Thank you and of course you are always welcome to visit. One my personal favorite things to do with audio is to have someone visit that I know from a forum and see them turn into real life. It's FUN!
All of the Magico S series and M series are VG speakers. There are hundreds and hundreds of people around the world that own and listen to Magico speakers every day. Of course, they are not for everyone, the same way with other top speakers.
The M series are special, no doubt about it. I happen to love the M2s. The M series cabinets, drivers, TWEETERs are all special. Although I own the M2s and think they are wonderful speakers it was my recent month long experience with the A5s that made me order M9s.
So, WHY was it the A5s that "showed me the way"?
In the natural technology development, explained in the "Why we do the things we do" explained in detail here it just so happened that there were a few technology advancements that were realized in a few of the speaker design areas, specifically in the driver, driver surrounds and crossovers areas that came about during the M9 development.
The A5 just happened to be the next speaker in line after the latest trickle down tech was available. A few of these trickle down items give the A5 a small glimpse into what might be in the M9s. In certain ways even more so than the M series products. NOT SAYING that the A5s are better speakers than the M series. The M series would certainly be preferred by most in comparisons with the A5s.
For me though I hear a midrange transparency and presence of notes, instruments and voices 5' or 10' beyond the back wall in the soundstage that are as clear and present as the main center image of a track.
Knowing that there is something very special in certain areas of the A5 performance was enough for me to guesstimate that the sonic presentation of the M9s is going to be something very special.
Sure it will have great bass and crazy good soundstage and layering, but a lot of other speakers do as well. I believe that the latest developments described clearly in the above mentioned link and fully realized in the M9s will bring the performers into the room with clarity and presence as never before. That happens to excite me and the excitement came from my recent experience with the A5s. It comes down to transparency, clarity, presence of every note heard on the soundstage. Each tiny or large note or instrument heard on the A5s is as clear and has the presence that I have not experienced prior.
Instead of a tiny sound way back in the soundstage, there is the presence of the full instrument and the harmonics coming off of that instrument. Of course you get that on the main instruments, but illusive percussion instrument specifically that often times just provide a "sound", now make it easy to discern what type of percussion instrument is being played in the recording.
That's the best I can give as an answer, it's actually difficult to articulate for me, but if you read the provided link about how Magico develops their drivers it makes sense that they didn't just "find a new driver" or new this or that. They have been working on the same areas for years, they've just recently "crossed the chasm" after years of work. imho Bravo to Alon and Company.