I never ended up properly comparing them back to back, I don't really want to burn myself out on the music. I can't hear much difference between the narrow and normal side 2. But my speakers are not the best at evaluating bass and dynamics. So I'm keeping both RL's until I get some speakers that are stronger in those areas. I'm fortunate that both these copies play pretty nice. The key is getting one that plays without
groove wear/distortion more so than surface noise. Heavy VTF mistracking cartridges from back in the day will cause the former.
Bill I saw in your other thread that you had some Dead on vinyl. Check if you have a Kendun (or KD) green label pressing of Workingman's Dead. This is an absolute demo worthy LP. Music that just hangs in the air. I played the Rhino vinyl reissue afterwards and it could not keep up.
I was at Fidelis AV this summer for the Alexia unveiling. They have a hardcore analog only sales guy working there, a passionate Greek gentleman that isn't afraid to tell it like he sees it about digital

Runs a vintage Thorens TD-124 and Kiseki. I hung out and chatted with him for an hour on all things analog. Had people coming in and out of the room and the LP he had on was the well known Pastorius/McLaughlin/De Lucia Friday Night in San Francisco, an early or original pressing on the red Columbia label with yellow outer text. Playing on some small Sonus Faber speakers with a 6C33 integrated amp and the sound was not bad though a bit zippy in the upper mids and lacking in bass. The thing that stood out was how insanely fast the attack was on the LP compared to the SACD. That sound stuck with me for a while and I finally got one of those original pressings that I'll be playing this week.
Some vinyl I have in the to be cleaned pile that I plan to evaluate - a WLP Close to the Edge. I need to check if this is mastered by George Piros, but talking to someone on another forum it sounds like this is a unique DJ cut, but with no early fades. I also have two pressings of the famous mono French Barclay Are You Experienced that is supposed to blow away the first pressing UK Track. I heard one of them back in the day and was not too impressed, but these copies are different mastering. And an original blue label Fantasy pressing of Willy and the Poor Boys (can't wait to hear this on 15 ips tape). The DCC vinyl is not bad, but sounds a touch subdued. And two recent acquisitions from another forum Neil Young's Zuma and a Piros mastered CSN Couch album.
So not much in the way of classic rock coming in

The moons must have aligned with my favorite Ebay dealers all listing up killer jazz vinyl in the last few weeks.