WoW, if so, a fully-loaded Diamond IV Plus in matt black colour and the Euro heatsinks option can be used to do a 'relatively blind' shootout with Diamond Select! It will be fun!
I have not checked the details, but it appears what this box does is content (library) management, decoding (may be), MCH D/A conversion and volume control.
A smarter way to spend $(less than) 44K on a MCH system, would be to manage content on a cheap PC and stream it to a MSB UMT+, controlling the library on the iPad. You then run the UMT+ AES/EBU outputs in a stack of MSB analog DACs. Volume control can be taken care of through RS232 on the DACs.
This will be cheaper than the beast, and most likely give you better sound. Not as elegant as a single box, and a bit of integration hassle.