i did say you would be infor a surprise, i know they surprised me in the making and development , although i dont make them ,i am always their to help ,when problems happen , which they do , The ideas that have been added to the kit have all come from users, all willing to help, all being happy
at the end ,
at times flustrating journey , that takes alot of messing about when the spider is out , also then getting used to the cleaner and faster sound that was being killed off by the springs, i cannot and will not tell you how they sound , as they all proabley sond different to my oddyssey
Turntable with all the mods i have done over the past 2 years ,
The cost of the pylons i have nothing to do with that ,it is down to Truepoint , that have to make , buy the parts , post and advertise them , also pay the tax , and issue an invoice,
i am gald you have now found what was missing in the vinyl ,a muddy worm sound ,has been cleaned up , it takes a day or so , and i promise you will not go back ,
all the very best