I would like to bring the attention back to amplification. What amp(s) would suit the Q7 best. From what I understand Alon is using Constellation Audio Centaur Mono amps in the Magico showroom. One would think that the Hercules would sound even better. Personally I have heard great things from other Magico speakers with darTZeel NHB-458 and Soulution 700. I also notice that the Q7 has been auditioned with great results with BAlabo and FM Acoustics and with not so great results with Pass Labs and Spectral. Of course none of these Q7 auditions were my own.
I listened to the Q7 at CES 8 months ago, and reserved my opinion because the hotel room set up didn’t allow proper judgment on their potential: they sounded good, but not great. Then I spent 3 days listening to the Q7 in a well treated rom, with different amp configurations: VAC Reference 450 + VAC pre, Constellation Centaur + Spectral Pre (as we preferred it to the Virgo), Spectral 260 + Spectral pre. All cables top of the range MIT.
Before going into comparisons between amps, I have to say that I was completely blown away. I have only 3 words: wow, wow, wow! I just didn’t want to leave the room! They have all the strengths of other Magico speakers but brought to a different level (transparency to the source, absence of distortion, linearity, precision of imaging, the way they disappear as a source). Compared to the Q5, they are much easier to drive, so they are better at giving a sense of effortlessness and unlimited dynamic. The bass is great: extended, punchy and with a lot of definition on bass guitars or cello. They are hyper analytical but not fatiguing at all. They just sound like the real thing.
I have been in the market for a new pair of speaker for a while, have listened several times to most super high end speakers on the planet (Wilson XLF, Maxx3, The Sonus Faber, Sonus Faber Aida, Tidal Sunray and Agoria, Rockport Altair, the big MBL and many many others…). Many of them are good speakers, but I have to say that the Magico in a good set up (I insist on “good set up” for reasons explained below) are in a very different category: it is like comparing a Ferrari 458 with a BMW M5. I was so shocked by the difference that I am wondering how Sonus Faber, Tidal or Wilson can still sell so many top of the range speakers (sure the speaker finish is beautiful and many of these speakers are tuned to have a pleasing sound...). When compared to the Q7, it is for example surprising how the XLF lacks both extension, definition and linearity in the bass as well as transparency in the highs. The Sonus has a nice and pleasing sound… but it is like putting a veil on the music: I like it for 10min... but after 1hr got tired of all the details I am missing.
No back to your question on amps: The Q7 are so transparent to the source, that you hear extremely clearly differences in the source or amp used- that’s why it is very important to hear them in a good set up to know what they are really able to deliver. It is the first time I listen to a system where the limiting factor is not the speaker, but the amp.
I didn’t like the VAC at all: rounded, heavy slow bass, pleasing euphonic mid and highs… but why getting the most transparent speaker to put a veil on music?
Unlike in Munich where the Q7 with Spectral 260 had great bass (it was a 220v amp), this 110V Spectral lacked seriously in bass response. Very surprising, maybe because it was not fully breaked in? On the other side, the mid and highs were extremely transparent, the best of the 3.
The Constellation Centaur was the most balanced of the 3: good bass, sweet and defined mid and highs (even if not as much as the Spectral), great image. I would chose this one as a candidate, to be compared to the Soulution 5 series and big Dartzeel (I love the small Dartzeel and own one, but it is not powerful enough). I have already eliminated the FM acoustic as candidate: old technology, overrated for the price (even after discount). And I find the Balabo a bit too round for my taste.
I have read your previous posts and it seems you have been shortlisting the biggest and most expensive amps among most famous brands. The most expensive is not always the best (for example, the Spectral 260 sounds much better than the 360 mono). If I would be you, I would also listen to the smaller amps, just because they often sound better (what you lose in absolute slam and dynamic headroom, you gain in coherency and transparency, because you have less transistors in the signal). Whereas for the Q5 you need for example a Soulution 700 or 710 to hear their true potential, the Q7 have a much higher sensitivity and would probably work as well or better with the Soulution 5 serie (more recent topology, less transistors in the signal): that’s why I believe that the Q7 is a better bargain than the Q5, what you pay extra for the speakers your save it on amps, and get a better system overall.
Hope it helps - it is just my opinion, at the end you have to trust your ears