I am very excited about the mch NADAC. It can connect directly with my NAS, providing access to my 32+TB of files, including 500+ mch albums. At this point, I am 10 days away from hearing the NADAC in Geneva at Merging. Having used Pyramix and the Merging Mykerinos card for the past 5 years in my ripping project, I have been very pleased with what Merging does on the pro side. Now for the consumer side. Also I want to see how their Emotion software is working as a front end.
What I heard from the NADAC at The Show Newport was pretty impressive. As for using Emotion software, the Positive Feedback demo of Stereo DSD up to DSD 256 skipped Emotion altogether in favor of JRiver.
So I'm not sure how many people will use Emotion as their player software, even if it comes in the box with the NADAC.