All (?) of these implementations use a full blown computer running Linux inside them. So you are not getting away from a computer just because there is no separate box. All else being equal, I like to see that computer outside of the DAC than inside. Whatever ills a computer has, putting it inside the DAC magnifies it.
That said, the computers they use are lower speed so you may get lucky and have it less noisy but I would not bet on it.
You also have to worry about longer term support of these products. There is no economic engine to provide software updates and you could wind up with a door stop as far as its embedded computer.
The real reason to get one of these embedded computer solution is ease of use. If you need a turnkey solution that you don't have to mess with, then getting one of these solutions that has been heavily tested in the field to be reliable and compatible make sense. Getting it for sound quality based on it being a feature, is not wise.
i simply won't get into a debate about the difference between a consumer grade computer loaded with a commercial OS rolling off the assembly line at Foxconn designed by computer engineers and a purpose built audio grade product with custom firmware designed by audio engineers. Bryston has SIX full time engineers working on the BDP line and two full time support people.