every time someone produces something better.
Audio is not all the same
Audio is not just one category or group
High End audio should start where the regular and ordinary end.
High End Audio has Good, Great, Excellent and Extraordinary.
There are very few of the last and one does need to spend some time and effort to gain the experience to tell the difference.
When you get to the point that you can't hear that, or don't know what to listen too, or don't want better than that a personal preference.
Please don't say it is all personal preference because it is not.
By the way just buying "gear: does not mean that you have extraordinary sound. The devil is always in the details at every price and quality range. Audio ONLY works as a system. Its only as good as its weakest part. If that part is the room? the set up? the speaker positioning? the acoustics, the power source or the gear these all must come together to make the system make music.

I find its all personal preference an insult to Mr. Wolf and everyone else that works hard and invests time and al ot of money to produce something better not just to suit someone rich guys personal preference.
Just one old man thoughts after almost 50 years in the Audio Industry. Having worked with so many talented designers and engineers they would fight you tooth and nail over that statement.
I praise Magico for making the effort to plant there audio flag on the Moon and look forward to see if they make it!

Elliot I think that you missed the point and are overreaching by inferring that Bob was speaking on behalf of Alon Wolf. All that was meant is that unless you are using measurements or the standards outlined by science and technologies then listening impressions are always subjective and prejudiced, upon the premise of personal preferences.
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Carlos's question was NOT about what Alon did or what he built his speakers for. Carlos asked if you had to get to a certain price point to have "personal preference". I was referring to Carlos question and NOTHING to do with Magico or Alon and why Alon builds his speakers.

Your interpretation of my answer to Carlos has nothing to do with the question that was asked and nothing to do with my answer.

In my estimation everything in life is personal preference, that is what I was referring to, NOTHING about Alon or Magico.
I was not speaking about or for Mr. Wolf and in fact my end says that. You are sadly missing my point which I believe I expressed clearly.
I respect the process and the effort of those that shoot for the stars and to demean that process with its all personal preference to me is insulting. I explained my thoughts peace.
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I was not speaking about or for Mr. Wolf and in fact my end says that. You are sadly missing my point which I believe I expressed clearly.
I respect the process and the effort of those that shoot for the stars and to demean that process with its all personal preference to me is insulting. I explained my thoughts peace.

All I got was you jumping into the middle of a thread when someone asked a legitimate general question NOT connected to what you insinuated and tried to make it look like I was saying or not saying something about the reason Magico developed the M9.

I got your point loud and clear and it had nothing to do with the question or the answer that I gave Carlos. Your comments are way off base from my perspective. It is what it is.
Given the positive comments about the new midrange driver in the A5 and M9.

Surely, this honeycomb core is closer to an ideal pistonic driver thus less midrange distortion and coloration as reported with the A5.

Will Magico allow owners of the M2, M3 and M6 to upgrade to this driver without having to buy a whole new speaker?

Truly shocking that an M2 and M6 do not contain this driver but, the A5 does.

Speaker technology is changing faster than our smartphones.
Given the positive comments about the new midrange driver in the A5 and M9.

Surely, this honeycomb core is closer to an ideal pistonic driver thus less midrange distortion and coloration as reported with the A5.

Will Magico allow owners of the M2, M3 and M6 to upgrade to this driver without having to buy a whole new speaker?

Truly shocking that an M2 and M6 do not contain this driver but, the A5 does.

Speaker technology is changing faster than our smartphones.

Well it's not so weird as the latest driver tech was not available when the M3 and M2 were designed. If it was available then it most likely would be in those models.

If you follow Magico's rollout of their models in previous years there has been several times when a certain driver, tweeter, cabinet enhancement became available and Magico has usually decided to incorporate their latest developments, IF economically feasible, into the next model up. Not always, but there were several times that I can remember that occurring. The previous speakers still were VG sounding speakers and nothing was diminished regarding their performance.

NOT speaking for Magico but to replace drivers/xovers in any of the M's would require extensive work at the factory, if even possible because of available space in the cabinets and size of drivers etc. Then another few $K for shipping back and forth. Impossible to do in the field.

I don't see upgrades happening but again, no idea, just a personal observation because of what would be involved. Especially not when the M2, M3 and M6 already are stellar performers as is.

No facts here, just imho. It is a very interesting subject, no doubt.
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I really don't subscribe to better or best, especially at this level. Even at much less expensive levels once you get to a certain point, if a system is well set up, the room is good, then it's all just different to me vs. better or best.

I would bet everything in my human possession that the M9s will not have competition that will be "better", just different.
You don't subscribe to best but to different is understandable. You don't subscribe to better is just a cool dude talk Bob. There is definitely a "better" level up til reaching the height you claim just different.
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At 68 it's fun to have someone say that I am giving "just cool dude talk", not quite a "cool dude" at this point:cool:

I'm just saying how I feel. I don't believe in "better" with cars, jets, boats, houses, pianos, guitars, you name it. I don't believe in it with audio systems, either. As long as a system gets to a certain level of performance and you can get there at a pretty modest price these days, then to me various systems are just different.

I know because I have sold and installed hundreds of systems over the last 20 years. Actually they are all pretty good systems, BUT every single one of them is different. Why? Because they are all in different rooms. A speakers interaction with a room for me gets 75% of the sound.

So saying something is best doesn't equate as there are so many variables, the end result systems are always just different. They are all pretty good and their owners are happy with their systems and enjoy music with them.

When I listen to Alsyvox or Diesis or Magico, I don't think this one is better than this one. They're all good. They all sound incredible to me. I don't think of them as better or worse, BECAUSE they are all stellar music machines.

I may prefer one over the other, but I don't think it's better, for who knows what reason I just feel comfortable with it. Not because it looks or sounds "better" than something else. I just happen to like it.

Right now I have I think 8 installations in process or in the air, plus 20 sets of speakers at my place. I'm too far in the forest to say that tree over there is better than that tree over there.

Btw I think the M9s are going to be the best:)
Btw I think the M9s are going to be the best!

Here is what I like seeing. With this statement you are now Clint Eastwood ending with a strong punctuation. (I took a liberty to wipe out your smiley.)
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