thank you Micro, purely my pleasure to share and watch for Priaptor's views too. I am truly under the spell of this dac and it is upsetting my normal time allocation. my email responses and other chores are being 'put off/delayed' and my normal habit of multi-tasking while listening to digital is greatly reduced. the musical pull is much closer to my vinyl in that way. an unexpected development. maybe the switch to the RCA output + Tara Labs GME I.C.'s has moved things up a bit too.
last night, this morning, and now this evening I've filtered Roon to 16-44 files only and have been greatly entertained and captured with these files. there is simply such an 'unprocessed presentation' along with a 'continuousness' to the music. any hint of digital artifacts or even of solid state or really any feeling of the reproduction chain is just absent.
last night I listened to 'Angela Gheorghiu' 'Diva', the whole CD. I could not stop. I kept bracing myself for any sort of 'a bit too much' and it was always so easy and natural even with her frequent fireworks, yet astonishing levels of texture and detail. I've had the Lampi with the Elrog 300b's (and the tubed Nagra HD) and it was never like this, and that is no dig on the Lampi.....but the level of refinement I'm hearing is phenomenal.
right now I'm listening to the 'Purcel Quartet', 'Marin Marais; La Follia', lots of violins, and a prominent harpsichord. OMG the harpsichord is 'sweet' and so sonorous and texturally complex and has this beautiful sheen and vivid projection. no nuance or musical mystery gets missed, and the flair is all there.
harpsichords and full CD's of Aria's is not my typical fare. or at least it had not been before.
note to self---I do not see any tubes anywhere.