Astro, cdp is the cruelly underrated, and tbh virtually unknown, Eera Tentation, €9k of sheer digital joy
Compared to all the big hitters I've either owned or auditioned (Marantz SA1, Linn CD12, Reimyo, AMR, Emm Labs CDSA, PD, Audiomeca) it comfortably remains w one exception (Marantz CD12/DA12), the single best cdp by far I've ever heard
Thanks to JackD201 for facilitating this journey for me
As a died in the wool analog man, it took me a long long time to find digital that could proudly hold its head up high, and not be embarassed, and this point was reached w my Eera purchase
Similarly, I very much love what I'm hearing from Blue's SGM/T&A Dac8 when it comes to streaming/dsd/HiRez
But I still feel analog maintains a real edge on attributes like palpability, heft, tonal density, timbral accuracy, dimensional discrimination, and sheer energy, and I feel this view was reinforced more than ever immersing myself in live classical music everyday for two weeks
So, I remain (reasonably LOL) confident that however stellar the Select II is (and I have no doubts it is very stellar), Mike won't come online to say it now is the king of those areas that analog has always IMHO triumphed on, and what makes lp (and tape) listening so visceral, and attention demanding, and all encompassing
And at the exalted Select II cost no object price, upward trajectory of digital engineering for over three decades now, and maturation of analog and no major technological leaps for decades now, I stick to my opinion that it's encumbent on the Select II to be doing more than just getting close to best analog
*Mike, sorry to sound so full on, my thoughts are not to be taken aggressively in any way LOL
I just feel that comments hinting that digital is getting "close", or that it can't be called "yet" for digital over analog, have been circulating for years, pretty much since cd's introduction in 1983
And the quality gap STILL remains, as ever it has, in the things that analog is truly magical at doing