To add to the pile (none cleaned or played yet):
Tull: This Was (pink Label)
ELP first (Pink Label)
Crimson: In the Court (Pink Rim, I'm on the fence about a Pink Label, given how pricey they are)
Harvest, Neil Young (the first pressing I bought was noisy, I'm still looking for a quiet one, but the Chris Bellman remaster arrived today, which is supposed to be pretty good)
Yes, Yes album- UK first? plum
Others that have arrived which I have played, but they are not 70's:
Disraeli Gears Monarch first press- best I have heard this album
13th Floor Elevators- Sundazed reissue- the original pressings are pricey, and the sonics aren't really what this is about. Drop some acid and enjoy
Many more to come, including a German pressing of the Uriah Heep 'Very 'Eavy' (the Vertigo UK first press is pretty pricey, so I'll start with this one); a bunch of Traffic UK pink labels and pink rims; (the early UA pressing of John Barleycorn isn't half bad); a green label Dixie Chicken (I forgot how much I enjoyed the early Little Feat albums, most of which i have as Burbank Palm Trees that I bought new); Aqualung WLP; Deep Purple Machine Head Purple Label UK first- really good sounding); and a 2 eye of the first B, S & Tears album.
Seems like I've gotten to a point where I'm not fking around with the hardware and just playing records. And, unlike the old days, where I would play the one or two cuts that I thought were 'best,' I'm just listening to whole albums (or at least whole sides).