Ked, 45s always superior to 33s, certainly in terms of bass and lack of end groove distortion
My point was really that if the final result of this Select experience is yet another dac that's gets close to vinyl, maybe the closest yet, but still can't do those magic things that good vinyl is STILL so good at, then it'll really only be of interest as a trial that confirms what vinylphiles have always contended
Ked, you know what it was like at Bill's enjoying and complimenting on how affable digital was on the SGM on GG and Dac8 that day, but the moment Bill put Nirvana on his Kuzma, we were all transported
Nothing I've read in Mike's ongoing reports suggests the Select II will "transport" him like his vinyl does
At this stage in digital's evolution and refinement and this level of tech and price, w all the arguments we have from digital's proponents about it's superiority, shouldn't the Select be further along than "hot on the heels" of analog?
Marc, I think Mike's trials and the sharing of his impressions, regardless of the analog/digital polemic you encourage, are interesting in and of themselves, but perhaps particularly to digital only guys. One one level, who cares which format is subjectively preferred by a few audiophiles? Vinylphiles don't need this confirmation. Nor do I think digital guys do. The more important issues I think are these: 1. Which format holds the music one already has or is interested in getting? 2. Which format does one want to deal with or own, either on a cost, convenience, aesthetic, or other basis?
Whether Mike ultimately prefers his turntable or DAC will certainly be interesting, especially because of the reasons that I hope he describes, and I look forward to reading his continuing impressions, but it really only tells us about what Mike prefers, nothing more really. I agree with you that Mike seems to be in a fairly unique position to be able and willing to do these types of comparisons at the highest level. For getting a glimpse into that world by reading these threads, we should all be grateful, because we surely benefit.